At 86, George Takei will make a better President than Joe Biden. But President Trump would be much better than either. Heck, Jimmy Carter would be better than Joe Biden.
Just because they learnt how to play the piano when they were kids and can do maths does not make them wise. Asians, including Indians, are amongst the dumbest motherfuckers I’ve ever encountered. Oh, I am also “Asian”.
The only thing I know about this guy I learned when he was on celebrity apprentice. He’s a selfish SOB! Always stirring up trouble. I really can’t understand anyone being his fan.
Time to let the faggot have it. No filters George. Captain Kirk doesn't even like you.
I find George Tacky's lack of self awareness...
Fascinating... 🖖
If it weren’t for double standards the left would have none. This demsyndrome faggot won’t even realize what a hypocrite he sounds like.
Allow me to point out that DJT is 76 years old.
George Takei is 85.
Perhaps we should go easy on a old man who's clearly not himself and probably suffering from early onset mental issues.
May you live long and prosper, George. 😏
At 86, George Takei will make a better President than Joe Biden. But President Trump would be much better than either. Heck, Jimmy Carter would be better than Joe Biden.
"At 86, George Takei will make a better President than Joe Biden."
And, I daresay, a more dangerous one.
Keep in mind that Joe Biden is scraping the bottom of the Presidential barrel.
This guy is a dumb cunt.
People mistakenly confuse Asian with wisdom. They are not magical beings, they just play that role on t.v.
Just because they learnt how to play the piano when they were kids and can do maths does not make them wise. Asians, including Indians, are amongst the dumbest motherfuckers I’ve ever encountered. Oh, I am also “Asian”.
ya hes fuckin stupid lmao
This faggot drugged and raped men…. He is literally the gay asian bill cosby
I imagine it's much worse than we even know.
$20 says he's got a flag on his lawn that says "hate has no place here."
As a Trekkie: I'm praying for God to enter your heart Mr. Takei. That goes for all of them. They're so lost it's sad.
Imagine what it must be like to be this deranged,.
The only thing I know about this guy I learned when he was on celebrity apprentice. He’s a selfish SOB! Always stirring up trouble. I really can’t understand anyone being his fan.
This is what happens when you speak with your asshole instead of your brain to mouth.
Wow, talk about willful blindness.
Can't believe he typed both of those out with a cock in his mouth.
HA! gives a whole new perspective on diction. Or was that DICKTION
You mean dick-tation.