My wife and I own a country store and could not find ivermectin. We made Covid kits for our customers free of charge. I made homemade HCQ with grapefruit, lemon peels and wormwood, vit.C, D, zinc, grape and olive leaf extract, I also made oregano oil, Zinc and iodine nasal spray’s using nasal spray bottles we bought on Amazon. I had at least three people say we either saved their lives or that of family members. I’ve studied natural medicine for years and believe God led me to it for just such times. I believe God gave us everything we needed to be healthy and most of it grows in our back yards. I can’t describe the feeling when someone tells us they believe we helped save their life.
Been touting since the 90's the use of Oil of Oregano (not Oregano Oil, big diff!) for common allergies. I use to have a script for Allegra + OpconA (antihistamine for eyes) tho both available over-the-counter now.
Anyway, the OoO knocked my allergies out almost immediately so didn't need either script any longer saving lotsa $. 1 drop (in a teaspoon of corn or canola oil, you must cut it or it'll literally burn thru skin) taken oral lasts at least 24 hrs. A years worth of OoO costs around $20-$25 on Amazon. (Note: Must be imported/made in Italy)
I too make a nasal spray with 1 drop of OoO with distilled water (in 2 Oz sprayer) -- works wonders.
My wife calls our spare bedroom closet the pharmacy. I have a friend with a huge throat tumor “cancer”. We make Essiac tea for him, he’s on fen-ben, wormwood, mistletoe extract, cloves, black walnut husk. Tastes like shit but he has a stomach tube. The taste will make you wish you were dead. He was given two months to live, that was over a year ago. The tumor stopped growing and no signs of spread. From my research it can take two years to see the tumor’s shrink. The doctors wanted to irradiate him + chemotherapy, he wanted to go this route because the description of what life would be afterwards wasn’t worth living; he said. The theory cancer is parasitic/fungal in nature is an interesting concept considering many professed natural cures are anti-parasitic/fungal in nature. Thanks for the encouragement, God bless and have a happy new year.
Pharoahs used Oil of Oregano for many ailments. Can be used as a topical too (make sure to cut w oil as I mentioned above). OoO is a natural antibiotic, antiviral, antihistamine (at least for me) and so strong can kill raw sewage.
I'm workfagging rt now but do look up the many uses for this amazing, natural herb... lotsa sources available online and many with testimonials such as my own.
I started taking oil of oregano capsules (70% carvacrol) about a year ago. Not everyday, but when I’m around someone sick, start feeling icky, or just sometimes randomly as a preventative. I have twin boys that are 7 yrs old and they’ve had strep, stomach bug 2 different times plus a few minor colds over the last year and I always take my OoO when they come home a little sick. And since they’re so young; they always want to snuggle me when they’re sick. So I’m all up in their germs, but have never caught their strep or tummy bug. Also proud to say my pediatrician is based and hasn’t had to test them for C19. No one in our home has ever taken one of those tests 💥
IF you saved ONE Life...that is more than I can say for Fauci the Fraud...Thank you for thinking of your fellow man...This is WHAT Christmas is about!!!
Truthfully our store makes very little money and I still have to drive a truck, we have discussed giving it up. Every time we do something happens to convince us to keep going. We serve Christmas and thanksgiving dinner for people that don’t really have much or old and their families are long gone. So I guess for better or worse we have adopted them and them us. I guess it’s not about the money at this point, it’s nice to see the folks drinking coffee “it’s on the house” sitting around the table in the morning. Even when we’re closed if someone needs something we’re always open if they call, hell we have a wooden floor that gets swabbed with motor oil every so often. It’s funny to hear the stories told for the hundredth time. I say we are a pizza/ Home Depot/ deli/ feed store/ coffee shop/ convenience/ gas station. I guess we’re a little bit of Americana long gone, we’re a defiant middle finger to the cold reality we see today I guess, at least I like to think so. It’s my wife that’s responsible for all of it, she’s a saint, I love her dearly.
I take saline then a drop of oil of oregano and one drop of iodine. If it’s too strong just pour a little out and replace with more saline. If your prone to sinus infections it may help.
I've been taking lisinopril and atorvastatin for years for high BP and high cholesterol. I ran out almost two weeks ago but didn't realize I had no more refills. So I tried to get them refilled, and of course, they wouldn't. They need to feed at the trough of my good insurance twice a year to "approve" refills. Unfortunately, my BP was high the last two days. Christmas and my mother-in-love passing and the stress of planning a funeral probably have something to do with it. But I want to research how to lower my BP and cholesterol NATURALLY. Just wondered if any of you pedes were able to lower your numbers naturally.
I been getting into colloidal metals like silver and copper to stay well. People use silver to kill pathogens, funguses, and viruses (even though i think virology is fake, they mention viruses in stuff that it kills). I also have been having my dad use silver on skin cancer and its fading away. Personally I think cancer is a fungus, so it makes sense to me that it would go away with silver. Anyways, I been using the brand therasilver and am on my first bottle. I can't say of long term effects but I been using it as a mouth wash and drinking 2-3tsp a day. How they word it is that it's not an immune booster, it works as a second immunity that works apart from your immune system. You get silver in food already such as grains, medicinal mushrooms, milk etc.
Copper is another one but it's mostly used for beautifying I guess. So been using it for my skin lol. If they used copper in hospitals on all the handles, surfaces we touch etc, sicknesses would be transfered less to a large degree because of how antimicrobial it is. However copper is a heavy metal unlike silver which is a transitonal metal. So if you take it internally you just do a drop, where as silver you'd do a tsp to 2 a day.
Apart from ALL of that the best way to not get sick? Stop the consumption of sugar, eat healthy foods high in fat lower in carbs, low to moderate protein, wash your hands, get a full nights rest, get sunlight, keep your space clean and think positive.
To add: There is a stigma on colloidal silver cause of the blue man, but he used silver chloride not silver colloids. A true silver colloid is very small particles of silver(less than 1nm) and silver ions together. Also theres a lot of fake products of silver out there if anyone is to look. Stay away from silver proteins and silver ions. You want both silver particles in a suspension of silver ions. Otherwise you may not get the results you want or have them greatly reduced. I think therasilver is the best brand for this tbh.
OP, that statement is falsifiable bullshit. Despite the sordid history of Rockefeller medicine and big pharma, medical science is an actual THING with results that can do actual good. Humans focused on meaningful results are actually capable of ingenuity in understanding physiology and doing good when things go south.
I could name numerous examples, but Methylene Blue alone refutes your claim.
That being said, of course living by nature's rules is primary. Your T Cells are programmed by sunlight, so just living a life characterized by good strong natural sunlight at the right times is enough to avoid being wallet biopsied by allopathic healthcare OR alternative / functiona medicine / supplement snake oil salesmen.
The pharmaceutical industry has been poisoned and is rotten to the core. None of it is natural. We have to get rid of it all. No vaccines, no injections in general (not even so called "saline"), and I would heavily favor simply getting rid of anything in pill form. We should only be using what already exists in nature. Sure, some of these drugs may extend your life, but it becomes meaningless. Many in old age simply become a cash cow for the pharmaceutical companies. We simply weren't made to live this long and should be content with whatever lifespan we have naturally.
I believe medical science is largely corrupt. Atleast in such scenarios where applicable: When corps pay for studies until they get the odd one out that shows the result that's desired so you can sell your product. All the while hiding the other studies showing a complete opposite, buried /destroyed what have you. That's when it's turned into pseudoscience. I think this a pretty common practice too. Hence why a lot of studies can't be replicated. It's not that they can't, they just have to keep doing it until they get the same off conclusions.
Completely and utterly bypass the medical system that wanted to "play covid" for over 2 years. They liked that old world and make sure it never, ever comes back for them. They traded EVERYTHING for covid.
Any frens here with leffield tips to help in getting rid of T1 diabetes? Am going through my 36th year of this and, although I'm still in relative good shape with no severe consequence, I'm eager to come across surprising insights on possible solutions. Thank you, fam.
My grandma just mixes honey and lemon juice in a cup and eats it with a spoon. When she was down last time visiting, she had a cold coming on and did just that. Said it works wonders on a scratchy throat and cough. She’s almost 90. She never takes otc stuff. You go to her house and her Tylenol etc are expired LOL. Its hilarious rummaging through her medicine cabinet. Seems like she knows what she’s doing, though.
My wife and I own a country store and could not find ivermectin. We made Covid kits for our customers free of charge. I made homemade HCQ with grapefruit, lemon peels and wormwood, vit.C, D, zinc, grape and olive leaf extract, I also made oregano oil, Zinc and iodine nasal spray’s using nasal spray bottles we bought on Amazon. I had at least three people say we either saved their lives or that of family members. I’ve studied natural medicine for years and believe God led me to it for just such times. I believe God gave us everything we needed to be healthy and most of it grows in our back yards. I can’t describe the feeling when someone tells us they believe we helped save their life.
Been touting since the 90's the use of Oil of Oregano (not Oregano Oil, big diff!) for common allergies. I use to have a script for Allegra + OpconA (antihistamine for eyes) tho both available over-the-counter now.
Anyway, the OoO knocked my allergies out almost immediately so didn't need either script any longer saving lotsa $. 1 drop (in a teaspoon of corn or canola oil, you must cut it or it'll literally burn thru skin) taken oral lasts at least 24 hrs. A years worth of OoO costs around $20-$25 on Amazon. (Note: Must be imported/made in Italy)
I too make a nasal spray with 1 drop of OoO with distilled water (in 2 Oz sprayer) -- works wonders.
Keep doin' God's work Brother 🙏
My wife calls our spare bedroom closet the pharmacy. I have a friend with a huge throat tumor “cancer”. We make Essiac tea for him, he’s on fen-ben, wormwood, mistletoe extract, cloves, black walnut husk. Tastes like shit but he has a stomach tube. The taste will make you wish you were dead. He was given two months to live, that was over a year ago. The tumor stopped growing and no signs of spread. From my research it can take two years to see the tumor’s shrink. The doctors wanted to irradiate him + chemotherapy, he wanted to go this route because the description of what life would be afterwards wasn’t worth living; he said. The theory cancer is parasitic/fungal in nature is an interesting concept considering many professed natural cures are anti-parasitic/fungal in nature. Thanks for the encouragement, God bless and have a happy new year.
That is a great testimony!
The difference is in the potency.
Pharoahs used Oil of Oregano for many ailments. Can be used as a topical too (make sure to cut w oil as I mentioned above). OoO is a natural antibiotic, antiviral, antihistamine (at least for me) and so strong can kill raw sewage.
I'm workfagging rt now but do look up the many uses for this amazing, natural herb... lotsa sources available online and many with testimonials such as my own.
I started taking oil of oregano capsules (70% carvacrol) about a year ago. Not everyday, but when I’m around someone sick, start feeling icky, or just sometimes randomly as a preventative. I have twin boys that are 7 yrs old and they’ve had strep, stomach bug 2 different times plus a few minor colds over the last year and I always take my OoO when they come home a little sick. And since they’re so young; they always want to snuggle me when they’re sick. So I’m all up in their germs, but have never caught their strep or tummy bug. Also proud to say my pediatrician is based and hasn’t had to test them for C19. No one in our home has ever taken one of those tests 💥
God Bless You and Your Family Fren. God sees you.
IF you saved ONE Life...that is more than I can say for Fauci the Fraud...Thank you for thinking of your fellow man...This is WHAT Christmas is about!!!
Truthfully our store makes very little money and I still have to drive a truck, we have discussed giving it up. Every time we do something happens to convince us to keep going. We serve Christmas and thanksgiving dinner for people that don’t really have much or old and their families are long gone. So I guess for better or worse we have adopted them and them us. I guess it’s not about the money at this point, it’s nice to see the folks drinking coffee “it’s on the house” sitting around the table in the morning. Even when we’re closed if someone needs something we’re always open if they call, hell we have a wooden floor that gets swabbed with motor oil every so often. It’s funny to hear the stories told for the hundredth time. I say we are a pizza/ Home Depot/ deli/ feed store/ coffee shop/ convenience/ gas station. I guess we’re a little bit of Americana long gone, we’re a defiant middle finger to the cold reality we see today I guess, at least I like to think so. It’s my wife that’s responsible for all of it, she’s a saint, I love her dearly.
I love both of you.
Thank you for keeping the flame alive.
May all your wishes come true this year. May everything go well for you and may you prosper in all ways.
Thank you, best wishes to you also.
Would you share where your store is? If close or if I’m ever nearby, would definitely stop in and support you! And of course happy to spread the word!
It’s about 15 west of Elizabethtown Kentucky in Cecilia, Ky, stop in and have a cup sometime.
I haven’t been to KY in a long time, but next time I find myself in your state, I will make a point to stop in! Happy New Year to you!
How did you make the nasal spray exactly? Does it work for congestion? I practically abuse Afrin this time of year.
I take saline then a drop of oil of oregano and one drop of iodine. If it’s too strong just pour a little out and replace with more saline. If your prone to sinus infections it may help.
If you find yourself in a dry coughing fit, pineapple juice. I keep the small cans of Dole around.
..this is my Grandma Dog's recipe....
...with the exception of a couple of shots moonshine... never formed a "jelly" you just took a tablespoon of it...
...she used Gold Seal root instead of ginger...
...I still have a bottle of it that is probably 50 years old and it still works fine...
...doggy winks...
Downloaded and filed next the the Zelenko Protocol. If it works as well, I'd say your Grandmother is in good company. Thanks Fren
...doggy winks...
...the "cough medicine" still is effective after all of these years....
Thanks so much for sharing this.
He also gave us learned men that could become physicians...not the corrupt kind we have currently.
I've been taking lisinopril and atorvastatin for years for high BP and high cholesterol. I ran out almost two weeks ago but didn't realize I had no more refills. So I tried to get them refilled, and of course, they wouldn't. They need to feed at the trough of my good insurance twice a year to "approve" refills. Unfortunately, my BP was high the last two days. Christmas and my mother-in-love passing and the stress of planning a funeral probably have something to do with it. But I want to research how to lower my BP and cholesterol NATURALLY. Just wondered if any of you pedes were able to lower your numbers naturally.
Yes, just by losing a little weight.
I'm 5'5" and 116 pounds. And you want me to lose weight and look like the Crypt Keeper???
No! For sure, not!
I been getting into colloidal metals like silver and copper to stay well. People use silver to kill pathogens, funguses, and viruses (even though i think virology is fake, they mention viruses in stuff that it kills). I also have been having my dad use silver on skin cancer and its fading away. Personally I think cancer is a fungus, so it makes sense to me that it would go away with silver. Anyways, I been using the brand therasilver and am on my first bottle. I can't say of long term effects but I been using it as a mouth wash and drinking 2-3tsp a day. How they word it is that it's not an immune booster, it works as a second immunity that works apart from your immune system. You get silver in food already such as grains, medicinal mushrooms, milk etc.
Copper is another one but it's mostly used for beautifying I guess. So been using it for my skin lol. If they used copper in hospitals on all the handles, surfaces we touch etc, sicknesses would be transfered less to a large degree because of how antimicrobial it is. However copper is a heavy metal unlike silver which is a transitonal metal. So if you take it internally you just do a drop, where as silver you'd do a tsp to 2 a day.
Apart from ALL of that the best way to not get sick? Stop the consumption of sugar, eat healthy foods high in fat lower in carbs, low to moderate protein, wash your hands, get a full nights rest, get sunlight, keep your space clean and think positive.
To add: There is a stigma on colloidal silver cause of the blue man, but he used silver chloride not silver colloids. A true silver colloid is very small particles of silver(less than 1nm) and silver ions together. Also theres a lot of fake products of silver out there if anyone is to look. Stay away from silver proteins and silver ions. You want both silver particles in a suspension of silver ions. Otherwise you may not get the results you want or have them greatly reduced. I think therasilver is the best brand for this tbh.
Don’t forget chlorine dioxide
OP, that statement is falsifiable bullshit. Despite the sordid history of Rockefeller medicine and big pharma, medical science is an actual THING with results that can do actual good. Humans focused on meaningful results are actually capable of ingenuity in understanding physiology and doing good when things go south.
I could name numerous examples, but Methylene Blue alone refutes your claim.
That being said, of course living by nature's rules is primary. Your T Cells are programmed by sunlight, so just living a life characterized by good strong natural sunlight at the right times is enough to avoid being wallet biopsied by allopathic healthcare OR alternative / functiona medicine / supplement snake oil salesmen.
The pharmaceutical industry has been poisoned and is rotten to the core. None of it is natural. We have to get rid of it all. No vaccines, no injections in general (not even so called "saline"), and I would heavily favor simply getting rid of anything in pill form. We should only be using what already exists in nature. Sure, some of these drugs may extend your life, but it becomes meaningless. Many in old age simply become a cash cow for the pharmaceutical companies. We simply weren't made to live this long and should be content with whatever lifespan we have naturally.
I believe medical science is largely corrupt. Atleast in such scenarios where applicable: When corps pay for studies until they get the odd one out that shows the result that's desired so you can sell your product. All the while hiding the other studies showing a complete opposite, buried /destroyed what have you. That's when it's turned into pseudoscience. I think this a pretty common practice too. Hence why a lot of studies can't be replicated. It's not that they can't, they just have to keep doing it until they get the same off conclusions.
The Herball or Generall Historie of Plantes by John Gerarde 1597.
The first English book on plants and their uses (PDF)
thanks for the recipe
Here’s one I’ve been wanting to try forever.
I’m a big fan of hot n spicy foods so this sounds delicious to me!
Only ingredient that I see missing is some Tennessee moonshine. Trust me. The good kind that beads up when jostled.
Drink it, get under a lot of covers, go all vasodilated and sweat it out.
Like a charm.
Does Kentucky moonshine work, I drink it from time to time, for medicinal purposes only of course.
Is a blue bird blue?
That's my formula and then I put a splash of the ancient Swedish bitters formula in there
apparently, a few minions of the drug companies didn't like this recipe!
Completely and utterly bypass the medical system that wanted to "play covid" for over 2 years. They liked that old world and make sure it never, ever comes back for them. They traded EVERYTHING for covid.
Honey, lemon, hot water, whiskey. way easier to drink.
Is this with or without the skin?
Can't tell by picture if that's the skin or the pith we see in the jar.
The skin and seeds are the most important parts
Any frens here with leffield tips to help in getting rid of T1 diabetes? Am going through my 36th year of this and, although I'm still in relative good shape with no severe consequence, I'm eager to come across surprising insights on possible solutions. Thank you, fam.
Have you ever tried black garlic?
My grandma just mixes honey and lemon juice in a cup and eats it with a spoon. When she was down last time visiting, she had a cold coming on and did just that. Said it works wonders on a scratchy throat and cough. She’s almost 90. She never takes otc stuff. You go to her house and her Tylenol etc are expired LOL. Its hilarious rummaging through her medicine cabinet. Seems like she knows what she’s doing, though.
Honey is very hygroscopic.
People usually ferment a mixture like that