For one, your memory is just all over the place. You wouldn't be able to hold it together long enough to read from a teleprompter.
Think about if you ever had anyone close to you live with the disease. It gets worse day after day, its random when/if they have moments of clarity, they need help doing a lot of stuff (depending on how far advanced it is), and its a lot of repetition, talking in circles.
I am officially on the paid actor bandwagon. Something is just ... off about the whole thing
I agree totally. either there is an actor or it's all BS.
Yep, it has become more and more clear over the past 18 months that he is working/controlled by our side. I stopped believing the whole shit-for-brains act a while ago... too many incidents that look intentional.
Who knows if it's really him, or an actor, but doesn't matter because whoever he is, he's CLEARLY been on a mission to sabotage the Dem Party, and it's working.
If they are pumping him full of uppers it would look different than the usual progression. But I am undecided as well. If it's a paid actor then why any dementia?
His son has a great supply of uppers.
.... and his wife is a "doctor".......
I think that pumping a dementia pt full of uppers would increase confusion and agitation. Not make that person function correctly bc they are sped up.
as far as why the actor ... gotta have a reason to take him out, right?
Right, I don't know how they'd control the agitation part.
It only amplifies the Biden persona...
my mother in law has moderate to severe dementia. I know it's different for every pt, but there's no way, whatsoever, at all, that she could keep it together on uppers.
I watched my Mom go through it too. But she was calm, sweet, childlike. Asking the same questions repeatedly. Pretending like she knew who you were even if she didn't. But she was not on any meds.
It's tough, right? Real tough.
Sigh. A definite learning experience. I always felt blessed that she was so docile because looking around her nursing home and watching my Dad previously, not everyone is as "easy" as she was. She certainly wasn't always an "easy" person when she had her full faculties so there was so much to process as the roles changed.
He does have moments of agitation where he coldly attacks someone. Guy is aggressive as fuck, but does well hiding it normally.
I agree, my father's mom and a very close friend of my mom's ( who I've known my whole life ) had Alzheimer's. No way he could be able to be 'in the present' long enough
has biden surfaced since covid?
My timeline may be off, but in the past month, he's had:
All while China is sabre-rattling over Pelosi who appears to be blatantly insider trading again while also visiting Taiwan despite Chinese threats?
Feels like a distraction, honestly, but time will tell. If they're playing hide the cookie over the POTUS of all things, they must be running out of good cards. Something may very well be about to break.
has biden surfaced since obama lol
Amen and thank you. My husband lives with dementia. All his speech is canned and random, and mostly confined to declaring immediate needs, wants, and observations. Not seeing that with Brandon.
This is spot on. My mother has Alzheimers. Going on about 2 years since being diagnosed. I have the same level if skepticism as OP. It COULD be they have access to meds that extend his cognition clarity long enuf for him to be public for a short while. A great actor could mimic the movement behaviors of someone with dementia easily.
Typically would agree, but add to that the pictures of obama/biden and this biden ... something very off
Yes indeed. Very very off.
Leaving aside the non-blinking 'Joe' vid, I was sold on the actor thing when I saw the Biden vid on the dead terrorist thing.
That 'Joe' was moving deliberately -- in control, acting. Sway left. Sway right. Hands brushing the face. Hands nearly making a salute. Sway left. Sway right.
I saw a WH balcony vid -- one camera angle, no wide view, no other actors. Also acting deliberately. Some vids have very little face detail or contrast. Then I tried to study one indoor WH vid where his face had detail, and I noticed the forehead sometimes shimmers.
Good tech. Not perfect but very good. Too fishy.
Yes, dementia pts are not reliable.
Slow-Mo-Joe is a fake.
Camel-toe could be too.
Talking in circles? So it's actually Kamala with dementia then? And Biden is just a grumpy, old, spiteful, DICK?
He's got a demon(s) in him. How far can someone walk in darkness before they are completely consumed?
He walks too well for someone with dementia.
All to avoid prosecution. . Act like the village idiot long enough so many will feel sorry for him... While he laughs all the way to the bank.
It's a ruse.
Yep! Same here.
Drugs. Numerous witness state they see him taking meds prior to public speaking.
He's been giving speeches this whole life. Been reading from teleprompters for nearly two decades. That practice likely makes it easier for him.
It's conceivable that they keep him hidden until he has a rare moment of clarity.
Not dementia/Alzheimers.
(rapid grown clone degenerative syndrome)
Is POTATUS under your care? Have you examined him? No?? Then we can safely assume you're just breaking wind.