KY went for Trump in 2016 and 2020, we have a Dem state gov cause the last guy, a Repub, went up against the teachers union and got his ass handed to him. Louisville and Lexington, our two largest cities, are longtime lib strongholds. You should have heard the bitching last year from the libs after Aaron Lewis of Staind appeared at Louder than Life festival here in Louisville wearing an Impeach Biden hat and led us in a LOUD 'FUCK BIDEN' chant. Good times. :)
That was just the cover story for the steal. Just how many teachers do you think there are compared to the general population? Besides that, only a percentage of teachers have barain-damage, not all.
All state pensioners would have been affected by Bevins assinine plan to gut pensions. He still managed to garner 48% of the vote but police, fire, teachers are almost universally conservative in my state except for those 2 cities but they make up less then 25% of the vote. I penciled in Rand Paul for governor because as a retired 28 year law enforcement veteran I'd be dated if I let Matt Bevin destroy my pension.
I'd buy him a beer, maybe a burger. And maybe, just a tube of some triple antibiotic ointment for those scratches on his legs...I'm not a totally uncivilized savage...
Not just that, but this guy is making things worse, not better. Internal jokes like on our forums are one thing. This guy is being unnecessarily antagonistic.
KY went for Trump in 2016 and 2020, we have a Dem state gov cause the last guy, a Repub, went up against the teachers union and got his ass handed to him. Louisville and Lexington, our two largest cities, are longtime lib strongholds. You should have heard the bitching last year from the libs after Aaron Lewis of Staind appeared at Louder than Life festival here in Louisville wearing an Impeach Biden hat and led us in a LOUD 'FUCK BIDEN' chant. Good times. :)
The cheating on Adolph Andy’s behalf didn’t help either.
That was just the cover story for the steal. Just how many teachers do you think there are compared to the general population? Besides that, only a percentage of teachers have barain-damage, not all.
All state pensioners would have been affected by Bevins assinine plan to gut pensions. He still managed to garner 48% of the vote but police, fire, teachers are almost universally conservative in my state except for those 2 cities but they make up less then 25% of the vote. I penciled in Rand Paul for governor because as a retired 28 year law enforcement veteran I'd be dated if I let Matt Bevin destroy my pension.
Bevin was trying to fix the unsustainable pension in the state that was being robbed from over decades.
This guy doesn't go to parties. He is the party.
Please buy the guy coffee if you see him.
LOL. Give him coffee for bravery.
This entire picture is great!
Now THAT's how to be a glowfag, faggots
Murica' F ug Yeah!
Home Sweet Home!
Kentucky represent!
He is most definitely a thoroughbred.
I'd buy him a beer, maybe a burger. And maybe, just a tube of some triple antibiotic ointment for those scratches on his legs...I'm not a totally uncivilized savage...
He looks like a cousin of mine in WA
They will beat him into oblivion if he wears that in WA. I know.
Should be titled:
How to Make Friends and Influence People
I don't drink beer anymore but if I did, It would be with this guy.
Missing one 'f' word.
What do this guy and unhinged leftists have in common? Quite a lot...
At a State Fair, so lots of kids there. No thanks, keep it for your friends at the local bar.
Let go the pearls and take a deep breath.
That all you got? Meh
Not just that, but this guy is making things worse, not better. Internal jokes like on our forums are one thing. This guy is being unnecessarily antagonistic.
Yes. Even I though I agree with the message, wrong venue, and really crude.
Perhaps wrong venue and minus the cusswords, I agree
You, want to tell him that?
As a matter of fact, I kinda do...