Seriously! I mentioned in another thread that Dr. Jill's style - if one could call it that - looks like White Hats are in charge of her awful wardrobe choices made from tablecloth and upholstery fabrics. Worse than Big Mike's outfits...and that's saying something.
Yeah, one would think the woke-@ss stylist types at Vogue would attempt to give the First Lady even a slight makeover. I know those fashionista types and they loathe the kind of get-ups Dr. Jill is wearing. Something very off here.
My favorite meme is the one that says "Who wore it better - Jill or Hunter's crack couch?" Jill's dress looked almost exactly like the couch Hunter was smoking dope on. Hilarious!
Vogue will probably give her a trend setting style award. Remember “ The emperor has no clothes” oh $hit! That’s a horrifying thought and the one thing that would look worse than that dress!
Pretty sure the dress is meant to expose the shoulders and be pulled down about 6 inches, but that is a dress for a teen girl. Why does Jill still try to maintain the affectation that she's the teen babysitter still?
She looks like an old hag. She and Micheal were the worst dressed first “ladies”! The best dressed were Jackie Kennedy, Nancy Reagan and Melania Trump.
Should be in one of those This is what I ordered, and this is what I got instead tweets. My daughters had similar looking dresses. When they were three.
WTF?? I feel a little sorry for this creature. This looks like a paper-doll dress is pasted on a cut-out of Jill. Does she not have ANYONE who will tell her the truth??
Who let her out of the house like that? It looks like someone whipped up a dress using a pair of Woopie's disposable underwear.
Surely, we have Melania choosing Jill's outfit to humiliate her even more.
Seriously! I mentioned in another thread that Dr. Jill's style - if one could call it that - looks like White Hats are in charge of her awful wardrobe choices made from tablecloth and upholstery fabrics. Worse than Big Mike's outfits...and that's saying something.
Big Mike has to hide some things....😉. Usually got the fashionable stuff off the Dollar General Clearance rack on MLK Blvd by the Bath House.
Are you from Chicago? I heard Obama and Rahm used to go to the bathhouse over on Broadway somewhere
I think you are probably correct. Who dresses like that?
Yeah, one would think the woke-@ss stylist types at Vogue would attempt to give the First Lady even a slight makeover. I know those fashionista types and they loathe the kind of get-ups Dr. Jill is wearing. Something very off here.
My favorite meme is the one that says "Who wore it better - Jill or Hunter's crack couch?" Jill's dress looked almost exactly like the couch Hunter was smoking dope on. Hilarious!
Vogue will probably give her a trend setting style award. Remember “ The emperor has no clothes” oh $hit! That’s a horrifying thought and the one thing that would look worse than that dress!
You're giving me nightmares! LOL!
haha, now it makes sense!
Yes, the first thought I had was an adult diaper!
Pretty sure the dress is meant to expose the shoulders and be pulled down about 6 inches, but that is a dress for a teen girl. Why does Jill still try to maintain the affectation that she's the teen babysitter still?
She's still a baby sitter to an adult toddler, though. ;)
The English have a great expression for this type of situation, "Mutton dressed as Lamb".
Is that the same thing as trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear?
Brought to you by the makers of...Hospital Gowns!
So that's what happened to the curtains.
remember her hooker outfit??
Ya those sunglasses look retarded lol
Is that Kieth Richards in a dress?
She looks like an old hag. She and Micheal were the worst dressed first “ladies”! The best dressed were Jackie Kennedy, Nancy Reagan and Melania Trump.
Yeah, that does not look like her.
Either it’s a stand-in, or the lighting and photoshopping in all her other photos and news clips is off the charts!
Agree. I don’t think it is her
Good Lord. It’s like 2 extremes-the always impeccable and glamorous First Lady we had in Melania, now this hideous mess.
That sums up the entire movie we’re watch. Upside down world.
I've seen 3,000 year old egyptian mummies that look better than that thing. Most of them are far better dressed as well.
i'll never wear ray bans again, don't want any association what so ever !
Jill looks like the adrenochrome wore off fast.
Obviously bought that online 3 for 9.99. Ships from China.
Should be in one of those This is what I ordered, and this is what I got instead tweets. My daughters had similar looking dresses. When they were three.
Flexx-Rap Tape
The trim on the sleeves in yellow and blue is called rick rack. Usually used in baby and toddler dresses.
I shop a lot. I love clothes. I have not seen this dress in any store.
Your wish is my command
Hmm, interesting.
Of note: Beach Blanket Babylon - BBB - bbb - 666
And that voice...
Force or consent?
She offered a premonition of her own death on a chat show shortly after outing big mike and his dangleberries, then this...
She certainly went for surgery, just not quite the official 'op'.
she's worn plenty of upholstery, now curtains.. worst dressed faux first lady ever
Big Mike was a close second.
I so miss Joan Rivers.
Her dresses remind me of Carol Burnett as Scarlett O’Hara
Went with the Wind
My wife’s pretty convinced Rivers is not only alive but playing Pelosi. I’m on the fence.
What in the world was she wearing. I know she was killed because she let the world know Michelle was a guy.
She must be dyslexic. Thinking she is 17 NOT 71.
That would be laughable... if it wasn't so pathetic.
This woman loves to steal peoples curtains....Joan is laughing like crazy.
Jill you can’t wear this anymore STOP!
WTF?? I feel a little sorry for this creature. This looks like a paper-doll dress is pasted on a cut-out of Jill. Does she not have ANYONE who will tell her the truth??
they look worse than my grannies curtains after getting wrapped up in her wringer-washer!... Goodwill would never take that outfit!
OMG, looks like she's missed a few doses of her adrenachrome fix.
Joepedo's babysitter shops at Forever71.
It probably looked a lot nicer in the WISH dotcom ad.
What an ugly fucking dress on the First Whore!
What is that in her hand Joeys Diaper?
OMG!!!! Can't anyone help her dress??? She is the worse!! My eyes hurt!
She's an "Antedians" with sunglasses!! - - -
Many normies who didn't know who she was and saw her on the street would think to themselves, "I bet she has Monkeypox."