Israel provided the explosives expert and demolition crews, Saudi Arabia provided the Terrorist narrative and funding, USA coordinated this operation in order to launder some DOD funds, and go into the Middle East.
Reminder: as with anything, the bad Jews in their evil government are NOT representative of the Jews as a whole. Just as Islamic terrorists don't represent all Muslims and Westboro Baptists don't speak on behalf of all Christians.
While you are correct, no one should think the jewish person down the street is the issue, anymore than the muslim down the street. BUt we are pattern matching animals, and ignoring patterns isn't wise.
Especially when it goes on for century's and century's, all over the world, according to various accounts - all of which say the same thing.
Again, that doesn't mean the dude down the street deserves to be attacked.
Very true, I tried a couple of times on Reddit to explain there by saying:
Consider a house party. You(royal you obv) and your buddies go to it and a huge fight breaks out. The cops are called, there is blood all over the place. You say the house owners started it, they say you did. There is no way of knowing who did what to whom.
A week later, there is a new house party. You and your buddies go to it and a huge fight breaks out. The cops are called, there is a dead dog, blood all over the place. You say the house owners started it, they say you did. Who knows, but sure is weird.
A week later, there is a brand new house party a state over. You and your buddies go to it and a huge fight breaks out. The cops are called, there is a dead dog, blood all over the place. You say the house owners started it, they say you did...
Repeat that another 35 times - and I don't think anyone, anywhere would say it was all the house owners that we the problem.
People just might deduce that root cause of all those problems, at all those houses, were in fact you and your buddies. If you and your buddies had enough pull and power, I bet you'd make it hard/illegal for all those house owners to speak out against you and your buds.
Saudi Arbia, Israel and the Bush admin are all guilty. They each played a part to pull off 9/11. They left many clues to their guilt and didn't expect Trump entering the scene.
Isreal is last because isreal was first. Isreal was made a nation in order to give power to the deep state. They now operate out of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and many other nations. DC being the biggest one. Dc Uk and Vatican all have what in common? This is a war that has been going on for over 100 years. The same people who killed jfk also did 911. The web is ver intricate and well connected but you have to remember that Isreal was not made a state by God it was the triangle bankers. The cabal if you will. The mafia, those who claim to be Jews but are not. It’s deeper than this. Wayyyyy deeper than 911
can somoene please explain to me why Jews are so heavily protected by Christians? I had a discussion with a Jewish person I'm close with and he went full demonic on me when discussing Jesus. I have no idea why it came up either, he doesn't even know I'm Christian. But clearly I'm not a very well versed Christian so would like someone to explain it to me.
Christian here. There’s a passage in Genesis where God talks to Abraham and basically says “whoever blesses you will be blessed, and whoever curses you shall be cursed… and in you shall all the nations of the earth be blessed”. That last part is explained by the fact that Jesus is a descendant of Abraham and has provided salvation for all people. I think most Christians, including my own church, misinterpret the first part to mean that we always have to support Jews and the nation of Israel in everything they do. Hence America’s long term support of Israel.
I think Israel should exist as a nation (they’re better than the Muslims who want all of us dead), but they shouldn’t need American military or foreign aid to do it. America shouldn’t be in the business of propping up other nations, or giving foreign aid to anyone. We have our own problems to deal with and should put America First.
If it is proven that Mossad or other elements of the Israeli government are responsible for 9/11, then they should be prosecuted and punished accordingly, and should not be given a free pass just because they’re Jews. At the same time, Jews who had nothing to do with that atrocity shouldn’t be blamed or punished for the acts of their countrymen.
With regards to the Jew you talked to who reacted negatively to the mention of Jesus, can’t say I’m surprised.
“He came into His own, and His own received Him not”
John 1:11
La cosa nostra, Israeli and Italian mafia (Vatican sponsored).
Israel has been run by vile arms dealers since its inception, who profit off seeing their own people slaughtered.
Rewatched world war z and Israel knew about an impending zombie pandemic and built a wall a week before the outbreak getting ahead of other countries. Movie implied how did isreal know so prophetically? Or did isreal plan the whole thing?
Israel provided the explosives expert and demolition crews, Saudi Arabia provided the Terrorist narrative and funding, USA coordinated this operation in order to launder some DOD funds, and go into the Middle East.
Meanwhile,once again, common citizens paid the expendable price.
Still waiting for justice. Saving them for last better be a real righteous punishment
Rumsfeld: Trillions missing in mil audit. 9/11 happens. Everyone forgets about the trillions
Reminder: as with anything, the bad Jews in their evil government are NOT representative of the Jews as a whole. Just as Islamic terrorists don't represent all Muslims and Westboro Baptists don't speak on behalf of all Christians.
Evil is simply evil and can assume all forms.
While you are correct, no one should think the jewish person down the street is the issue, anymore than the muslim down the street. BUt we are pattern matching animals, and ignoring patterns isn't wise.
Especially when it goes on for century's and century's, all over the world, according to various accounts - all of which say the same thing.
Again, that doesn't mean the dude down the street deserves to be attacked.
This used to be called common sense before pc culture changed people to decide with emotions instead
Very true, I tried a couple of times on Reddit to explain there by saying:
Consider a house party. You(royal you obv) and your buddies go to it and a huge fight breaks out. The cops are called, there is blood all over the place. You say the house owners started it, they say you did. There is no way of knowing who did what to whom.
A week later, there is a new house party. You and your buddies go to it and a huge fight breaks out. The cops are called, there is a dead dog, blood all over the place. You say the house owners started it, they say you did. Who knows, but sure is weird.
A week later, there is a brand new house party a state over. You and your buddies go to it and a huge fight breaks out. The cops are called, there is a dead dog, blood all over the place. You say the house owners started it, they say you did...
Repeat that another 35 times - and I don't think anyone, anywhere would say it was all the house owners that we the problem.
People just might deduce that root cause of all those problems, at all those houses, were in fact you and your buddies. If you and your buddies had enough pull and power, I bet you'd make it hard/illegal for all those house owners to speak out against you and your buds.
Do y'all remember the picture that MSM said were Muslims celebrating 911 right after but you could see Star of David medals on their neck chains?
So they are back up?!
Saudi Arbia, Israel and the Bush admin are all guilty. They each played a part to pull off 9/11. They left many clues to their guilt and didn't expect Trump entering the scene.
Trump hasn’t said or done much about 9/11…
He did say publicly within the last few weeks, "we still don't know what happened on 9/11“, I paraphrase.
I suspect we really do know what happened. Loose Change came out 6 months after the event, and explained it all quite thoroughly.
True. I guess we're really waiting for the government to admit the dirty details of what really happened.
Is that the name of a Youtube account? u/Mountaing8
nope, it is a movie. I think there were a couple of them, including one called zietgiest or something?
Thanks fren! Will dig...
I found Loose Change and ReTruthed it on my Truth Social account...same name as here.
Save Israel for last. Appear weak when you are strong, appear strong when weak.
But trump Always appears strong…..
One fire at a time, yeesh.
Isreal is last because isreal was first. Isreal was made a nation in order to give power to the deep state. They now operate out of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and many other nations. DC being the biggest one. Dc Uk and Vatican all have what in common? This is a war that has been going on for over 100 years. The same people who killed jfk also did 911. The web is ver intricate and well connected but you have to remember that Isreal was not made a state by God it was the triangle bankers. The cabal if you will. The mafia, those who claim to be Jews but are not. It’s deeper than this. Wayyyyy deeper than 911
can somoene please explain to me why Jews are so heavily protected by Christians? I had a discussion with a Jewish person I'm close with and he went full demonic on me when discussing Jesus. I have no idea why it came up either, he doesn't even know I'm Christian. But clearly I'm not a very well versed Christian so would like someone to explain it to me.
Christian here. There’s a passage in Genesis where God talks to Abraham and basically says “whoever blesses you will be blessed, and whoever curses you shall be cursed… and in you shall all the nations of the earth be blessed”. That last part is explained by the fact that Jesus is a descendant of Abraham and has provided salvation for all people. I think most Christians, including my own church, misinterpret the first part to mean that we always have to support Jews and the nation of Israel in everything they do. Hence America’s long term support of Israel.
I think Israel should exist as a nation (they’re better than the Muslims who want all of us dead), but they shouldn’t need American military or foreign aid to do it. America shouldn’t be in the business of propping up other nations, or giving foreign aid to anyone. We have our own problems to deal with and should put America First.
If it is proven that Mossad or other elements of the Israeli government are responsible for 9/11, then they should be prosecuted and punished accordingly, and should not be given a free pass just because they’re Jews. At the same time, Jews who had nothing to do with that atrocity shouldn’t be blamed or punished for the acts of their countrymen.
With regards to the Jew you talked to who reacted negatively to the mention of Jesus, can’t say I’m surprised.
“He came into His own, and His own received Him not” John 1:11
They aren’t given a free pass bc they’re Jews. They’re given a free pass bc isreal controls congress and senate
Well that looks like interesting reading. Oy vey, they nose!
Go share this on you have the answers they've been seeking...
La cosa nostra, Israeli and Italian mafia (Vatican sponsored). Israel has been run by vile arms dealers since its inception, who profit off seeing their own people slaughtered.
Rewatched world war z and Israel knew about an impending zombie pandemic and built a wall a week before the outbreak getting ahead of other countries. Movie implied how did isreal know so prophetically? Or did isreal plan the whole thing?
Is that you Netanyahu?
Lawd I love that word....'plethora' Gives me a rise in my levi's.
Egregious is my other fav.
Yeah! You tell that stupid handshake what's up- oh uh wait a second... The non handshake is the faggot!?!?!
That non handshake account is being the faggot while you, the handshake are the voice of reason when it's typically the other way around.
Why is this your tenth account?
Okay, Jonestard.