I have a former acquaintance (never really considered him a friend) who leaned left and nearly married one of these. She amplified his stupidity so much only to actually do his gamma male ass a favor when she called it off the engagement over some triviality, he probably didn't have anything worth taking in a divorce anyway.
I think the future will er3xt an Institution for Man and one for Woman. Each one should work on an independent improvement and then peek over at how well the other side is doing.
You have no idea the indoctrination these fucks do at college. Graduated 2015 from high school. Didn't have good grades in school, never paid attention unless it intrigued me, which was usually math and an elective. Anyways, took a gap year then went to community College. I shit you not, my first English 101 class, it was fine but then one day my professor started to talk about intersexuality or some shit like that. I was wondering why in the hell she was teaching this, but no one around me didn't question it. I was fucking baffled. Then another day, she made us line up in a single row, then we would have to go either left or right one step depending on what she asked. So for example, if you are white go right, if you are POC go left, etc etc. Then at the end, some people would be far in the right where others would be fat in the left. She then states the people on the right are privileged and the people on the left are not privileged and that we should think about how others had it harder than you. At that point, I just could not take her class anymore and just failed. So I went to another English professor, at the start of the class he seem bright, but then this fucking guy starts the lecture with "You do know the 1st ammendment doesn't protect hate speech if we look at it like this" and I just dropped out immediately. The fucking irony is, the one class that the professor wasn't biased was my Poli Sci class. Who would of thunk. Don't mean to brag but the professor told my group that we had the best final paper in the class. The paper was about abolishing Obamacare. The funny thing, my partner and I wrote that last minute the day before kek. Well I rambled to much but that's been my experience with college. I just decided college ain't for me at that point.
If my kids would have tried pulling some stupid ass shit like that, they would have been cut off from everything we provided, and I would have let them figure out things on their own.
However, that was not the case for my children, because we raised them to be good people. BONUS: they are awake and are not covidians.
This is exactly why the USA doesn't have compulsory military service. I graduated HS as a junior and went into the Air Force at 17 yrs old. I went in and came out as a conservative (before everything went woke). Now if someone graduates early and goes to college instead, they come out looking like this or missing body parts.
My niece did the same thing, shaved her head, came home talking about "black girl magic", oppression, inequality etc. Left college got a blue collar bf, and got her shit back on track. It's a mental disease.
Dude I'm 20 right now, and the whole time I was in school I basically REALLY did not like America. The crazy thing was the moment I graduated from high school and started looking into things myself, the fog cleared. It was like coming back from a jedi mind trick or something. Super wacky. I decided I would NEVER go to college because it seems like what they do to people is a little more permanent.
Also, I'm not gonna put myself into debt with money I don't have and can't repay for 20 years. If I'm doing higher education I'm learning a trade or something. I bet electricians and plumbers make a killing.
(Credit to my extremely based grandpa for redpilling me too, back in 2016 with Trump. Weird thing was I liked Trump before I liked America. I didn't make much sense back then.)
I think she sought these changes, or at least was predisposed to this sort of behavior. Leaving home gave her the total freedom to enact this total transformation without any backlash from her family.
I've seen this before too.
Niece goes to university, comes back angry and gay all of a sudden.
Starts talking about all the things she can get away with. I tell her it's not what you can get away with, it's all about your own personal integrity.
Her reply, at the kitchen table in front of her horrified mother "fuck your personal integrity." I will never forget. Sad
As a parent, I wouldn’t have helped pay another dime of that college education. Let them figure it out on their own.
Oh, when did have a talk with my niece. Didn't know you knew each other. 🤣
It is a sad event. These women will be mostly lonely. The future will revitalize, reexamine the value of spending a long period of time with a man.
They have cats. Sometimes lots of cats.
I could smell the cat piss in that picture.
Hell with that…they will transition into a Furry and shut in the litter box.
Before YouTube men had a less competition.
I think all of us here came to post that.
I have a former acquaintance (never really considered him a friend) who leaned left and nearly married one of these. She amplified his stupidity so much only to actually do his gamma male ass a favor when she called it off the engagement over some triviality, he probably didn't have anything worth taking in a divorce anyway.
I think the future will er3xt an Institution for Man and one for Woman. Each one should work on an independent improvement and then peek over at how well the other side is doing.
2 years and she hasn't cut her tits off yet, bitch do you even trans?
Are you assuming their gender?
You have no idea the indoctrination these fucks do at college. Graduated 2015 from high school. Didn't have good grades in school, never paid attention unless it intrigued me, which was usually math and an elective. Anyways, took a gap year then went to community College. I shit you not, my first English 101 class, it was fine but then one day my professor started to talk about intersexuality or some shit like that. I was wondering why in the hell she was teaching this, but no one around me didn't question it. I was fucking baffled. Then another day, she made us line up in a single row, then we would have to go either left or right one step depending on what she asked. So for example, if you are white go right, if you are POC go left, etc etc. Then at the end, some people would be far in the right where others would be fat in the left. She then states the people on the right are privileged and the people on the left are not privileged and that we should think about how others had it harder than you. At that point, I just could not take her class anymore and just failed. So I went to another English professor, at the start of the class he seem bright, but then this fucking guy starts the lecture with "You do know the 1st ammendment doesn't protect hate speech if we look at it like this" and I just dropped out immediately. The fucking irony is, the one class that the professor wasn't biased was my Poli Sci class. Who would of thunk. Don't mean to brag but the professor told my group that we had the best final paper in the class. The paper was about abolishing Obamacare. The funny thing, my partner and I wrote that last minute the day before kek. Well I rambled to much but that's been my experience with college. I just decided college ain't for me at that point.
College pretty much ain't for anybody except NPC's at this point.
$120,000 to be injected with a mind virus.
Don't let Pfizer see your comment.
Trained to find injustices in everything. Public universities(CCP) is great at manufacturing grievances
Tech schools + learning a trade seem more appealing each passing day.
If my kids would have tried pulling some stupid ass shit like that, they would have been cut off from everything we provided, and I would have let them figure out things on their own.
However, that was not the case for my children, because we raised them to be good people. BONUS: they are awake and are not covidians.
Why didn't The parents kick her brain back up where it belong? ENABLERS!
If you stand for nothing you will fall for anything
Probably sent her to some liberal shithole,what did they expect?
99% of universities are liberal shitholes.
Beautyyyyy and the beasssssst.
This is exactly why the USA doesn't have compulsory military service. I graduated HS as a junior and went into the Air Force at 17 yrs old. I went in and came out as a conservative (before everything went woke). Now if someone graduates early and goes to college instead, they come out looking like this or missing body parts.
The left wants this.
My niece did the same thing, shaved her head, came home talking about "black girl magic", oppression, inequality etc. Left college got a blue collar bf, and got her shit back on track. It's a mental disease.
I bet she doesn’t hate chicks.
Looks like she joined the LGBTQ++ army. What a disaster.
Dude I'm 20 right now, and the whole time I was in school I basically REALLY did not like America. The crazy thing was the moment I graduated from high school and started looking into things myself, the fog cleared. It was like coming back from a jedi mind trick or something. Super wacky. I decided I would NEVER go to college because it seems like what they do to people is a little more permanent.
Also, I'm not gonna put myself into debt with money I don't have and can't repay for 20 years. If I'm doing higher education I'm learning a trade or something. I bet electricians and plumbers make a killing.
(Credit to my extremely based grandpa for redpilling me too, back in 2016 with Trump. Weird thing was I liked Trump before I liked America. I didn't make much sense back then.)
she went from pretty to pretty ugly in 2 years! liberalism is toxic!
I wonder when someone will put up a 'faces of meth'.
Oh sorry I meant faces of woke.
Baseball bat hits upon the culprits’skulls.
Hopefully just a phase she grows out of. I went through it too. Unfortunately a lot don’t wake up, but there’s hope!
I think she sought these changes, or at least was predisposed to this sort of behavior. Leaving home gave her the total freedom to enact this total transformation without any backlash from her family.