LOL yea opt right into the digital ID and digital cash...herp derp........This all fuckin a beacon of cabal faggotry. And is part of "their" end game agenda. Fuck them.....I will continue to use my out dated cash and coins....
Hard assets will always have value. Always. This is why if you feel well enough invested in silver to acquire things like ammo, firearms, even Legos are a sound investment. The point is, fiat and digital currencies require too much dependency and are controlled by a select few.
We just can add some Silver or gold in the paper to get the real value. Is a contract within the people. Oligarchs need to be stopped to rent us paper without value.
The diamond market is controlled to produce artificial scarcity. There are plenty of diamonds in vaults. There was a huge diamond mind found in Russia that could flood the world's markets with real diamond costume jewelry, but that story has disappeared.
It was also a created market as well. Two hundred years ago, no one cared about diamonds. It was all rubies, sapphires, and emeralds.
Get a rock/gem book for your state / area (specifically one that will show you the bland exteriors of rocks that have gems inside), find a local rock/gem aficionado to pick their brain. Maybe go to a jeweler to find out if they would buy gems or have connections to those who do. That's all I got. I live in an area where I could do this, have the book, know where to find geology aficionados, but I never find time to pursue it though I want to. Its not for lack of time in the hills but I just am always too busy looking for animals!
Both! As satisfying as a successful bow hunt can be, I have no shame in saying I prefer the advantage of rifle though! I just like to fill my freezer. You?
The Old Pressley Sapphire Mine in Canton, NC, near Asheville is a good place to search, if they're still open. I found a blue-gray one big as my thumb embedded in off-white stone. I had an 8-carat cabochon cut from it, leaving most of the gem for cutting someday in the future. All the rubies and emeralds I've found in western NC were tiny, dark stones that looked a lot like pieces of old crayons.
Not well. The largest emeralds are found in a secret location in western NC. I have found all three in western NC, but only the sapphires were really good. I found a really large one at the Old Pressley Sapphire Mine outside of Ashville. It's a real mine. They excavate dirt and pile it up where you can fill up 5-gallon buckets of dirt yourself and then sluice them. One I found was as big as my thumb. I had one 8-carat cut out of it. It was blue-gray. The rubies and emeralds I found looked like pieces of old crayons and were pretty much worthless.
Astronomical numbers created from astronomical compound interest. How astronomical?
Let's look at compound interest and its astounding absurdity.
I'll use year a calculation from the year 2022 I did.
If one penny had been borrowed at 6 percent compound interest in the year Jesus of Nazareth was born and no payments were made, how much would be owed today in year 2022?
The formula for annual compound interest is: FV = PV(1 + i)ⁿ where PV is the present value $0.01, i is the interest of 6% and n is the number of years- 2022. FV is the future value of the debt owed in the year 2022.
We substitute the amounts in the equation thus:
(.01) x (1.06)²⁰⁰² = 1.06 x 10²⁰²⁰ dollars (1.06 followed by 2020 zeroes)
Let's determine how much money this is?
If we think of it in terms of gold, divide the amount by the current price of gold ($1838.70/oz) we get:
1.47 x 10⁴⁹ troy ounces of gold ([1.473871311] followed by followed by 49 zeroes)
How much gold is that?
There are 14.6 troy ounces in a pound and 1,205.6 pounds in a cubic foot of gold, we get:
1.22 x 10⁴⁶ cubic feet of gold ([1.222520995] followed by 46 zeroes)
To imagine that much gold, we need to think in terms of astronomy. The sun has a diameter of 865,000 miles. Its volume is 3.388807852×10¹⁷ cubic miles or 2.302307922×10⁶ cubic feet. Dividing into the above figure gives us:
5.31 x 10³⁹ solid gold suns ([5.309980404] followed by 39 zeroes)
If we assume that an average galaxy like the Milky Way contains one billion stars like the sun, we get:
5.31 x 10³⁰ galaxies of a billion solid gold suns!!! ([5.309980404] followed by 30 zeroes)
All this from a single penny borrowed in the time of Christ.
Now you know why compound interest as the most astounding thing in the universe. Can you now see how the world's debt has become a mere 250 trillion dollars?
What I love is how they sent out debit cards. Win for Visa. Easy to steal and who would ever know? Plus, no evidence of a deposit. For taxes last year, I had the letter for my husband's but couldn't find mine. Combed through my bank statements to see if there was a direct deposit. Nothing. CPA put it on my taxes we filed in late March and should have gotten a refund. Two weeks later I get a letter from the government that there was a mistake and I owed $15. The letter was dated in January. It wasn't worth it to fight it, but I was peeved. I still don't think we got it. Bastards.
Half of the crypto world is on fire and exposed as part of the DS money laundering operation......and I still see people preaching and pushing this digital ponzi scheme.
Everybody forgets that they created a lot of dept too, which has its own magick of procreating/inflating with time. It's a hyper-money-machine and they don't want the fiat money, they will take property, land, resources - and us as slaves!
LOL yea opt right into the digital ID and digital cash...herp derp........This all fuckin a beacon of cabal faggotry. And is part of "their" end game agenda. Fuck them.....I will continue to use my out dated cash and coins....
Yeah, don't recall Q even saying anything about such systems.
Q said Gold.
It has always seemed a scam to me.
You can still play the system a bit if you're careful, wish I bought Coins when it was $10.
I remember everyone in the Military got an option to buy, which was weird.
Hard assets will always have value. Always. This is why if you feel well enough invested in silver to acquire things like ammo, firearms, even Legos are a sound investment. The point is, fiat and digital currencies require too much dependency and are controlled by a select few.
Thats how you know the military created it. At least, that's what it sounds like to me
I like your idea better. End time fun.
We just can add some Silver or gold in the paper to get the real value. Is a contract within the people. Oligarchs need to be stopped to rent us paper without value.
hard (soft) metal and gems is what they cannot do this with... although even diamonds can be grown in a lab.
The diamond market is controlled to produce artificial scarcity. There are plenty of diamonds in vaults. There was a huge diamond mind found in Russia that could flood the world's markets with real diamond costume jewelry, but that story has disappeared.
It was also a created market as well. Two hundred years ago, no one cared about diamonds. It was all rubies, sapphires, and emeralds.
Yes. Just because diamonds are found only in a handful of regions, but where they are they are plentiful.
DeBeers is the one that has gathered most of them and keeps them locked away in a mountainside vault, they are the source of that scarcity.
And they created the market for diamonds as well.
"Buy her a diamond. That'll shut her up." :)
Can you make any money fossicking for gems? I believe there are decent sapphires near me.
Yes. It is not widely known about or publicized about, but you can rockhound gems and sell them, you should if you can!!
Thanks, I'll do some more research on it. Any pointers/resources in mind?
Get a rock/gem book for your state / area (specifically one that will show you the bland exteriors of rocks that have gems inside), find a local rock/gem aficionado to pick their brain. Maybe go to a jeweler to find out if they would buy gems or have connections to those who do. That's all I got. I live in an area where I could do this, have the book, know where to find geology aficionados, but I never find time to pursue it though I want to. Its not for lack of time in the hills but I just am always too busy looking for animals!
Sounds logical, thanks! Do you bow or rifle hunt?
Both! As satisfying as a successful bow hunt can be, I have no shame in saying I prefer the advantage of rifle though! I just like to fill my freezer. You?
That sounds like a slur, but no, "fossicking" is a real word. Wow.
Haha, there you go!
The Old Pressley Sapphire Mine in Canton, NC, near Asheville is a good place to search, if they're still open. I found a blue-gray one big as my thumb embedded in off-white stone. I had an 8-carat cabochon cut from it, leaving most of the gem for cutting someday in the future. All the rubies and emeralds I've found in western NC were tiny, dark stones that looked a lot like pieces of old crayons.
Sounds exciting! Maybe I'll make my way to your neck of the woods some day but for now I'm stuck in Australia ;)
can they grow rubies sapphires and emeralds?
Not grow but still pressure related, I believe. Yes it's possible but not cost-efficient, so hasn't been pursued industrially.
Not well. The largest emeralds are found in a secret location in western NC. I have found all three in western NC, but only the sapphires were really good. I found a really large one at the Old Pressley Sapphire Mine outside of Ashville. It's a real mine. They excavate dirt and pile it up where you can fill up 5-gallon buckets of dirt yourself and then sluice them. One I found was as big as my thumb. I had one 8-carat cut out of it. It was blue-gray. The rubies and emeralds I found looked like pieces of old crayons and were pretty much worthless.
with Bitcoin they can just turn off the power
And they can also inflate the same using the same inflated fiat while using it to pump and dump.
Power cannot be turned off indefinitely.
Not only can be but will be. When it goes, 80% of the population will fail in the first months. No survivors will give a shit about fiat or crypto.
I agree with the statement, but crypto currency isn't the answer.
Diversified is my answer
"they can't control something digital" LMAO LOL GTFOH
Not when it is that diverse.
Astronomical numbers created from astronomical compound interest. How astronomical?
Let's look at compound interest and its astounding absurdity.
I'll use year a calculation from the year 2022 I did.
If one penny had been borrowed at 6 percent compound interest in the year Jesus of Nazareth was born and no payments were made, how much would be owed today in year 2022?
The formula for annual compound interest is: FV = PV(1 + i)ⁿ where PV is the present value $0.01, i is the interest of 6% and n is the number of years- 2022. FV is the future value of the debt owed in the year 2022.
We substitute the amounts in the equation thus:
(.01) x (1.06)²⁰⁰² = 1.06 x 10²⁰²⁰ dollars (1.06 followed by 2020 zeroes)
Let's determine how much money this is?
If we think of it in terms of gold, divide the amount by the current price of gold ($1838.70/oz) we get:
1.47 x 10⁴⁹ troy ounces of gold ([1.473871311] followed by followed by 49 zeroes)
How much gold is that?
There are 14.6 troy ounces in a pound and 1,205.6 pounds in a cubic foot of gold, we get:
1.22 x 10⁴⁶ cubic feet of gold ([1.222520995] followed by 46 zeroes)
To imagine that much gold, we need to think in terms of astronomy. The sun has a diameter of 865,000 miles. Its volume is 3.388807852×10¹⁷ cubic miles or 2.302307922×10⁶ cubic feet. Dividing into the above figure gives us:
5.31 x 10³⁹ solid gold suns ([5.309980404] followed by 39 zeroes)
If we assume that an average galaxy like the Milky Way contains one billion stars like the sun, we get:
5.31 x 10³⁰ galaxies of a billion solid gold suns!!! ([5.309980404] followed by 30 zeroes)
All this from a single penny borrowed in the time of Christ.
Now you know why compound interest as the most astounding thing in the universe. Can you now see how the world's debt has become a mere 250 trillion dollars?
I understand about the compound interest. That's why we are in such a mess.
So I'll keep storing food.
Interest is usury.
What I love is how they sent out debit cards. Win for Visa. Easy to steal and who would ever know? Plus, no evidence of a deposit. For taxes last year, I had the letter for my husband's but couldn't find mine. Combed through my bank statements to see if there was a direct deposit. Nothing. CPA put it on my taxes we filed in late March and should have gotten a refund. Two weeks later I get a letter from the government that there was a mistake and I owed $15. The letter was dated in January. It wasn't worth it to fight it, but I was peeved. I still don't think we got it. Bastards.
Oh. That's shit. I would have fight that but they are counting on people don't have time.
Better yet, put the country on gold and silver backed currency. Then get rid of the Federal Reserve.
Half of the crypto world is on fire and exposed as part of the DS money laundering operation......and I still see people preaching and pushing this digital ponzi scheme.
I am diverse. I have crypto, food and metal. Not trying to say just one.
Everyone get silver or gold!.... And lead
That too. LOL
Bitcoin was created by Satoshi Nakamoto.
Oh right. I heard that before. The person does not exist is what you are saying.
Your handle also check out. LOL
My thought process was thus: "All these name ideas suck, and I can't think of any better. Better name unfound."
Pause. "...Why not that?"
By the way, the guy that pointed out where the Satoshi Nakamoto name came from?
Elon Musk.
Good for them.
Motorola being originally a German company?
Bitcoin 😂
I hear you. When I was first looking at bitcoin, it was 50. Look at it now.
I can get a truck with one coin or half a house depending on location. I understand what everyone here is saying, but diversified is my answer.
I will do that.
Everybody forgets that they created a lot of dept too, which has its own magick of procreating/inflating with time. It's a hyper-money-machine and they don't want the fiat money, they will take property, land, resources - and us as slaves!
Hence we are the only free country now that could fight back.
Monero or no
I have that too.
Don't put all eggs in one basket. It could easily be mush.