We have been saying this. If I were dating, I wouldn’t date anyone vaxed. Nor will I take blood. You might as well be dead than accept blood from a vaxed person, which will set you up for adverse reactions and misery. It is slowly coming out too that vaxed breastfeeding mothers most likely present a dangers to their infants. I do not trust the Red Cross, just like I don’t trust hospitals or doctors.
Yes! Or at the very least, someone should start an online list for each state or major city... to match unvaxxed directed blood donations for people who need unvaxxed blood.
It would take someone who is a bit computer savvy, and can get the word out.
Any blood center can accept targeted donations from one donor meant specifically for another person, so long as the blood types are compatible. That way, if a person knows at least a week in advance they require an operation or might need blood... they can go online and request a targeted donation of unvaxxed blood. A potential unvaxxed donor can see that and decide if they are willing to donate at a local blood center as a targeted donation to that person.
Rather than creating a completely separate blood center, it might be easier to work with the ones already in place, and verify that they are delivering the unvaxxed blood as specified in the targeted donation (following their own current policies).
Vaxxed and their offspring should never donate again.
Also, how do we prevent the mingling of vaxxed progeny from the unvaxxed just a generation away?
In the end their diabolical shit may work to destroy mankind.v
i've never donated & never will. personally i don't believe in it. also, they sell your fluids for hundreds, if not thousands, more than what they pay you (ie barely enough for a half a tank of gas)
i also do not trust any of these people & their needles.
these people would NEVER be honest with the clean blood & the vaxxed blood. they probably mix it all up & contaminate the good blood, then fill into a container labeled "unvaxxed"
Almost had to give my pure blood to my niece last week after she had her baby and lost a lot of blood. She didn’t want some random filthy vaxxed blood. Thankfully, she was able to recover after an iron infusion.
Nope, sorry. My medical status is for me only and my doctor, if I want one. As it should be with everyone else. You're just fueling the division with thought like that.
it is a bad idea, the soul is in the blood. Never donate.
Pretty sure your body will replenish your precious bodily fluids, that being said, I do not trust any of these fuckers near me with a needle.
I think my blood might become valuable…I’m O+…universal donor…🙂
O negative in the universal donor. Positive means the Rhesus marker is present.
You're a universal donor to the Planet of the Apes.
Do you have an agent yet? There is a Universe waiting to exploit. :)
We have been saying this. If I were dating, I wouldn’t date anyone vaxed. Nor will I take blood. You might as well be dead than accept blood from a vaxed person, which will set you up for adverse reactions and misery. It is slowly coming out too that vaxed breastfeeding mothers most likely present a dangers to their infants. I do not trust the Red Cross, just like I don’t trust hospitals or doctors.
Yes! Or at the very least, someone should start an online list for each state or major city... to match unvaxxed directed blood donations for people who need unvaxxed blood.
It would take someone who is a bit computer savvy, and can get the word out.
Any blood center can accept targeted donations from one donor meant specifically for another person, so long as the blood types are compatible. That way, if a person knows at least a week in advance they require an operation or might need blood... they can go online and request a targeted donation of unvaxxed blood. A potential unvaxxed donor can see that and decide if they are willing to donate at a local blood center as a targeted donation to that person.
Rather than creating a completely separate blood center, it might be easier to work with the ones already in place, and verify that they are delivering the unvaxxed blood as specified in the targeted donation (following their own current policies).
Do you really expect that any medical center would be honest about which blood was supposed to be for specific people?
How would you know? How can you blindly trust?
Vaxxed and their offspring should never donate again.
Also, how do we prevent the mingling of vaxxed progeny from the unvaxxed just a generation away? In the end their diabolical shit may work to destroy mankind.v
i've never donated & never will. personally i don't believe in it. also, they sell your fluids for hundreds, if not thousands, more than what they pay you (ie barely enough for a half a tank of gas)
i also do not trust any of these people & their needles.
these people would NEVER be honest with the clean blood & the vaxxed blood. they probably mix it all up & contaminate the good blood, then fill into a container labeled "unvaxxed"
trust no one
Pure Blood for gold. No freebies y’all
Almost had to give my pure blood to my niece last week after she had her baby and lost a lot of blood. She didn’t want some random filthy vaxxed blood. Thankfully, she was able to recover after an iron infusion.
Pool your own blood.
Hell if there was any medical center in need of pure blood, I’d happily donate!
Me to.
My cousin is having almost daily transfusions--leukemia plus a lot more. Guess what's in those transfusions.
I went to donate blood once, and all the forms that wanted me to consent to the government doing fuck all with my blood, I noped out real quick.
How about a vaccine free sperm bank?
Every pureblood male is already one.
I'd say that's an imperative.
This is the only way to stop the spread of VAIDS. I have no idea but to protect the unaltered DNA we need this. Not a want but a need.
Great idea - how much for a pint ?? $1500? $3000k?
Nope, sorry. My medical status is for me only and my doctor, if I want one. As it should be with everyone else. You're just fueling the division with thought like that.
That makes absolutely no sense. Division with certain people is a positive thing.