Yeah, I had to laugh at that one too. But if you think about it, Hunter certainly is (or was) an undeclared representative of several foreign powers.... Ukraine, China, and who knows what others. The loon that posted the Tweet is most likely one of those "stupid smart" people that Dan Bongino talks about; holding a college degree, but having no actual knowledge of how the world works.
You might be right but doesn't seem like other satire accounts. This channel seems to be a TV show he produces. He also seems to have a podcast. , I don't really get it.
Dude needs to be sent packing to find a job more in fitting with his intellectual capability, like, maybe, standing on the street corner and pan handling spare cash.
I think hes joking. Diplomatic immunity applies to foreign diplomats
Yeah, I had to laugh at that one too. But if you think about it, Hunter certainly is (or was) an undeclared representative of several foreign powers.... Ukraine, China, and who knows what others. The loon that posted the Tweet is most likely one of those "stupid smart" people that Dan Bongino talks about; holding a college degree, but having no actual knowledge of how the world works.
"Diplomatic immunity" my ass.
But, but he is not registered a a foreign agent....(necessary for immunity )
His does not look like a satire account. He mostly tweets about normal football stuff.
Wait what? Can someone explain this to me like I'm Fetterman?
It would be pointless. Corn missile chicken dog
Football Coaches = Huge Ego’s.
I think a bit more than that. Think Jerry Sandusky.
Yeah, and then make their son the quarterback...ughhh
Very modestly put… wait: does a football legend automatically becomes an expert at law?
But rumor has it that they are well versed in pedo ways
Diplomatic immunity? Those are some big words. Wow. Too bad they didn't bother to find out the meaning.
He's a satire account.
What makes you say so?
Because he also has a YouTube with his same character and makes very obvious parody videos
You might be right but doesn't seem like other satire accounts. This channel seems to be a TV show he produces. He also seems to have a podcast. , I don't really get it.
He's 100% satire, he's hilarious and he trolls the crap out of the unknowing.
I’m melting!! I’m melting!!
Dude needs to be sent packing to find a job more in fitting with his intellectual capability, like, maybe, standing on the street corner and pan handling spare cash.
If Hunter is a diplomat, then the corner heroin dealer is a philanthropist.
Way back in the day, my meth dealer was a philanthropist, sorta.
I mean, he didn't shoot me in the head that one time. :/
I was a youth football legend but I don't think anyone cares. I never did..
Had he begun with « IANAL, but » I would have spitted my coffee all over the place.🤭
Gotta be a trolling expedition
Oh, no, you're clearly a random clown. Sit down.