Maelstrom9897 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its just about finding the right thing to engage about, i think. Most of them I never even talk politics, we're just playing games or drawing and stuff. But they absolutely know about my politics, they just dont care.

Maelstrom9897 10 points ago +10 / -0

Had an enlightening moment a few minutes ago. I had a friend on Discord I shared my artwork with and talked gaming for close to a whole year. Helped each other out in hard times and always had each other's backs. But I finally got my first taste of a classic thing happening.

I talked politics for the first time with this person, namely, how the media lies about Trump and misrepresents everything he says and does, so they can twist it in a negative light. I went through the whole process step by step to show this person how they do it, and even provided examples.

"This is like talking to a brick wall, I'm gonna do us both a favor"

Then, I was blocked. A whole years friendship thrown away over something as trivial as a political disagreement! I honestly feel pretty good about it. Politics seems to be a wonderful multitool. It helps you understand the world around you, how policies will affect your life, and you can use it in conversation to figure out which friends are loyal enough they can still be by your side despite disagreements, and who'll dump you at the first sign of trouble! Glad I picked this skill up at such a young age.

Might be surprised to find I have a handful of leftie friends who are actually still really cool with me despite our disagreements. Some of them are SUUUUPER woke too.

So when you feel like the whole world has gone stupid? Well.. It has, BUT there are still people who can meet in the middle and have fun!

I don't remember who said this, but I'll recite this quote to the best of my memory. "The perfect society is not one where everyone thinks the same thing, but a society where people can peacefully co-exist despite their disagreements"

This concludes the longest post I have ever written on this site. Have a nice day and thanks for reading.

Maelstrom9897 4 points ago +4 / -0

I dont think it was up to Tucker, I think McCarthy is releasing it. I also think its taking so long so they can take out those secret exits and stuff the libs were trying to screech about.

Maelstrom9897 2 points ago +2 / -0

cool, I'm collecting these labels like trading cards. So far I'm a racist, homophobe, transphobe, extremist, terrorist, straight white male, now I'm antisemitic. Oh yeah.

Maelstrom9897 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean, I can probably draw magatron or something. Wont be able to post until I get more active lol

Maelstrom9897 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is no way the military would let those wacky eyebrows slide, right? Last I heard they were real strict.

Maelstrom9897 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dude I'm 20 right now, and the whole time I was in school I basically REALLY did not like America. The crazy thing was the moment I graduated from high school and started looking into things myself, the fog cleared. It was like coming back from a jedi mind trick or something. Super wacky. I decided I would NEVER go to college because it seems like what they do to people is a little more permanent.

Also, I'm not gonna put myself into debt with money I don't have and can't repay for 20 years. If I'm doing higher education I'm learning a trade or something. I bet electricians and plumbers make a killing.

(Credit to my extremely based grandpa for redpilling me too, back in 2016 with Trump. Weird thing was I liked Trump before I liked America. I didn't make much sense back then.)

Maelstrom9897 5 points ago +5 / -0

"Science denier." What a joke. People forget the whole point of science is to challenge everything you THINK you know. Because then it either galvanizes it, or shatters it leading to new innovation. "Denying science" is the literal foundation of science itself.

Maelstrom9897 2 points ago +2 / -0

God, his teeth are worse than mine. I should be glad they're in the condition that theyre in.

Maelstrom9897 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm an actual artist and I am very pissed about this issue in particular.

Maelstrom9897 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh come on these guys aren't even trying anymore.

Maelstrom9897 1 point ago +1 / -0

If the time comes, I don't think there will be any quarter, amnesty or forgiveness. I'm not really a christian type dude but I hear forgiveness is god's job. Not ours. The fight is on, and if it goes kinetic, I might just have to help out. A lot of this is seriously, SERIOUSLY testing my nature as a pacifist.

Maelstrom9897 1 point ago +1 / -0

The idea that Twitter of all things could be used to unite the world is fucking baffling and hilarious I would love that twist.

Maelstrom9897 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol I responded "Ok, Groomer" and instantly got locked out because my activity was "Unusual"

Maelstrom9897 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dude why does she look like her face is painted on like a barbie doll

Maelstrom9897 2 points ago +2 / -0

God seeing that title was like neuron activation.

Maelstrom9897 3 points ago +4 / -1

Can't wait for all the people who reacted so stupidly to this whole thing come back to their senses. They'll feel stupid for ever falling for the doomer nonsense.

People wanna see the fight end but don't understand the fight will NEVER truly end. So long as there is freedom, there is a tyrant who wants it gone, with plans of domination. This is the heavy cost of living in the greatest nation of the world. You always fight to keep it the greatest.

Maelstrom9897 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sun Tzu also said: Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.

Something to consider.

Maelstrom9897 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean. Right after tons of midterms got stolen, and now that we have the presidential, the primaries, and the midterms being stolen, we have a big announcement from Trump AND military is seemingly silent across the board? Might be hopium but the stars seem to be aligning for something big.

Maelstrom9897 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe they're going dark for something big. It isn't lost on me that the timing is so close to Trump's big announcement. Could this be the one?

Maelstrom9897 3 points ago +3 / -0

Respect Elon for what he's doing with Twitter, but do not fully side with him until we know his motives. He's an unpredictable guy. A wildcard. We can be cool with someone without throwing our full trust onto him.

My personal theory is basic as hell but he might just be the world's richest troll, messing with everybody. I'll definitely have to look more into him.

Maelstrom9897 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dude as a kid I always wanted to ride in the bed of a truck. I can see why nowadays thats a terrible idea but come on there's so much room for activities lol

(To note I'm only 20 now so all the fun stuff is before my time)

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