“And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.”
So 10 elites secretly rule, who have received power from the devil.
13 These have ONE MIND, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
They work as a secret cabal. They share the same goals and work together. For satan.
14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called and chosen, and faithful.
They are actively at war with Jesus.
15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
Where the statue of liberty sits, where there is a melting pot of a nation is America.
Built in the image of Roman Liberty Goddess, Libertas, who was originally known as Ishtar by the Babylonians.
She was called the matron Goddess of Prostitution because she promoted sexual freedom. At the time, slaves considered her their Goddess in the hopes of winning their freedom.
Libertas was also Goddess of War in order to fight for freedom, and also Goddess of Victory because freedom must have victory in order to survive. Libertas was also the goddess of immigrants
Known as the Mother of Harlots by Roman Historian Cicero’s writings.
In Greek she was called Astarte, which became Aphrodite.
16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
Flesh is written as sarx, which could mean many things, (flesh, physical body, spiritual body, nature (carnal mind))
The elite who worship satan and has his power hate America and want America to be stripped of power, to destroy the country and its resources, to suffer and be destroyed
17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
In the end, the evil elite are accidentally doing God's will to fulfill his word. Just as the Palestinians did by bricking up the east gate.
18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
I'm sorry, "the whore" isn't America or the statue of liberty. It's most likely the Vatican/Roman Catholic church. "The Two Babylons" by Hislop is one of the best books on this topic. I'd also highly recommend Chuck Missler's video series on Revelation. It's the best I've seen on the topic by far.
"The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth" There is only one place That describes a whore sitting in water. I understand how you could think it's where the queen site but then the next wouldn't really make sense.
"are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues" America is the only melting pot nation on earth where there are a great many nationals and languages.
To the Jews, "The waters" meant the gentile world and people surrounding the Mediterranean. It was a common idiom. I think this explains your second quote as well.
I see, so do you believe that we should not interpret revelations as if they were written for us (the people of today), for the people near the end times to read and understand? but instead, written for the ancient Jews to understand well before anything like this would pass?
I think Babylon the great is America. I think the whore might be Israel, and the beast she rides on might either be the EU or the UN. America is the number one economy, makes sense because many have gotten rich of her. The whore is Israel because Israel makes alliances with anyone and everyone out of self interest. They sell state secrets to enemies of their Allies for self preservation. Sooner or later the beast they ride on will devour them, when all the nations turn against them. The pope and the Roman Catholic Church I think serves the position of anti christ and the beast system. One world religion, sooner or later the church will deny Christ, as shocking as that sounds.
We really don't know, do we? Every generation seems to have a different interpretation. I chuckle now about the interpretation Hal Lindsey had in the "Great Late Planet Earth" back in the 1970s.
To me, mystery Babylon is the international corporations and its adherence to international Admiralty Law.
The whore (false church) has daughters (protestant churches).
Waters = Europe or 10 nations from old Rome. 3 were ripped out by the roots by the little horn which came up in the middle of the 10 Roman subdivisions.
The woman (true remnant church) fled persecution and found safety in the wilderness (pilgrims in America)
This land protected religious freedom for a little while (300 years)
America was founded on Christian principles (spoke like a lamb) but will speak like the dragon soon. How does a nation speak, with laws.
The stark difference in that mindset is (True) Christians who don't fear the end is not to quicken that ending (suicide), but looking at death as a mere passage to life eternal, based on the free gift of grace provided by Christ's death at the cross. Death is, in a sense, a relief to the vile sin-filled world we live in. There is no earthly utopia, not even in the USA as it was intended. It may be the best form of government, it may be the most blessed form of government, it (US government) is not and will never be a perfect government, nor will any earthly government. Original sin and personal sin, etc.
There will be an end to the earth as we know it. We are overdue for the 12,000-year cycle and the ice age that will follow. The poles are moving faster each year.
I think it's written in a timeline we are doomed to reach but if we follow it's warnings we can hopefully avoid. Unfortunately we've fulfilled most of it
Nah, we won't avoid it. Even the vast majority of professing Christians can't get the day of worship right. Protestants left the pagan, sun god worshiping Catholic church, but didn't change the day of worship back to God's Holy Sabbath.
You know, one of the ten commandments.
If professing "christians" can't even get one of the simplest ten commandments right (How hard is it to just go to church on the right fucking day??), then we have little hope of avoiding the destruction that's coming.
Technically you don’t need to go to church. Going to church is a very small almost insignificant part of it. The root of Christianity is to accept the blood of Christ and his body as our saving sacrifice. The believe without proof of this sacrifice guarantees the cleansing of our sin and we are made clean before all mighty God. Jesus Christ is not our executioner, he is our salvation. God is judge and his Angels will be the ones doing the punishment and waging war for his glory.
That might be a bit too critical. Though I agree with the premise that modern feel good christianity isn't helping progress, it wouldn't take much, now that people are doing independent research, to show them that the bible is and may be the only cumulative document that is in mass print left that helps us answer questions of the past and future. It's not only a book of life guidance, it's a codex of sorts. It may have been altered a bit here and there, but those people too were stupid and scoffed at the texts being literal that they left the real history and warnings in there, we just have to read them in a logical sense rather than a "passage". It's a big discussion and I love entertaining possible theories (including mudfood, giants, eden/Atlantis and Sirius star system heritage) that the bible canonically validates. But I wouldn't doom it, though if I was presented with the same info. several years ago I would probably agree with you. I've learned a lot since then. Christianity in it's modern state needs a heavy wake up call.
The kingdom of heaven is within you..we are the temple..our pineal gland connects us to higher forces...what need of a church controlling us telling us what to do when we can obey our conscience within us
Just happens to be the same time the aliens invaded..the elohim/annanuki/ lords/judges/kings/Jehovah/anodai /archangels/malacci/gavriELs/etc. There is so much evidence and the sooner the Bible is withdrawn with all its cruelty racial hatred oppression etc the better
Can't agree about the Christ being the embodiment of divine love. I remember hearing the story of the crucifixion and the guilt- I felt and also anger that I didn't ask anyone to die for me....I was only young but that feeling never left. It is designed to do what it did..guilt...the negative emotion that hooks you in to mother church. ..
guilt is a terrible emotion to have and no divine love would do that. What sin needed someone dying for? and how could someone else's blood redeem anyone?.
There was an invention of original sin....a fairy story of Adam and Eve and an apple ..and the woman ate the apple..a Jewish way of saying ate the fruit....had sex....which is what we have to do to keep humanity alive...so....the need for a redeemer arose....problem reaction solution....classic cabal action. A way to control humanity.
There have been sixteen such redeemers ...look them up...all the same pagan /astrotheology story....December birth Easter death rising on third day..lamb of god..died for our sins 12 disciples etc . The story of the passage of the sun who seems to die for three days....
There was a Jesus they say but the story is different
There is perfect love which is explained in the Bible. We are destined to repeat this life acquiring more of the traits of love until we can stop reincarnating here..or is this another tale? Who knows for sure
The nature of REVELATION - SINGULAR - as with almost all Biblical prophesy is that it has type occurrences before the final fulfilment. You cannot understand the Bible with a world mindset but a Hebrew mindset.
You are talking rubbish. To even think the omnipotent omnipresent God of all creation would kill his own creation.....you confuse the god of love with the vengeful yehwah of the bible...an alien who even his own people hated....he nuked sumaria to kill Marduk ..an elohim like himself ..sodom and Gomorrah too .a vengeful jealous revengeful drunken murderous alien
..and you confuse him with the god of all creation..all worlds..all universes..all galaxies..world's without end?
The truth is coming out that the churches have hidden while men in frocks control the world...it's ending
It's the mindset of God - in case you missed it Jesus was a Jew, an Israelite a Hebrew, you don't want His mindset?
Jesus, a Jew, and Israelite, a Hebrew who so loved you that He gave Himself, spilled His Hebrew blood for your sins and mine - you don't want His mindset?
Except for Luke and Acts and a small portion of Daniel the whole Bible was written by Israelites! With their mindset.
(Romans 10) Paul says that we are wild olives grafted in to Israel, you don't want that mindset? He goes on to say at 10:26 that All Israel will be saved.
If God has a language it is Hebrew - you don't want that?
You may want to check out this explanation of the seven headed dragon and how it relates to the ten horned Antichrist. https://youtu.be/HO0vdOE3cfQ It includes many more references throughout history than the USA focused explanation you are giving.
Rev is 100% about America without a doubt!
I'm sorry, "the whore" isn't America or the statue of liberty. It's most likely the Vatican/Roman Catholic church. "The Two Babylons" by Hislop is one of the best books on this topic. I'd also highly recommend Chuck Missler's video series on Revelation. It's the best I've seen on the topic by far.
The reason I think it is America is that
"The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth" There is only one place That describes a whore sitting in water. I understand how you could think it's where the queen site but then the next wouldn't really make sense.
"are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues" America is the only melting pot nation on earth where there are a great many nationals and languages.
To the Jews, "The waters" meant the gentile world and people surrounding the Mediterranean. It was a common idiom. I think this explains your second quote as well.
I think you mean Israelites.
I see, so do you believe that we should not interpret revelations as if they were written for us (the people of today), for the people near the end times to read and understand? but instead, written for the ancient Jews to understand well before anything like this would pass?
I think Babylon the great is America. I think the whore might be Israel, and the beast she rides on might either be the EU or the UN. America is the number one economy, makes sense because many have gotten rich of her. The whore is Israel because Israel makes alliances with anyone and everyone out of self interest. They sell state secrets to enemies of their Allies for self preservation. Sooner or later the beast they ride on will devour them, when all the nations turn against them. The pope and the Roman Catholic Church I think serves the position of anti christ and the beast system. One world religion, sooner or later the church will deny Christ, as shocking as that sounds.
I think Babylon the great is the Ancient Babylonian Cult of Death.
It's not a country.
It's a system.
It poisons everyone.
In the US, it's the DNC, the Deep State, all the globalists.
The remnant in Christ will STAND and firght though
Europe is a place of many languages and nations.
But the guy above is correct, the whore is the Vatican.
It's the aliens....
Also the ten horns in her crown
"ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings" Does her crown represent 10 kings?
^^^ I second this ^^^
We really don't know, do we? Every generation seems to have a different interpretation. I chuckle now about the interpretation Hal Lindsey had in the "Great Late Planet Earth" back in the 1970s.
To me, mystery Babylon is the international corporations and its adherence to international Admiralty Law.
Fits better for the following:
God is all loving, but He is also a Holy, Righteous, Judge.
The stark difference in that mindset is (True) Christians who don't fear the end is not to quicken that ending (suicide), but looking at death as a mere passage to life eternal, based on the free gift of grace provided by Christ's death at the cross. Death is, in a sense, a relief to the vile sin-filled world we live in. There is no earthly utopia, not even in the USA as it was intended. It may be the best form of government, it may be the most blessed form of government, it (US government) is not and will never be a perfect government, nor will any earthly government. Original sin and personal sin, etc.
It's not what the Bible says.
Amos 5:18
Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end is it for you? the day of the LORD is darkness, and not light.
I see what you're saying now. Agreed.
There will be an end to the earth as we know it. We are overdue for the 12,000-year cycle and the ice age that will follow. The poles are moving faster each year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAlyvbt8Nlk&t=12s
NONE of Scripture is sus. Which parts would that be?
I think it's written in a timeline we are doomed to reach but if we follow it's warnings we can hopefully avoid. Unfortunately we've fulfilled most of it
Nah, we won't avoid it. Even the vast majority of professing Christians can't get the day of worship right. Protestants left the pagan, sun god worshiping Catholic church, but didn't change the day of worship back to God's Holy Sabbath.
You know, one of the ten commandments.
If professing "christians" can't even get one of the simplest ten commandments right (How hard is it to just go to church on the right fucking day??), then we have little hope of avoiding the destruction that's coming.
Technically you don’t need to go to church. Going to church is a very small almost insignificant part of it. The root of Christianity is to accept the blood of Christ and his body as our saving sacrifice. The believe without proof of this sacrifice guarantees the cleansing of our sin and we are made clean before all mighty God. Jesus Christ is not our executioner, he is our salvation. God is judge and his Angels will be the ones doing the punishment and waging war for his glory.
That might be a bit too critical. Though I agree with the premise that modern feel good christianity isn't helping progress, it wouldn't take much, now that people are doing independent research, to show them that the bible is and may be the only cumulative document that is in mass print left that helps us answer questions of the past and future. It's not only a book of life guidance, it's a codex of sorts. It may have been altered a bit here and there, but those people too were stupid and scoffed at the texts being literal that they left the real history and warnings in there, we just have to read them in a logical sense rather than a "passage". It's a big discussion and I love entertaining possible theories (including mudfood, giants, eden/Atlantis and Sirius star system heritage) that the bible canonically validates. But I wouldn't doom it, though if I was presented with the same info. several years ago I would probably agree with you. I've learned a lot since then. Christianity in it's modern state needs a heavy wake up call.
The kingdom of heaven is within you..we are the temple..our pineal gland connects us to higher forces...what need of a church controlling us telling us what to do when we can obey our conscience within us
Just happens to be the same time the aliens invaded..the elohim/annanuki/ lords/judges/kings/Jehovah/anodai /archangels/malacci/gavriELs/etc. There is so much evidence and the sooner the Bible is withdrawn with all its cruelty racial hatred oppression etc the better
Can't agree about the Christ being the embodiment of divine love. I remember hearing the story of the crucifixion and the guilt- I felt and also anger that I didn't ask anyone to die for me....I was only young but that feeling never left. It is designed to do what it did..guilt...the negative emotion that hooks you in to mother church. ..
guilt is a terrible emotion to have and no divine love would do that. What sin needed someone dying for? and how could someone else's blood redeem anyone?.
There was an invention of original sin....a fairy story of Adam and Eve and an apple ..and the woman ate the apple..a Jewish way of saying ate the fruit....had sex....which is what we have to do to keep humanity alive...so....the need for a redeemer arose....problem reaction solution....classic cabal action. A way to control humanity.
There have been sixteen such redeemers ...look them up...all the same pagan /astrotheology story....December birth Easter death rising on third day..lamb of god..died for our sins 12 disciples etc . The story of the passage of the sun who seems to die for three days....
There was a Jesus they say but the story is different
There is perfect love which is explained in the Bible. We are destined to repeat this life acquiring more of the traits of love until we can stop reincarnating here..or is this another tale? Who knows for sure
Holy nuts this is a decent post. Thank you!
The nature of REVELATION - SINGULAR - as with almost all Biblical prophesy is that it has type occurrences before the final fulfilment. You cannot understand the Bible with a world mindset but a Hebrew mindset.
You are talking rubbish. To even think the omnipotent omnipresent God of all creation would kill his own creation.....you confuse the god of love with the vengeful yehwah of the bible...an alien who even his own people hated....he nuked sumaria to kill Marduk ..an elohim like himself ..sodom and Gomorrah too .a vengeful jealous revengeful drunken murderous alien
..and you confuse him with the god of all creation..all worlds..all universes..all galaxies..world's without end?
The truth is coming out that the churches have hidden while men in frocks control the world...it's ending
It's the mindset of God - in case you missed it Jesus was a Jew, an Israelite a Hebrew, you don't want His mindset?
Jesus, a Jew, and Israelite, a Hebrew who so loved you that He gave Himself, spilled His Hebrew blood for your sins and mine - you don't want His mindset?
Except for Luke and Acts and a small portion of Daniel the whole Bible was written by Israelites! With their mindset.
(Romans 10) Paul says that we are wild olives grafted in to Israel, you don't want that mindset? He goes on to say at 10:26 that All Israel will be saved.
If God has a language it is Hebrew - you don't want that?
You may want to check out this explanation of the seven headed dragon and how it relates to the ten horned Antichrist. https://youtu.be/HO0vdOE3cfQ It includes many more references throughout history than the USA focused explanation you are giving.