As much as I used to love them I dropped them a decade ago because they are made in the same facilities where peanuts are processed and I'm sensitive to peanuts. They made my skin break out. Pretty sloppy manufacturing if you ask me.
Hey, Stupid...yer fuckin' candy doesn't need a spokescandy, or spokesbimbo, or spokesanything. It's only the best-known candy in the country and maybe the world already. Shut up, sell your poisonous garbage to dumb people, and laugh all the way to the bank.
We should decry their decision to deprive transgender M&Ms of their sweet voices and demand a boycott. Maybe we could fool enough liberals to make it stick.
Sugar is not good for you in any processed form.
Some of the many names of sugar. Not all below are processed. It's in just about everything.
Dextrose, Fructose, Galactose, Glucose, Lactose, Maltose, Sucrose, Beet sugar, Brown sugar, Cane juice crystals, Cane sugar, Castor sugar, Coconut sugar, Confectioner's sugar (aka, powdered sugar), Corn syrup solids, Crystalline fructose, Date sugar, Demerara sugar, Dextrin, Diastatic malt, Ethyl maltol, Florida crystals, Golden sugar, Glucose syrup solids, Grape sugar, Icing sugar, Maltodextrin, Muscovado sugar, Panela sugar, Raw sugar, Sugar (granulated or table), Sucanat, Turbinado sugar, Yellow sugar, Agave Nectar/Syrup, Barley malt, Blackstrap molasses, Brown rice syrup, Buttered sugar/buttercream, Caramel, Carob syrup, Corn syrup, Evaporated cane juice, Fruit juice, Fruit juice concentrate, Golden syrup, High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), Invert sugar, Malt syrup, Maple syrup, Molasses, Rice syrup, Refiner's syrup, Sorghum syrup, Treacle, Honey.
I'm surprised that we don't have Luciferose.
Food labels no longer have to count corn syrup as a sugar. Read everything.
you forgot xylose.
When all else fails get a black Jew, is that the new message?
Considering Easter has to be one of their biggest sales periods, hmmm.
Sorry M’s. Maya is an unfunny, woke bitch who hasn’t ever done anything interesting since playing a background part in a mildly humorous SNL skit.
Watch her primetime tv special or her latest movie she starred in if you don’t believe me.
She is one step ahead of “My sex Junk, ooh ooh ooh!”
Surely tou could find someone better.
Are you letting the same cabal members who gave us such hits as “Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush or, my favorite bad choice, Joe “Dimensia” Biden.
Just ask is what to do if you need a winner.
To be fair what do female comics have apart from talking about their sex life?
Nothing. The next female comic who says something that actually makes me laugh will be the first.
Betty white
OK I meant modern day standup comedian type
Golden Girls, Lucy, Carol Burnett...all exceptional comic actresses
Accepted. Betty at the shatner roast was beyond funny, old lady but fresh ass jokes
Liza Schlesinger elicits some giggles.
Idiocracy was funny.
Taco Bell chihuahua…
We have one of those. Her name is Naughtie Lottie.
Why don't they just go back to the originals and quit with the BS.
The judge from the Good Place will not help.
BTW - The current formulations contain bioengineered ingredients, so that alone should be a no-go
Not only are these garbage candies loaded with artificial colors and 'flavoring', they also contain CARMINE, which is literally crushed INSECTS:
Oh and don't forget the SOY which is loaded with FEMINIZING PHYTO-ESTROGEN.
As much as I used to love them I dropped them a decade ago because they are made in the same facilities where peanuts are processed and I'm sensitive to peanuts. They made my skin break out. Pretty sloppy manufacturing if you ask me.
Babylon Bee wins again. M&M's Introduce First Trans Character Who Identifies As A Skittle
Gotta sell those Valentine and Easter candies.....
Myra is in the CAA yes, she IS A SPOKESPERSON!
Ha, I was wondering about a CAA connection. I did not find her listed under "all artist", but either way, still hollyweird.
Maya Rudolph has a permanent "who farted?" face.
So they fired Billy West (Red) and JK Simmons (Yellow) just out of spite.
So pathetic to end an entire campaign when you could just "pause" the satanic elements.
Pause implies they will resume.
Hey, Stupid...yer fuckin' candy doesn't need a spokescandy, or spokesbimbo, or spokesanything. It's only the best-known candy in the country and maybe the world already. Shut up, sell your poisonous garbage to dumb people, and laugh all the way to the bank.
Don't eat that, it's poison
Dammit life was so much simpler when I didn't know or care why I shouldn't eat m&m's. Or Sugar Babies and Milk Duds.
We should decry their decision to deprive transgender M&Ms of their sweet voices and demand a boycott. Maybe we could fool enough liberals to make it stick.
Who is this Maya Rudolph... there is another _dolph that we dont like so much...
Just a random actress who appears in Adam Sandler movies.
She does a spot on impersonation of Kamala
Thr bad people manipulators win again.
Upgraayd gonna kill her for this.