Keany Reeves: A lot of people don't struggle with depression
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I can attest to this.
When I started to wake up, my chronic depression lifted, and I had thought it was an integral part of me.
I have read Keanu Reeves went to a party in Hollywood. The owner of the mansion had body parts/children in his refrigerator. Keanu started destroying everything and broke the owner's nose. I've also seen videos of musicians of rock n' roll saying they've been to parties where there was one room for child abuse. They even called the police and no action was taken. In today's climate, you will still be killed for speaking up.
What is happening weighs heavy on my mind. It's very easy to become angry and depressed over what's going on. I have to fight that all the time.
The Deep State is relentless in their attacks. They're constant and come from every direction.
The other day, I read they're going to go after food carts now. I was at the Presidio in SF a little while ago. There was a big grassy area. You could see the ocean, kids were playing, families having picnic, a brand new trail and playground. There was a live show with music and belly dancers. One row had food carts up and down with 20-30 carts. Even Indonesian food. Everyone was happy.
It was perfect. Now they won't have the food carts anymore. It pisses me off.
They're still injecting people with the killer jabs. What happened to Damar Hamlin pisses me off.
I read Keanu was executed...
I hope not. I hope he wasn't cucked.
Hope not.
I've become a fan of his because of his cute shorts.
By that, I mean:
When you're an introvert and have to make a phone call --
Listening to music with friends vs when alone --
YouTube shorts.
I apologize for bad news, but that's a deep fake channel. :(
From the about page: "This is the official deepfake channel of actor Keanu Reeves. Like, share, subscribe!"
I'm a fan of his as well, have been for years. But this channel isn't him.
"When Keanu Reeves turned 40, a great depression came over him. “They say life begins at 40, but for me it had the opposite effect. I started to worry about how many years I had left before I die,” admits the Canada-raised star."
This is 100% me. I find it so hard the past few years not to think of how long is left, and get even more broody thinking I'm not doing my best to make the most of it.
The real question is not when are you going to go but where.
I was just having this conversation the other day…reflecting on the happiness and joy of dogs and children (loved and well cared for)
I think most of us have real difficulty reconciling the fact that we and everything we live will die.
Religion certainly helps…but as most in the west move away from religion to assist with the tragedy of that fact…it is replaced by things which make that fear and sadness subside…food, drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, shopping…
Anyway…it is a hard truth with which to live. Do we ever recover from the shock of finding out about death?
I simply decided I'm living to 100. I have shit to do.
My theory on the rampant depression in our culture is predicated on the reality that when people have too much free time to contemplate their own existence, and the act of living is liberated from the hard work and effort needed to survive, they tend to major on the minors, so to speak, and the intense self scrutiny is tiresome and, too much unproductive time on their hands...
I sometimes wonder about depression. I have known people that have claimed to have been enduring it, but I had my doubts about whether they were truly experiencing depression, or were simply unhappy with the state of their lives. The only reason I say this is because I have known a couple of people that were seriously battling clinical depression. It had nothing to do with their seemingly good life, it was more deep than that. I think that there are few people with true clinical depression whereas most that claim it are simply not happy with their lot in life. I have never experienced depression. I have been very sad, due to unfortunate circumstances, but I just don't experience this when my circumstances change. I wish there was something to be done to help those that are truly trying to find the will to live because I believe it truly is an illness.
Add to that the fact depression was the mental illness "trend" for a while on social media, where damned near everyone was claiming they had it.
I agree with you but I’d like to add this- almost every case of depression I’ve been around had psychotropic drugs involved. Xanax, Prozac, Paxil, Depakote, etc. It makes me think that our hearts see and feel a lot more than our conscious mind allows us to contemplate. Once we attempt to wrestle with these things, our coping skills come into question. If they aren’t great, it adds up.
The introduction of psychotropic drugs certainly seems to be a significant factor in further destabilizing troubled minds. I often wonder if the pharmaceutical drugs cause more harm than good. I know there are some deeply imbalanced and disturbed people out there. I believe that alcohol and illicit drugs are factors, I am just not certain if the link between the two is a cause or an effect. Perhaps for some it is a cause and for others it is an attempt to self medicate. I don't work in the medical field and have almost no significant research into psychology, but that is primarily because it is a soft science. I gravitate toward hard science subjects.
I see it this way, ptsd when you feel too much, depression when you feel nothing.
PTSD is another diagnosis that I don't fully grasp. I don't know why some people can all experience the same event as a group, but some have long lasting psychological effects, while others in the same experience have no issues. It is something that piques my interest. I don't have any real theories or concrete ideas, but psychological resilience is difficult to quantify. Why can most people shake off a traumatic event while others are so severely affected. Being able to quantify who can and cannot endure traumatic events would be extremely beneficial to keep the vulnerable from being exposed to extreme scenarios. I know the prevalence of PTSD among veterans have a lot to do with medical benefits in relation to the VA, but there are definitely people that aren't pretending for disability benefits. My personal experience with veterans claiming PTSD have not been very positive. Many of the members claiming PTSD were full time FOB inhabitants and only experienced indirect fire. The vast majority that were in the field and engaged directly with directed fire combat were unaffected in any negative aspects. I traveled throughout all of Iraq for 18 mos in two separate deployments in early 2000 and again later in 2008. I have some bad experiences, but they simply don't occur to me, instead I have overwhelming positive memories of camaraderie and friendship and positive experiences with most of the Iraqi nationals. I guess it is just how different people process experiences and memories. Lord knows I have a lifetime of suppressed traumatic events, perhaps that is the key? I have a fairly traumatic upbringing that most would consider fairly negative, however it was normal for me and I don't dwell on the hardship, but remember the good times.
Excellent theory. I have thought this myself.
I think it may be more of a balance is what is needed. Mine stems from the fact I don't have enough time to do what I want to do.
So, if one has too much time, they can contemplate, and if one has insufficient time, they ruminate. Perhaps there has to be a middle ground between self and some sort of purpose (the work and effort you describe).
How true! Mine can stem from decision fatigue...when I'm faced with overwhelming information, decisions become stifling and lead to withdrawal from the "noise" and clutter of my environment, but mostly mine comes from SAD...I'm a sunlight junkie and low light is toxic.
This is exactly where I'm at and I don't know anyone in real life who I can explain this to, who would actually understand.
Not giving us a choice, just the redpill straightup.
Unfortunately he has a handler now...
Like with many of them, his 'wife'(Alexandra Grant)
Decidedly something off about her and when it comes to personality and actions she isn't exactly what anyone would define as a match............
So sorry to read this... haven't checked CDAN for a while. Thought he was above this...💔 Thanks fren!