posted ago by Evearte ago by Evearte +249 / -0

Maybe this has already been said and its just my opinion but i'll put it out there anyway.

I've read every drop multiple times. One of the things that constantly happens is that anons within decodes are constantly trying to apply drops to a particular event in time. Like " see, i believe this drop was referring to this" etc. A singular event. At least what i've come to notice though is that the drops always have an ability to point to multiple events. Which on the surface can make us look silly, like we are scrambling in the dark to find their meaning when we trying to apply them to a singular event. But what if the drops are really the language by which we communicate with the team, kind of like learning spanish for example. A map is a representation for the lay of the land. Language is a map that enables us all to describe the things that collectively we all commonly see and think and allows us to give directions to ideas and thoughts and such. So now think of the term "news unlocks the map" in relationship to language. When an event happens and its in the news, use the map or the language to understand whats going on or where we are going. Learn our comms literally means just that, learn our comms, or more appropriately "learn our language", learn how to speak with us. This means a drop can be used multiple times in reference to something and is more an identification abstract than an absolute value.

One of the most incredible things about the drops is how multi layered they are in that not only were they at times talking to us, but also talking to them as well as leaving crumbs for us to dig on things we now have come to discover exist. If I were say on the Q team and tasked with how to formulate a plan to communicate with the American people, give them information while also realizing I am protecting national security and keeping my hands clean of violating it legally, and knowing that my enemy was watching and listening, how would I go about that. I would probably develop a language that alluded to things in a way that could be understood to mean certain things but could not be tied to any particular "thing or event" that would compromise the position we are in. Like using the word "Drove" what the word means is in relation to the context its being used. "he drove the car" " the wind drove the leaves away" 'the comedian drove me nuts" its all about context not the word directly. Using drops as information vectors, allows us to figure them out in relation to context and not absolute events. This not only absolves Q of liability for giving away secrets etc, but it also allows us to have a dialogue to the events going on right now.

"You have more than you know" now becomes way more expansive because as a language the Q drops are an infinite value rather than a determinate one as they now are serving as words in a dialogue rather than being "one and done" so to speak.

I hope I made sense. Maybe you all know this already or maybe i'm way off base. Heck what do I know. I'm just a blue collar joe trying to keep my head on straight in all this craziness.

Back to my covfefe all, Cheers.