There was also some prophesy which actually got the Queens death correct year. It went on to say Charles would not be king (he isnt crowned until summer 23) and he would abdicate. Another prophesy saying the same said it would not go to the expected person (William).
Harry (Henry) is next in line.
Trouble is he is not respected due to the irritating wife he chose, so I cannot see it happen.
I read it as Charles will not be "ruler" so I have a pet theory that Charles remains King in name only, and he delegates the "ruling" part to someone else. The UK becomes an absolute Monarchy, and Charles nominates a "Hand of the King", that hand, I fear, will be Tony Blair.
If anyone gets thrown out it will be the entire line of the Windsors aka Sax-Coberg etc, etc. Germans. I believe there is a truer line, but in reality monarchies are so 20th Century.
SA --> US --> Asia --> EU
Looks like we are on deck... finally.
Will UK be classed with EU?
Nope, you're excluded, Meghan will be your queen.
So...there's actually a Comms decode out there which suggests Prince Harry will take the throne. Rugrats.
There was also some prophesy which actually got the Queens death correct year. It went on to say Charles would not be king (he isnt crowned until summer 23) and he would abdicate. Another prophesy saying the same said it would not go to the expected person (William). Harry (Henry) is next in line. Trouble is he is not respected due to the irritating wife he chose, so I cannot see it happen.
I read it as Charles will not be "ruler" so I have a pet theory that Charles remains King in name only, and he delegates the "ruling" part to someone else. The UK becomes an absolute Monarchy, and Charles nominates a "Hand of the King", that hand, I fear, will be Tony Blair.
If anyone gets thrown out it will be the entire line of the Windsors aka Sax-Coberg etc, etc. Germans. I believe there is a truer line, but in reality monarchies are so 20th Century.
She is gone...I think the Megan we see isnt real!!v😂😂😂😂
Haven't you heard? Princess Di is still alive and she's the queen.
EU is often used as a shortening for Europe, so probably, since Norway and Switzerland isn't part of the EU as well.
The WEF is based in Switzerland, so I would hope to God is is included in "EU"
It's part of Europe yes, but not the European Union, the EU.
Which drop is this from?