I might be going against the grain here, but my #1 is Oprah. I want to see her finally get popped for human trafficking because that would be a massive wake up call for normies.
ETA: My #2 is Stephen Colbert. Same reasons, and because I've had that sniveling shithead's number since he was on The Daily Show and I'd enjoy some vindication for all of my friends who thought he was just so funny.
Go after the "machines" and the criminals fall like dominoes.
The WEF and all involved.
The Clinton Foundation and all involved.
The Obama Foundation and all involved.
Rockefeller, Ford, Bush, Gates Foundations and all involved
Open Society, etc. and all involved.
Since I snuck a few extra in already...the Red Cross and all involved.
This ^^ though I agree with Purkiss in the question asked ..
Gonna HT /@sleepydude here
“When Q or Trump talks about pluses, they are talking about puppets.
If you know their name, they are simply a puppet. The REAL people in charge pay a lot of money such that you never know who they are.
Strings are being cut, and the last one to go down is Soros.”
Had a similar post about a month ago but focused on investigations. I like this one better. My response at that time was as below and I think I'll stick with it. Once the squeeze starts, the squeals will start and we'll peel back the onion one layer at a time (and the tears will the from the libs!):
I like the idea of a long and inclusive list, but we can easily get overwhelmed. We need to prioritize. If I can only have four I would say
1 Biden Family - This will lead to Obama and others so only a single entry here
2 Clinton family and enterprise (these first two are easily and acceptable swapped in priority) - Again this will lead to others in Govt, banking and industry
3 Brennan - this is a twofer: scratches the scab off of the muslim infiltration of Govt and also exposes the broader IC in decades of illegalities
4 (tied) CDC and Federal Reserve - pseudo-government agencies controlling propaganda messaging
If given one more bonus selection it would be Milley - sell out to the woke agenda and overtly promised to warn (at least one) our potential enemy of any military plans: aid and comfort to the enemy
Those dudes on the view.
The arrests are meaningless to me. I want to see executions. Justice and Vengeance have become the same thing to me.
Unfortunately, we've got to start somewhere and to make this legitimate for the normies, it has to be done by the Book...
Yeah I know, and I can be patient, but I still won't be satisfied until its over.
I might be going against the grain here, but my #1 is Oprah. I want to see her finally get popped for human trafficking because that would be a massive wake up call for normies.
ETA: My #2 is Stephen Colbert. Same reasons, and because I've had that sniveling shithead's number since he was on The Daily Show and I'd enjoy some vindication for all of my friends who thought he was just so funny.
Ding, ding.
I'd take Gates over Fauci in that Fauci is mostly harmless compared to Gates now that he doesn't have power.
Gates probably set computing technology back a decade with his shit, stolen OS ... for that reason alone he deserves whatever is coming his way.
Just to avoid the usual names,
David Brock Rob Reiner Justin Trudeau Tony Blair Al Gore
All 9/11 Conspirators
And, on & on & on... ~{°¡°}~
Sounds good to me...😉
Carole Baskin
Rockefeller, Rothschild, Bogdanoff, Payseur, Tudors
Bill Gates
He openly says shit that should alarm people, yet most don't care.
Go after the "machines" and the criminals fall like dominoes.
The WEF and all involved. The Clinton Foundation and all involved. The Obama Foundation and all involved. Rockefeller, Ford, Bush, Gates Foundations and all involved Open Society, etc. and all involved. Since I snuck a few extra in already...the Red Cross and all involved.
Part of me wants to see the celebrities go more than the politicians just because of how much they are worshipped by the normies.
Also very good....👍 Like I said I have 100's and I want/expect the other 297 to follow in quick succession.😉😎...
1 obummer 2 the witch 3 pencil neck 4 fauci 5 gates
The master list is far longer but this would be a great start.
Clinton(s), Hussein, Schwab, Soros, Gates. Start with them and work on down.
HRC... Fauci.... Gates...... Soros..... Every Head of the CIA thats still alive..............
These are only the puppets tho. Gotta go after the string pullers if you want it to end.
This ^^ though I agree with Purkiss in the question asked ..
Gonna HT /@sleepydude here
“When Q or Trump talks about pluses, they are talking about puppets.
If you know their name, they are simply a puppet. The REAL people in charge pay a lot of money such that you never know who they are. Strings are being cut, and the last one to go down is Soros.”
God will sort this out!
Bush 2, Obama, Clinton (both), Gates
Had a similar post about a month ago but focused on investigations. I like this one better. My response at that time was as below and I think I'll stick with it. Once the squeeze starts, the squeals will start and we'll peel back the onion one layer at a time (and the tears will the from the libs!):
I like the idea of a long and inclusive list, but we can easily get overwhelmed. We need to prioritize. If I can only have four I would say
1 Biden Family - This will lead to Obama and others so only a single entry here
2 Clinton family and enterprise (these first two are easily and acceptable swapped in priority) - Again this will lead to others in Govt, banking and industry
3 Brennan - this is a twofer: scratches the scab off of the muslim infiltration of Govt and also exposes the broader IC in decades of illegalities
4 (tied) CDC and Federal Reserve - pseudo-government agencies controlling propaganda messaging
If given one more bonus selection it would be Milley - sell out to the woke agenda and overtly promised to warn (at least one) our potential enemy of any military plans: aid and comfort to the enemy
Who is accessible, local to YOU?
Mitch McConnell
Chuck Schumer
General Mark Milley
Nancy Pelosi
Barrack Hussein Obama
Also very good....So many to choose from as the first 5 tho...😉😎
Ken Griffin