Joe Biden is a Survivor - Moody Neurorehabilitation
As Vice President of the United States under Barack Obama, Joe Biden served 8 years as one of the most important politicians in America. Prior to holding the Vice Presidency, Biden served several terms as a senator representing the State of Delaware. It ...
yeah they forgot to put it back in.........
I think they might have replaced it with a potato.
... plus some leftover bits from "Abe Normal"... (Young Frankenstein)
Also, I feel sorry for the potato.
Rumors say it was to change his pedo behavior because it was becoming a problem. This is just what I heard. I have no source and can not remember where I heard it.
Not a joke.
Zubeck was talking about it 4 years ago. Stories go way back and include something from a medical journal discussing it as a hopeful treatment for pedophiles. I think it didn't work.
I heard the same thing. They should have cut off his ding-dong and balls while they were at it.
Or his head. :)
And both times they failed to find it!!!
I found this:
"In 1988, Joe Biden was experiencing neck pains and headaches. He did not know it then but soon his life would change due to aneurysms. An aneurysm is a weak spot on an artery which can lead the artery to break. In his case, the artery broke in his brain. It is a form of a stroke which has a high fatality rate."
"Following a February speech in New York, Biden passed out in his hotel. He was unconscious for five hours. He later required two brain surgeries for aneurysms, one which had already broken and another which had the potential to break. The surgeries saved his life. He initially had common physical effects of stroke such as a facial droop. Following 6 months of recovery, he was cleared to return to work."
You lose, iirc 1.6 MILLION neurons PER MINUTE during a stroke event.
So Biden was down for @ 300 minutes + time in transit to hospital, time to diagnose and begin treatment, etc.
You can regenerate some neurons but that's a lot of brain damage
One of the potential results from either a ruptured aneurysm or aneurysm surgery is abnormal sexual behavior. That's what they told my husband, anyway, before his surgery.
hillary also had brain surgery after her plane crash in Iran
Dr. Drew said it was way more serious than what the media was reporting. They blew it off as a concussion but it was more than that apparently.
Manchurian Candidate...
Yep, the problem was that they tried using neurosurgeons, what he needs is a proctologist.
And a wood chipper.
they didn't work...
Incredible. You'd think they'd learn the first time Biden had no brain. Roger Dangerfield would say-- These doctors are morons. Idiocy is repeating the same thing twice expecting different results. I'm tellin' yas, we're living in an idiocracy.
Was the last one a lobotomy?
Failed both times!
Once to cut the top off, the other to scoop out the guts. Next time it'll be the jack o' lantern face. Oh wait..