A judge locked up the people behind the data in the 2000 Mules movie because they won't give up their confidential source.
Remember when the media told us that
2000 Mules was all lies and misinformation? I guess not.
Catherine Engelbrecht & Gregg Phillips need to be released.

Political prisoners.... In America.
You guys realize they aren't locked up because of 2000 mules, right? It has nothing to do with this. They are locked up because they won't tell the corrupt judge the name of the whistleblower for the Konnech case on the CEO Eugene Yu.
Dinesh Disousa ring a bell. Railroaded for a campaign contribution for the movie about Clinton's. "Stealing America"
Made me so mad. Ironic too considering if Clinton's campaign was ever publicly and fully audited...
confidential source = whistle blower. what do demonrats do to whistleblowers against them?
They have them killed.
hence why our two intrepid election examiners refuse to identify their confidential source.
The dark corners of my mind think that they are jailed for protection?
Others have also suggested that.
When they find they have nothing on them…. They’ll prosecute them for some 1862 tax law.
The process is the punishment. Read Kafka's The Trial.
Valid point!
Wait is this true?! Gregg Phillips is locked up? I’ve been out of the news cycle for a few days.
And Catherine yes.
What is the pretext for the judge even demanding a source?? What crime is broken by the act of making a documentary about stuff you’re told??
This post is misleading by the Hodge Twins. This is not about 2000 mules (directly). The truth is even worse, imo.
Catherine and Gregg found information that a voting software company (Konnech) was sending all its data to china. This lead to their CEO getting arrested, if you can believe that.
Konnech thought it would be fun to sue Catherine and Gregg for damages. It is the judge in this CIVIL suit that has put Catherine and Gregg in jail for contempt of court. The reason? Because they refused to give up their sources to the information that lead to Konnech's CEO being arrested.
The Konnech CEO sued them for defamation in September. Then the dude was arrested in early October for the very thing he claimed is defamation. I don't even know how this civil lawsuit is able to proceed.
We should have only contempt for all "courts" at all levels.
They're at an "undisclosed" location. When has that ever been the case for what the judge is alleging? Are they in a federal prison or somewhere else being protected by US Marshals? I've seen ZERO confirmation they're in a prison.
Exactly. We don't know if they are in a miserable cell in orange jumpsuits, or if they are in their regular clothes relaxing in a safe house.
Link: https://twitter.com/hodgetwins/status/1587392311385853953?s=21
To me, the only surprising part of this was that a Reaganite judge levied the sentence.
That used to surprise me, but now I realize the longer they serve the more likely they are to be corrupted.
As Pepe Lives Matter said:
God will use this to accomplish something great.
They are undergoing a trial, a tribulation. But if they stay true, then I Believe, and hope, that it will be used to multiply their impact.
Meanwhile, I pray that their tribulation is short.
Fuck that black-robed tyrant British noble bastard.
This is not about the 2000 Mules data or movie. This is about the Personal Identifying data of County Poll Workers, stored on a OPEN Konnect server in China, that breaches the contract with county's saying all data must stay in the USA. This is why LA county California arrested Konnect CEO Eugene Yu. As I understand it, The Whistle Blower is now considered a FBI Informant, and would be illegal to divulge that source.
Why are the even being compelled to give up a source?
I don't know for sure, but I would bet the judge is probably saying Gregg and Catherine are not journalists and therefore don't have that protection. He may be right too.
“I don’t recall”
“I plead the fifth”
Why does a judge even care what the source is?
So they can be silenced?
Because the "judge" is a black-robed tyrant British noble bastard.
going against the deep state ...
The judge and prosecutor and all involved LEOs need to be arrested and tried for violation of Section 242 of Title 18.
Forcing the enforcement of that law would put an end to a whole lot of illegal shit in law enforcement and the courts.
What if the confidential source is Space Force? LoL
Funny part isn't everyone tracked daily already