But may took it in the early days. I know a lot of good people who got it. These people don’t deserved what happened. Unfortunately, I suspect most people who got the vax will look like this in the next 18 months as their immune system breaks down.
Well... it's a tale so ludacris, very few believe?
You see, there's long been a battle of Dark v Light- and perhaps since, at least Babylon, Dark has had the upper hand? But darkness is wise, a conglomerate of evil doers which stay in the shadows... a collective of so-called elites, secret societies, governement entitities, a collage of generally bad people and, most importantly- Satanists, all assigned with the most nefarious of deeds... deeds designed by something so devilish that no good natured, loving soul would believe...
because of those assholes who lined up and WANTED the fucking shot the government was able to force me to take the kill shot to keep my job and not have my family homeless. Fuck anyone that took it willingly.
Why did YOU allow them to do this?
Why didn't YOU listen?
Why did you TRUST them?
YOLO Choices have consequences. 98%+ untreated survival rate.... OMG FREE DONUT
Because they hate you
Our greatest ally?
:>) Those blisters and sores aren't the only problem.
You are now STERILE. You can't have kids anymore... and will probably die of cancer or blood clots within 2-years.
People have been warning for over a year NOT to take the depopulation shot.
You have to take it to find out what's in it. Did she not get the message? LOL
"Why did they do this to us?" Great question. How much time do you have to listen?
Under normal circumstances a normie will listen for 3 seconds.
She would give a longer span of attention now.
She has started a Vax injury support group
How else would you know it’s wErKiNg?
They asked you for a really big favor while they still had the Guidestones up, telling you how much they hate you.
But may took it in the early days. I know a lot of good people who got it. These people don’t deserved what happened. Unfortunately, I suspect most people who got the vax will look like this in the next 18 months as their immune system breaks down.
"Why did they do this to us"
Well... it's a tale so ludacris, very few believe?
You see, there's long been a battle of Dark v Light- and perhaps since, at least Babylon, Dark has had the upper hand? But darkness is wise, a conglomerate of evil doers which stay in the shadows... a collective of so-called elites, secret societies, governement entitities, a collage of generally bad people and, most importantly- Satanists, all assigned with the most nefarious of deeds... deeds designed by something so devilish that no good natured, loving soul would believe...
We tried to warn them
Faces of mRNA
looks like she got a piece of bad schwantz
Scary if true, but that looks like a syphilis infection.
that's methed up
Not to be a dick, but the second thing I noticed, is the gold top LP, hanging on the wall.
I somehow feel bad for these people, AND vengeful and spiteful, all at once.
because of those assholes who lined up and WANTED the fucking shot the government was able to force me to take the kill shot to keep my job and not have my family homeless. Fuck anyone that took it willingly.
I told my Mew York based company to shove the shot up their asses along with their masks.
Had to get a new job... ZERO regret.
These poor people don’t understand that they did this to them because they want them fucking dead. Period.