Pfizer Virus Mutations Aren’t the Only Inconvenient Truth About Project Veritas’s Latest Scoop
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Malone had the best take - the story proves that pfizer's product is useless and they have to somehow game the virus using monkeys and "directed evolution" in the desperate hope of producing something that has a slight chance of working.
Which it wont, because the mutations are random how would they hope to produce a random mutation in the lab that matched what happens in the wild?
Oh, wait, if they LEAK their mutation into the wild then their product will work for a while?
Naw, they would never do that.
It creates a financial incentive for Pfizer to release it into the wild, which no private company should ever have the power to do. And they know if they were held responsible, they could just say "Whoops, our bad. We were only trying to help humankind. Whoopsie!" because that was basically the excuse for the Wuhan "leak."
Hence the "truck accident" with the Pfizer truck carrying experiment monkeys in Philadelphia
Isn't this what they've been doing with flu vaxxes?
That sounds like what Dr. Zelenko was implying in one of his interviews. Sorry, I don't have the link to the interview, looking for it tho.
HIV has entered the chat
Lyme disease has entered the chat Plumb island has entered the chat
Malone is working with moderna a vaping company and daarpa to get mRNA into people through vaping. See George Webb substack.
Was, was working. Doubt he still is. We all know he was the dude behind mRNA. But he is against it now for sure, he’s not afraid to say it’s harmful
Have a look at George Webb's substack. George is a very good journalist. Malone is still talking about a virus being contagious and leaking etc. In my view he is controlled opposition
I thought the reveal about the soft pedaling between the regulators and the company due to the regulators hoping for future positions with the company was just as big as the virus gain of function research. This probably happens with every large corporation.
Agreed. It obviously happens, but hearing an insider boast about it is a whole different level. A lot of “normies” assume innocence when evaluating a situation, but when a “normie” hears that, they can’t assume innocence.
I agree with you. We knew about these backroom deals, but here was someone admitting to them.
Calling medicine "NOTHING" is still being generous.
Diversity hire. He was an intern five years ago
EXACTLY. This is where ignoring excellence/merit based hiring will get you.
I've been (mostly) taking care of my own health for over thirty years. For my age, I am healthy, at a perfect weight, and very active. Actually for any age. The tools we need are all out there, and most of them are God-given and natural. Time to take control.
Any great must haves thst you take anc wouldn’t mind sharing ?
Of course I'll share! Zinc, B12, vitamin D and C, Milk Thistle, NAC, melatonin, Colloidal Silver, Magnesium, Biotin, Collagen, Fiber capsules, Ivermectin, Except for Ivermectin, the others are taken daily. Also a fan of L Tryptophan, but not every day. Hope this is useful.
Thank you so much ! I need to get healthy again , I do yoga most days hike eat healthy but I’ve been so undisciplined with my essential supplements, I used to be so great at taking them and then a couple years ago I took a big handful of all my vitamins , around 15 different things , I always had them counted out in little cups , 30!to 40 days I would do at a time . That day as I was running around to get out of the house , on an empty stomach I swallowed all of them , i immedietly flew out the door to hike , I got a a few blocks from the mountain and I started hurling bad , I had to sit down on sidewalk I was so sick , I kept throwing up ! I finally made it home and I was litterally sick for a few days, it felt like my stomach was ripped apart , I haven’t taken my regimen since! Actually my stomach has really never been the same it gets queezy easy ! I do drink a liquid meal replacement full of good stuff but it’s not enough ,, when I read your post I got encouraged. Everything that u take is so good for us , I really perked up reading colloidal silver, magnesium and all of them are good medicine for our bodies. I’m going to start tomorrow , I have NAC and most all of these thst I bought a bit ago promising myself I would start again ,,, tomorrow I am ,, thank you so much ,, I’ll go out to buy silver and a few others thst I don’t have in my arsenal lol cheers friend !
You're very welcome! I should add I take them throughout the day, but most of them are taken in the morning, after I've had a glass of milk and a Graham cracker. I'm one of those people who can eat the same thing every day for months, which is a little weird, but it works for me. Good luck on your journey back to self-reliance.
So I'm probably the only that "Directed Evolution" freaks out, and I had never heard of it either before PV video
Dead give away is the patent number assigned to the virus. Nobody can patent something that occurs naturally.
This should be a Twitter post to red pill the Normies.
It's just their alternative word for gain-of-function because gain-of-function research is illegal.
Diversity promoted—every step of the way. And he’s not the only one. Get ready to vet new doctors, lawyers—every profession.
My theory is that he was selected for his total lack of morals rather than any technical aptitude.
Correct. People who indulge in sexual perversion lifestyles normally don't have the highest moral character. He seemed giddy in the 1st part of the video....I'm guessing he thought he was going to get laid.
How can they still be running a business?
Wait - I know - the system is corrupt and rigged...