Just had a text debate with my friend from China. He is a super Anti-Trump guy.
Here is what I learned from the discussion.
I think Trumpism/MAGA has caused a wave of branding confusion with normies.
When I was texting back and forth with my friend. He is assuming that Trumpism = Giving the Mitch M types more power.
When I thought about this more. My mom thought the same thing.
When I told him that Trumpism is a form of "Libertarianism" that means localized government. Using the word Libertarianism is something he could understand.
I am not saying that MAGA is completely Libertarianism. I used something he could understand.
When I explained to him that MAGA fans want to get rid of the CDC, FDA, etc. He said this is interesting and I never thought about local politics before.
I think the problem we are facing with some normies. The whole country is use to federal elections as the super bowl of elections.
When I tell them to think more local power.
A lot of anti-Trump people tend to think about MAGA in a different way.
I think we need to add the words of
"Local Government" or "Decentralized Government" to the MAGA name.
This could help communicate our message better.
There is tons of confusion running under the Republican brand.
The old republican party is dead. A lot of normies don't know that because the see the R.
That's a good take: localism. Our country was always intended to allow Boston and Austin to have different personalities and characters as expressed through local standards, not to be squished into uniformity by consolidated federal power. From Ketchikan to Kissimmee, the Carolinas to California, and from the Grand Banks of New England to the Grand Canyon, defending the independence of local sovereignty is what had made us united from each state's sovereign ratification to accept the constitution.
I call it "small 'r' republicanism" and explain that Trump engaged in a hostile takeover of the old Republican party, and that he would've done it to the Democrat party instead, if it had been quicker. But the purpose is to break through the bureaucracy of both parties, so that government can serve the people as it should. (Instead of serving monopolist, soulless corporations.)
But whatever works. Every listener is different, every heart has a different key.
I also would use Trump's inauguration speech, because it was all about government serving the people.
I agree with you I have written about this a lot. How they coin our coming elections as midterm. It's not the big kahuna.
People forget every branch is equal and Congress is in up every cycle and they are the lawmakers, inappropriate money into policy. Senators have more time. For 17 years turnouts in neighboring counties for me during midterms range from 8% to 13% and then a whopping 33 in the party bastion area. It's a terribly low turnout.
I really great thing Trump has done has made these elections not only exciting but he worked hard to foster candidates that we know he needs to work with if he runs for president again. He's making the turnout incredibly high, higher than I know it's been in 20 years. That's not the Democratic party doing that.
Georgia already has an incredible surge in early voting that they've ever seen in the midterms.
Civics has been absent in american education and life. This is one of the greatest things Trump has done. He has taught the American electorate. Groups working have always been small compared to the platform Trump has to talk about the issues we have been talking about for 20 years. Electronic election fraud and human trafficking. Trump has taken over party operations. We have all MAGA candidates to vote for that he can work with.
I'll always be so grateful for President Trump.
The old Republican Party is dead - It just hasn't stopped moving yet.
There is a similar confusion about Russia and the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union is dead. Russia killed it back in the nineties. The modern Russian Federation has Soviet Union history, but it has rejected communism because it doesn't work. They learned that from hard experience. The Gulag Archipelago is now required reading in high schools in Russia. They added reference to God in their Constitution in 2020.
Well said!
You make good points. In the normie world it’s Dems vs reps and that is when the wall comes up when they think you are a republican. I have modified my debate by positioning republican and democrats in the same bucket. what’s really happening is removing control from power-hungry criminals and returning it to the People.
If your normie friend can grasp that, it puts you and him on the same side. But it is a big leap for normies as it puts everything they have believed in for their entire lives, into question. People cannot imagine how big this problem really is.
Maybe it’s all a dream and power will never return to the people but I haven’t given up on the concept
FREEDOM is what sane people want. Freedom is necessary to any healthy society and most people still sense that; we all want freedom for ourselves even if we refuse to grant it to others. Government is coercion, so the less we have of that, the better. You've hit on a tactic that clears the air for many people, /u/thephantom1979.
We ALSO need and want a sufficient level of emotional health in the culture and in most individuals -- Love and Freedom are BOTH required for a civil society.
Without love and connection, freedom fails; without freedom, love is poisoned.
Truthfully linking LOVE (compassion, brotherhood, connection, etc) to FREEDOM will help people understand the stakes even more, because the two are are in different realms and the Cabal has poisoned our understanding of freedom for centuries. People NEED de-programing on this subject.
Communism and socialism -- two words designed to evoke images of compassionate family-like cooperation among people -- have been used to redefine Love and Freedom as being OPPOSITES, forever at odds with each other.
That is the biggest and most harmful lie that Satan ever told.
When people understand that Freedom and Love require and support each other, the confusing political game fades and the REAL war -- the one between Good vs Evil -- comes into focus.
I am a libertarian...so are most all my family and many friends. We always have to vote Republican, so we don't split the vote.
Is it possible for Trump to run as a Libertarian? He would still win, most likely. We are all sick of rinos. Maybe many of the dems switching over would rather call themselves Libertarians than Republicans.
I agree.
We have a branding problem. MAGA isn’t defined enough for the average person.
They see republicans as the Liz Cheney types.
MAGA needs to be broken down a little more. I consider myself more libertarian as well.
Even after abandoning Hillary in 2016 I didn't vote for Trump because at the time all I saw was R = Bush. The idea of a division within the R party wasn't even on my radar.
Yup.. we need to communicate our brand differently now.