MD is one of the bluest states in the country. All the votes are in the ultra blue middle between DC and Baltimore. The East and West are conservative but very rural. That 7000 votes is probably a rural county that is statistically irrelevant.
It was a miracle that Hogan got two R terms. He’s generally considered a RINO and put up a few weak fights with Trump trying to claim the Never Trumper crown, which is probably why he got enough crossover votes to get re-elected.
It is amazing that Hogan won. Sometimes they've held back results in Baltimore and miraculously found late night Democrat surges. Ellen Sauerbrey was cheated out of the governor's office in 1994.
Eh... Maryland is pretty blue. They've only had two Republican governors in the last 45 years... And both of those were only just in the last 20 years. This shouldn't really surprise anyone. They'll flip again if there is a moderate Republican on the ticket.
OMG. Some people will believe anything! So many of these supposed 'screenshots' of oops graphics are clearly manipulated in Photoshop or a similar program. This one, at least, tries to infuse some credibility through a wider view than just the screen so it looks like just a real picture of the TV. Anyone with an hour or two training in Photoshop, if that, could do this. Don't believe me? Show me ANY news network on today that doesn't have a lower third or chyron across the bottom... That's what I thought. Whoever made this didn't include that because that would make it too easy to source and see if it was real.
There's enough real shenanigans happening. Please be more discerning before getting people spun up with bogus stuff like this.
Why would someone photoshop that? Networks call races that look like this all the time, so it proves nothing as far as “shenanigans”. Fox News called California 1.1 seconds after polls closed with 0 votes counted. And tons of other races for a Dem with 1% in and them at 30% of votes.
With 1% in?
Only 1% in and it gets called. This happens to me often.
I'll show myself out.
Underrated comment
"Just the tip of the tip, I promise!"
"OK, fine, but only because I know you're telling the truth."
I'm starting to think the white hats are involved. All these weird technical anomalies.
That totally makes sense. Wouldn't this be crazy awesome?
I want to believe.
MD is one of the bluest states in the country. All the votes are in the ultra blue middle between DC and Baltimore. The East and West are conservative but very rural. That 7000 votes is probably a rural county that is statistically irrelevant.
It was a miracle that Hogan got two R terms. He’s generally considered a RINO and put up a few weak fights with Trump trying to claim the Never Trumper crown, which is probably why he got enough crossover votes to get re-elected.
RINO Larry has already sung praises for moore... It's all theater.
It is amazing that Hogan won. Sometimes they've held back results in Baltimore and miraculously found late night Democrat surges. Ellen Sauerbrey was cheated out of the governor's office in 1994.
Imagine how pissed off Maryland was about O’Malley s perpetual tax increases.
This was called yesterday I thought?
It was. That's when I noticed the candidates names were Moore Cox. I thought it was a shitpost.
I love it hahaha
I voted for three separate Coxes on my MD ballot yesterday. That's a lot of Cox!
Yep but how was it called for the Dems
It's because what counties were not called in yet that always go blue
I do not agree with it... It was called to early and should wait until others report in.
It’s called at 1% because they know how many fake ballots they will be dumping in the middle of the night
Oh boy,
Here's hoping a miracle happens in my state
Well, obviously the winner goes to the dude with the least amount of hair, and since Demonrat dude has only 1% of hair, than he wins. It’s maths.
On which news did this appear?
Eh... Maryland is pretty blue. They've only had two Republican governors in the last 45 years... And both of those were only just in the last 20 years. This shouldn't really surprise anyone. They'll flip again if there is a moderate Republican on the ticket.
OMG. Some people will believe anything! So many of these supposed 'screenshots' of oops graphics are clearly manipulated in Photoshop or a similar program. This one, at least, tries to infuse some credibility through a wider view than just the screen so it looks like just a real picture of the TV. Anyone with an hour or two training in Photoshop, if that, could do this. Don't believe me? Show me ANY news network on today that doesn't have a lower third or chyron across the bottom... That's what I thought. Whoever made this didn't include that because that would make it too easy to source and see if it was real.
There's enough real shenanigans happening. Please be more discerning before getting people spun up with bogus stuff like this.
Why would someone photoshop that? Networks call races that look like this all the time, so it proves nothing as far as “shenanigans”. Fox News called California 1.1 seconds after polls closed with 0 votes counted. And tons of other races for a Dem with 1% in and them at 30% of votes.