If Danchenko was guilty, who would care? He's nobody. What should we stay focused on? THE MIDTERMS. Remember what Matt Gaetz said, during grilling of Fauci: "You know what? Winter is coming. We're going to be in the majority, and then you're going to have to answer these questions for the country."

Keep in mind that the juries that have tried the case are either from the Washington DC or Northern Virginia areas. If anything, the trials are proving that Military Tribunals are necessary.
For the first time ever I am looking forward to winter. F's feet being held to the fire will be very warming.
i agree, and this should be our sentiment
this is a YUGE RICO case. makes john gotti look like ratatouille
Can’t wait to see who the deep state picks. I am sure that their conscience will get the best of them and they will just stop cheating while they have the power.
I’m case it is not obvious, that was sarcasm
On a side note, many parts of the country are going to see brutal conditions this winter. Make sure you have alternative means of heating. I am totally prepared to stay inside for weeks or months.
Good point. Had to turn the heater on for the first time this morning. Glad we got the thing replaced a couple of years ago.
My office is a separate space with a separate non-electric gas heater. Our stove is gas, and even though the oven won't work without electricity, the burners will. Just turn one on and add a lit match. We just did another supply run today. It's getting down to the 30s tonight, so I turned on my gas heater this afternoon to make sure it's operating well. It is, so I'll just keep it on pilot until it's really needed.
We have a backup gas heater in the front of the house. It's old, but it's so good, the former gas company man said he would buy us any gas heater on the market if we'd let him have our old one. We also have a kerosene heater. As Mr. Rawles always says, two is one and one is none.
I CARE, because if we can't even get a conviction on a low level guy in Court for a pretty minor crime what hope do we have of some well connected cabal asset getting convicted of anything meaningful? Seriously, we've seen how these Congressional hearings go, anyone with half a brain just says, "I don't recall" or "On advise of counsel I am invoking my right to remain silent". Do you think Fauci is going to show up and give you anything useful?
Exactly... the "Entering evidence" angle is pretty moronic... you can get a conviction AND enter evidence...
You don't need to let a serial rapist rape your wife just to "prove" he's a serial rapist...
I think the same thing about the midterm elections. Q has long said we have it all, yet people continue to think the election is some masterful trap to catch them red handed. But if we had it all, we already caught them, right?
Ya he's gonna bust the agents
this is total crap. if he was found guilty you guys would have memes going, total positivity, and joy throughout the night. this to me is not how I was hoping this to go down.
I think the purpose was to make the case against the FBI as an institution. The political tool/weapon needs to be dismantled or restructured, otherwise we could put Comey in jail and then the next Comey can just pick it up and use it anyway. I think the purpose here is to make the case against the institution
So when is the next Durham trial or is this it?
We need more indictments to drop. We were also supposed to have the Seth Rich laptop by now.
Thank you for jogging my memory. Where is Nancy Pelosi's? Anthony Weiners (remember the suicided cops?)? Where is Hunters is that not "misplaced"? My point is perhaps they all turn up after the "elections". I suspect the "plausible deniability" is being removed by SHOWING us the corruption at all levels. I will never forget James Comey stating, yes Hillary broke the law but so what she will not be prosecuted. Hey, speaking of Where has JC been?
Guess we thought we'd have Seth Rich laptop by now...I'm sure the timing of when it's released will be explosive! 💥
I'm gonna borrow from Matt the most elegant threat ever..."Winter is Coming."
I bet after the midterms? I have no idea. Best thing is the FBI can't blame Danchenko now.
I think the attorney general is going to block any indictments. So after the mid terms I guess maybe there will be some investigations by congress? In the meantime probably the cabal will collapse the financial system. The hearings will probably have to happen in secret of course. We are talking about public servants involved in extremely serious corruption, treason and criminal activity here.
Now we wait for the report to be submitted to the AG. Ultimately it is up to Merrick Garland what happens after that. This whole thing does not matter if we are still waiting for devolution
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice....
How many times will Durham fail whilst still being absolved in any negativity, as you say, the dude has a part in jury selection, at what point do we admit he's complicit.
Don't focus on drips, focus on the flood.
If the commies steal the midterms, it’s going to be real hard to give a shit anymore.
So the election fraud machine has been dismantled, then, Matt?
Whew! What a relief. I was afraid we were just going to have another stolen election, amid yet another mountain range of undeniable proof.
Be wise .... why are we going to win the midterms? Honestly. Why? What has changed?
We go two more years of pain. Then ....
Never forget that Danchenko was born in Ukraine during the Soviet Union. Based on his name and birthplace, he is ethnically Ukrainian.
I would care. I do care. But a single battle does not necessarily affect the outcome of the war so I'm not REEEEE'ing about it.
If these small fry's don't get convicted, then there is no fear in testifying. This will expose more lies and corruption through the court room. Also, I have read other posts that say people are receiving jail time for election fraud at local level courts. The only court that is compromised is the D.C. court system.
What happens if they cheat again... in the midterms ? It could happen.
it WILL / IS happening.... hardly anyone got in trouble for the open fraud last time around, zero deterrent for them to stop now...
Agreed! No more baby steps on ladder. Go for the top.
This is probably why they created the 80 percent mortality rate covid.
That's only if it's not rigged
Even if the midterms are stolen, they are safe. The reason is because there are fail-safes included in the elections. Plus there is much more proof of election fraud in the United States than compared to even the 2020 election. This is due to all the election investigations. Stealing the election would amount to a win at any costs attitude to the point that the precipice will likely be confirmed. Most people, in this nation, want the Democrats out of office. If they win the majority in both houses, it will mean disaster in the short run.
Besides that, God, through Julie Green, has said that he will change the makeup of congress and he doesn't need an election to do so.