Absolutely absurd. It takes 10 years and $35 billion dollars to build an aircraft carrier in that class. It is the Keystone of our naval fleet and full of top secret technology.
No other country in the world has anything like it.
We know that Operation Ukraine is going to be used to escalate and drag this show out as long as they can - all while disarming the West, especially Europe. Why? Who has the most to gain by a demilitarized West? Putin did say that the purpose of the military operation was to deNazify Ukraine. What exactly did he mean?
Every weapon system being discussed is far beyond the capability of the Ukrainian Military to operate. This thing will be long over before the Ukrainian’s can staff and train a ship’s complement.
The ridiculousness of these weapons requests are either distractions or comms.
Don't sell Biden short. It would be a good way to destroy our military capability. Maybe, JUST MAYBE, if Biden does decide something this absurd, the military would step in.
Just a thought: Maybe we should take a page from contemporary China's methods with trains, planes and automobiles: we give the Ukraine two, maybe three, of our mothball carriers and rigged them for demolition. Let the Ukraine fill them with their human expertise, and once out to sea, KA BOOM!
I have to disagree with you there.."Their Expertise" does not include their masters..if their masters were out in the ships, I am all in..#NoMoreBrotherWars
"Please send moar money, more weapons and send some of your best boys and girls to help win this war with us...ages 4 to 10 are preferable, thanks." - Z
Aircraft carriers have no defensive role. The reason they exist is to project force, on demand, to places outside of your own territorial control. If you want planes to defend your own sovereignty you just build an airbase.
It would probably be cheaper just to watch them lose. I'd be ok with that outcome.
What I wouldn't be ok with is the further rape of my tax dollar to the tune of 8 million a day while veterans and poor people in our own country are freezing to death on the street.
Absolutely absurd. It takes 10 years and $35 billion dollars to build an aircraft carrier in that class. It is the Keystone of our naval fleet and full of top secret technology.
No other country in the world has anything like it.
Please tell me this is a troll.
Please send more money 🇺🇦
They don't say please
Waiting for the send nuclear ICBM requests.
"OK. We'll accept a few nuclear ballistic submarines as a compromise."
-- Azov
We know that Operation Ukraine is going to be used to escalate and drag this show out as long as they can - all while disarming the West, especially Europe. Why? Who has the most to gain by a demilitarized West? Putin did say that the purpose of the military operation was to deNazify Ukraine. What exactly did he mean?
How dare you
Every weapon system being discussed is far beyond the capability of the Ukrainian Military to operate. This thing will be long over before the Ukrainian’s can staff and train a ship’s complement.
The ridiculousness of these weapons requests are either distractions or comms.
true..I am sure they will call our troops just "observers" as well.
There's that "Democracy" word again... "Criminal Enterprises"
More important is "the morally important" Black Sea..... kek
Don't sell Biden short. It would be a good way to destroy our military capability. Maybe, JUST MAYBE, if Biden does decide something this absurd, the military would step in.
And just who exactly are you, Ukraine, to be giving yourself the responsibility of democracy worldwide?
Who controls Ukraine? Once you answer that question, all of the answers will make sense..*signed "The Noticing Club".
Just a thought: Maybe we should take a page from contemporary China's methods with trains, planes and automobiles: we give the Ukraine two, maybe three, of our mothball carriers and rigged them for demolition. Let the Ukraine fill them with their human expertise, and once out to sea, KA BOOM!
Fill them with our garbage and hazardous waste before towing them over.
I have to disagree with you there.."Their Expertise" does not include their masters..if their masters were out in the ships, I am all in..#NoMoreBrotherWars
No more high performing minions, no more masters. We are talking about taking out intelligence. You don't suppose the Masters have any of that?
no and unfortunately most of the soldiers that fight for them and the NPC's of this world...cheers fren.
Top Kek
Mmmm... targets, nice big juicy targets.
remember fren there are only 2 types of warship, submarines and targets.
Yes. Run silent, run deep and avoid soap.
???when your in a can with 100 other dudes please dear God use soap!!
Yeah, when I hear "democracy" I immediately think "Ukraine!"
And vice versa.
We only have 11 carriers. It would be foolish to put that many in one place.
"Please send moar money, more weapons and send some of your best boys and girls to help win this war with us...ages 4 to 10 are preferable, thanks." - Z
Aircraft carriers have no defensive role. The reason they exist is to project force, on demand, to places outside of your own territorial control. If you want planes to defend your own sovereignty you just build an airbase.
It takes awhile to build 4 aircraft carriers. How long do we plan for this thing to go on?
4? LMAO Dont forget the battle fleet that goes along to protect the damn carrier..
entitled much? wonder why?
Hahaha democracy.. brought to you buy those jailing jounos and banning political opposition parties and raiding churchea. Just fucking ha ha ha
It would probably be cheaper just to watch them lose. I'd be ok with that outcome.
What I wouldn't be ok with is the further rape of my tax dollar to the tune of 8 million a day while veterans and poor people in our own country are freezing to death on the street.
Fuck these cowards, fight your own fucking war.
Aww HELL NO!!!
Nice try Ukraine, but control of the black see is the entire reason NATO puts up with Turkey’s bullshit.
These people are fucking delusional lol