Tempers are flaring. There have been several videos in the past few days where people are accosting (one way or another) those who inflicted harm (one way or another). There will be more of this.
(That's a chance I'm willing to take,) I posted this as a joke , but it brought out plenty of virtue signaling fags, lol. What thin skin they have. Reddit much? 🤣
Mob justice has been wrong many times in the past, and there is a reason why we have learned that such capital punishment requires proof beyond a shadow of a doubt.
People have been executed or died in prison for raping or murdering someone before the advent of DNA testing, and were later found innocent..after their lives had already ended.
The person above suggested that it doesn't matter if he's innocent, it's "worth the risk", because to him even being accused of abusing children is enough to be murdered.
It is not thinking rationally, logically or morally.
It is different if it's, say, a dad who caught the act on person and kills the guy over it.
But execution by the people is supposed to come with proof that they were guilty of it. You can not just accuse someone of something and then kill them for it.
Additionally, and from another important point of view, by murdering someone who is innocent based on accusation alone, you are potentially depriving the victim of their justice. You are potentially allowing the person who actually committed the crime to walk free. That is also immoral.
Maybe you should do something to fix the legal system so that the right guy gets caught and then charged and then convicted if hes found guilty. How would you like to go to one of these parts of the world on a vacation and then somebody just randomly accuses you of stealing frof stealing from them and you didn't even do shit you're just walking through the fucking street and then suddenly a whole fucking crowd of people is beating you to death with like 2 by force and shit?
Those people don't just accuse people of crimes. They have a pretty good idea of what's going on, and usually have a confession , same thing they do to highwaymen and thieves. Pretty much gotta get caught red handed . You live in some kind of alternate reality. Have a good one.btw you spell like a collage grad🤣
Maybe you shouldn't attack someone else when you have so many errors in your post. He spelled every word correctly except "from", which he typed as "frof".
Also, using your idiocy means that MeToo was the right way to handle things; innocent people's lives destroyed at the simple accusation, and no recompense for it, their lives forever tarnished.
I guess Kavanaugh should have been imprisoned immediately upon accusations.
Trump should have been destroyed on the lies that they spread about him too.
No? Of course not. Because accusations do not equate to reality, and our entire foundation of justice is based upon the words "innocent until proven guilty". Everyone has a right to a trial.
One innocent person being held to account for the sins of another is incredibly retarded and I will call you out for suggesting that this is "worth the risk".
You cannot kill hundreds to stop one person, maybe.
The media has to use "allegedly" (and has been for more than just a few years...) is because direct statements don't give them plausible deniability to be free of lawsuits.
Well, gotta say. Hopefully it was him. Can't take this sort of punishment back.. so if an innocent man died and the actual filth still walks free, that's an issue.
Otherwise, it's cleaning up the planet and the left should be happy about one less useless feeder.
As much as I love seeing criminals getting what they deserve, be that what it may, this is dangerous.
Imagine a woman just pointing at a guy she doesn't care much about and saying "HE RAPED ME!!!", and then the mob inertia takes charge, at some point people don't even question anymore, they just go with the pack, plenty of evidence of that in the last 2 years....
The comments on this are what separates us from them. If this were a left leaning board and it was one of theirs raped, they would be dancing in the streets in their comments. The exact opposite is discussed here. We question whether he was even guilty and why mob mentality and vigilantly justice is not necessarily a good thing. This is the way a healthy mind works. If this man was innocent I pray he has been welcomed in the heavens, if he was guilty he will burn in hell.
In no way shape or form am I defending pedophiles when I say this, but I don't agree with burning someone alive in the middle of the street based off of an accusation. People in Nigeria get lynched in roughly the same fashion because some fucking idiot will randomly scream out and point at somebody and say that he stole his penis because he is a witch. Like it actually makes the news over there about people stealing other people's penises.
reminds me of the salem witch trials. burned just because someone accused them. dont like or want to tolerate pedophiles, but dont want to see innocent people caught up in nonsense.
I lived in the Yucatan and there were many rumors about incest and early sexualization within the mayan community, unfortunately, and they are the poorest and most looked down on in mexico. the police don't do much because they are underpaid and not protected and gangs run the show. my bf was murdered in a home invasion and there was no investigation to speak of. they are so fucked down there. i'm not in the least surprised the villagers took matters into their own hands.
I am sickened by his act of rape and murder of a six year old girl AND the way the crowd delivered justice. Where is this world heading? I feel not in a good direction!
Criminals need to fear their victims.
It's the only way.
Tempers are flaring. There have been several videos in the past few days where people are accosting (one way or another) those who inflicted harm (one way or another). There will be more of this.
Oh, I'm not criticizing. Just saying where this is headed.
Administer justice tribal style.
Accused, but did he actually do it.
Issue with Mob Justice. Sometimes the Mob kills the wrong person.
They knew who did it.
If no more kids get raped and die they got the right guy.
(That's a chance I'm willing to take,) I posted this as a joke , but it brought out plenty of virtue signaling fags, lol. What thin skin they have. Reddit much? 🤣
Your morality is trash then, and killing an innocent person will send you straight to hell and remove any virtuousness you believe you have.
How do you know he's innocent???
I didn't say he's innocent. Learn to read.
Mob justice has been wrong many times in the past, and there is a reason why we have learned that such capital punishment requires proof beyond a shadow of a doubt.
People have been executed or died in prison for raping or murdering someone before the advent of DNA testing, and were later found innocent..after their lives had already ended.
The person above suggested that it doesn't matter if he's innocent, it's "worth the risk", because to him even being accused of abusing children is enough to be murdered.
It is not thinking rationally, logically or morally.
It is different if it's, say, a dad who caught the act on person and kills the guy over it.
But execution by the people is supposed to come with proof that they were guilty of it. You can not just accuse someone of something and then kill them for it.
Additionally, and from another important point of view, by murdering someone who is innocent based on accusation alone, you are potentially depriving the victim of their justice. You are potentially allowing the person who actually committed the crime to walk free. That is also immoral.
Maybe you should do something to fix the legal system so that the right guy gets caught and then charged and then convicted if hes found guilty. How would you like to go to one of these parts of the world on a vacation and then somebody just randomly accuses you of stealing frof stealing from them and you didn't even do shit you're just walking through the fucking street and then suddenly a whole fucking crowd of people is beating you to death with like 2 by force and shit?
Those people don't just accuse people of crimes. They have a pretty good idea of what's going on, and usually have a confession , same thing they do to highwaymen and thieves. Pretty much gotta get caught red handed . You live in some kind of alternate reality. Have a good one.btw you spell like a collage grad🤣
kek "collage"
Maybe you shouldn't attack someone else when you have so many errors in your post. He spelled every word correctly except "from", which he typed as "frof".
Also, using your idiocy means that MeToo was the right way to handle things; innocent people's lives destroyed at the simple accusation, and no recompense for it, their lives forever tarnished.
I guess Kavanaugh should have been imprisoned immediately upon accusations.
Trump should have been destroyed on the lies that they spread about him too.
No? Of course not. Because accusations do not equate to reality, and our entire foundation of justice is based upon the words "innocent until proven guilty". Everyone has a right to a trial.
One innocent person being held to account for the sins of another is incredibly retarded and I will call you out for suggesting that this is "worth the risk".
You cannot kill hundreds to stop one person, maybe.
See, now you're retarded.
Someone isn't a pedophile just because you call them a pedophile.
If you kill one single innocent person, you deserve to be gunned down like filth.
Your self righteousness shows, let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
please reread what you just posted and explain the context to me. from your previous comments, I dont think you get what you are saying here.
You're not without sin if you kill an innocent person. It's not self righteousness; murdering an innocent person is a cardinal sin. Period.
The whole ‘alleged’ perp thing the media started using a few years ago, for perps on video committing what they committed, is coming full circle.
Karma bitches.
The media has to use "allegedly" (and has been for more than just a few years...) is because direct statements don't give them plausible deniability to be free of lawsuits.
Well, gotta say. Hopefully it was him. Can't take this sort of punishment back.. so if an innocent man died and the actual filth still walks free, that's an issue.
Otherwise, it's cleaning up the planet and the left should be happy about one less useless feeder.
As much as I love seeing criminals getting what they deserve, be that what it may, this is dangerous.
Imagine a woman just pointing at a guy she doesn't care much about and saying "HE RAPED ME!!!", and then the mob inertia takes charge, at some point people don't even question anymore, they just go with the pack, plenty of evidence of that in the last 2 years....
This will happen.
We saw that with MeToo. People were already viciously punished and lives ruined based on accusation alone.
It takes a village to save the children. Bet lefties are thinking twice about keeping police out of law and order now.
excellent point
The comments on this are what separates us from them. If this were a left leaning board and it was one of theirs raped, they would be dancing in the streets in their comments. The exact opposite is discussed here. We question whether he was even guilty and why mob mentality and vigilantly justice is not necessarily a good thing. This is the way a healthy mind works. If this man was innocent I pray he has been welcomed in the heavens, if he was guilty he will burn in hell.
Pedophiles are like a car that will never run right. They need to be crushed.
This is how all the elites need to go….
Isn't this how Freddy got his start back on Elm street?
What can we expect when there is no justice in the courts?
We dont need witch trials, but if he DID do it, he deserved it
In no way shape or form am I defending pedophiles when I say this, but I don't agree with burning someone alive in the middle of the street based off of an accusation. People in Nigeria get lynched in roughly the same fashion because some fucking idiot will randomly scream out and point at somebody and say that he stole his penis because he is a witch. Like it actually makes the news over there about people stealing other people's penises.
Thing is we don't know for sure if he was guilty. Seems there was no trial, just emotions.
Epstein got lucky.
reminds me of the salem witch trials. burned just because someone accused them. dont like or want to tolerate pedophiles, but dont want to see innocent people caught up in nonsense.
I lived in the Yucatan and there were many rumors about incest and early sexualization within the mayan community, unfortunately, and they are the poorest and most looked down on in mexico. the police don't do much because they are underpaid and not protected and gangs run the show. my bf was murdered in a home invasion and there was no investigation to speak of. they are so fucked down there. i'm not in the least surprised the villagers took matters into their own hands.
I accept this penal system
Good if he was, gotta be careful coz people may try the metoo thing... leftist parents have kids say a right winger touched their kids etc
Only mistake was telling the cops.
One less pedo
I am sickened by his act of rape and murder of a six year old girl AND the way the crowd delivered justice. Where is this world heading? I feel not in a good direction!
Christ. I hope he actually did it. Being accused doesn't mean he was guilty. People lie.
Man, the writer of this article pouring a lot of sympathy on the rapist. Maybe they should be paid a visit..
A few virtue signalers in the comments too
It's not virtue signaling to shit on mob justice without a trial.
Morality > conformity. Every time. I stand by our foundational laws. You clearly do not.
🙄 of coarse dear, your shit don't stink.
I see nutting....