The rabbit hole goes deeper: Let’s connect the BiDocsGate to Hunter’s laptop data🧐
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It's not a 'spy in the White House' ...
And that is no 'Russia-Collusian', but an 'CHINESE OVERTAKE'!!!
You don't get the white house to be a spy. You get the white house to facilitate your every want.
That's not spying, it's a proxy state.
China is ASSHOE!!!
Yes yes and yes. As I wrote in my post yesterday this will end up being the beginning of the end for the Biden Admin...
Essentially the docs are the murder weapon for all the alleged influence peddling and bribery stuff we've been chomping at the bit for Congress to investigate for the last few years. Before now it was just words and seemingly shady actions and decisions. The introduction of physical evidence tied to the Biden family's crimes of espionage brings the whole thing to a NEW LEVEL.
All part of the script, it's getting good now. Get your popcorn ready
I can not disagree with your statement. I will only ask who will enforce the legal aspect of the crimes the Biden family has committed, as Congress won't or can't? It has to be, the military is the only way. Unless some of these agencies get their act together and start leaving the commie take-over aside and look out for America (which is not likely to happen).
You either believe in Q or you dont. It seems likely you dont.
Well, on that issue I am kind of like Regan, trust but verify-and for me there is no way to verify.
Now the question this a WH operation or a CB operation. Biden has outlived his usefulness to the CB and I have surmised they would take out Biden in January 2023. Harris finishes the destruction of the nation in the next 10 yrs. (2+4+4). I put my faith in God that He will turn what they mean for evil to good.
This is all a WH operation. Look at old photos of 0Biden with 0bama. Then compare the new ByDon with the old one.
The prominent eyebrows, forehead, ears and even eye color is different.
With certainty, God Wins!
The thing that always jumps out at me is the shape of the skull. Old Biden had a tall square forehead. One of the new Bidens has a sloping forehead.
CCP and Ukraine ...
Iran, too!
I think the white hats are releasing this info about how corrupt the Biden crime family is! Just chalk up more evidence...drip...drip...drip...
Now it's not the 25th Amdmt to get Biden out, it's impeachment/military tribunal for treason!
Perhaps the WH have maneuvered their adversaries into making moves that ultimately benefit the WHs plan? Intentional cooperation isn't needed in order to get desired results.
Moves and counter moves. Trolling is fun.
There's not truly much mystery about this to anyone in here, but I'm enjoying that it's now an open discussion.
DonJr also tweeted about this:
@DonJr: if you read this, please tweet something about the Great Awakening 🙏🏻