I've been saying it. He's playing the role of Peter.
"Before the cock crows THOU SHALT deny me three times."
Peter was not the type to shy away from a fight. He drew a sword and cut off a Roman soldier's ear when they came to arrest Jesus in Gethsemane. He fought for the cause his entire life and eventually was crucified himself. The man had the faith to walk on water and the courage of a lion. I think the reading of Peter's denial of Jesus has always been misinterpreted as a moment of weakness, when in fact, I've long suspected it was the toughest trial of his faith and was done at the request, if not the command, of Jesus, for reasons possibly only known to Him. His weeping has been framed as a moment of shame. Rather, I think it was the hardest moment of his life, being forced to swallow his pride in a way he never had before. As pride was his greatest vice. Being asked/told to deny confederacy with the man who showed him the power of faith, the cleansing nature of love, and the hope of a glorious eternity could not have sat well with him.
Trump's tweet aimed at Pence on the morning of January 6th always read two ways to me too. So many instantly condemned him, but something about it never sat right with me. I realize completely that I could be wrong but something tells me when this story is told in its entirety, the name Pence will not be the hiss and byword we've made it into the past couple of years. Something tells me he was a vital piece in this (hopefully) final chess match between the lovers of God and the demon followers of Baal.
I agree with all you state and was especially glad when, 'Chris Miller Thanked VP Pence for Efforts in Most Complex Military Operation in History' it settled it in my mind, and I thought that it made perfect sense in this war game. BUT two things still nagged my mind.....
When Robert David Steel said that Mike Pence has killed and consumed children.
Mike Pence received the notice in his envelope, just like the Obamas and Clintons etc., at the funeral of Bush Senior.
Not saying this is proof, just saying that these two things have stuck in my mind especially when he seems to be the one publicly betraying Trump.
No. No. Those are good facts to consider. Again, I could be totally wrong. But that tweet from Trump that morning...something felt off. I think it said something about how sometimes doing the right thing is the hardest thing. Could easily be read two ways. Felt like a chess move. Time will tell.
Why, exactly, should you put any credit in Robert David Steele's allegations about Pence? He has claimed that NASA is operating a slave colony for children on Mars. He has touted "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion," a Czarist hoax, to justify anti-Semitic arguments. Contrary to historic evidence, he asserts the Holocaust is a hoax.
This does not establish that everything he has said is a falsehood. But it does establish that not everything he has said is the truth. You don't have any justification accepting from him any outrageous claims about Pence.
As for the envelope that Pence received, nobody knows what was in it, not even if it was a "notice" (of what?).
You are reading things into the Gospel that are not there. There is a divine prohibition against deleting anything from or adding anything to the account.
You do make a salient point, however. You refer to Pence as "the hiss and byword WE'VE made it into the past couple of years" (emphasis added, and a very good turn of phrase). Indeed we have, and I feel disgusted every time I see those who hiss and sneer at his name. The just presumption is of innocence until guilt (of what?) is proven. It appalls me how cavalier we are in abandoning that principle, arrogant in our omniscience that we know truth and falsehood as divine inspiration.
When the time comes, it may not be Pence who will have to answer in the afterlife for his sins. It could be us.
The Bible was changed plenty before it made its way into the hands of the public at large. You never know if what you're reading is the true original. Don't get hung up on the details. The Bible teaches one thing no matter how many translations or alterations it goes through: a man with faith can talk to and learn directly from God. Scripture should be the starting point. The experiences the men in those many books had should be where it leads you. Only the Spirit of God will tell you the truth. Let reading the Bible put your head in the right place, then turn to the source, or even the Bible can and will lead you astray.
That's a super interesting take on it, I like it and it jibes. Wouldn't of course take it as "gospel truth" but I could easily see that. And I don't see anything wrong with "reading into" scripture so long as it's not a distraction or taken as being truth versus an opinion.
I absolutely agree that some that we consider traitors now will be revealed to be heroes.
During the mid 19th Century the political and kinetic battles for central asia between Russia and Great Britain were called "The Great Game". I think this title can be applied more generally to all political brinksmanship. Politics is defined as the struggle for authority or power and in that struggle subterfuge, camouflage and deceit are powerful tools for all sides involved.
Same here. No one here thinks Trump had no idea of how his own VP was going to vote in that hearing? Or there was no prior discussion between Trump and Pence regarding that decision? Or that Team Trump didn't do the calculus of sending the election results back to the states?
Everyone is pissed at Pence for not kicking the results back to the states. I disagree. All that would have happened is each state would have done some half assed "audit", declared everything on the level, or re-certified Gropey Joe as president. All it would have taken are a few RINO cucks to have derailed the entire thing. To be fair the pressure on those folks to certify would be absolutely enormous. I could easily imagine threats and/or massive payoffs to state legislators to certify.
IMHO, I think Trump is trying to do something far more ambitious than winning an election. I think Trump is going after the root of the rot and corruption in DC. Hence all the investigations into election fraud that seem to go nowhere. Trump is working with the good guys to dismantle the entire election fraud apparatus. Didn't Trump (and Pence) promise to "drain the swamp"? Say what you want. but Trump always walks the walk and does what he says he will do, even the left admits this.
How do you 'show' the public the truth?
How do you 'safeguard' US elections post-POTUS?
How do you 'remove' foreign interference and corruption and install US-owned voter ID law(s) and other safeguards?
It had to be this way.
Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.
Thank you. I say this all the damn time and no one seems to remember that. The blackhats could not have stolen the election without pence and never would have gone along with it....aka...pence was the judas goat leading them to treason. Don't sleep on pence lots of this will be optics. 50/50 chance he is good.
Also this great reminder!!!!!
Chris Miller Thanks VP Pence for Efforts in Most Complex Military Operation in History?
That is why I reserve judgement on Pence. I think he, Barr, DeSantis, Rosenstein and others are engaged in kayfabe with Trump.
I've been saying it. He's playing the role of Peter.
"Before the cock crows THOU SHALT deny me three times."
Peter was not the type to shy away from a fight. He drew a sword and cut off a Roman soldier's ear when they came to arrest Jesus in Gethsemane. He fought for the cause his entire life and eventually was crucified himself. The man had the faith to walk on water and the courage of a lion. I think the reading of Peter's denial of Jesus has always been misinterpreted as a moment of weakness, when in fact, I've long suspected it was the toughest trial of his faith and was done at the request, if not the command, of Jesus, for reasons possibly only known to Him. His weeping has been framed as a moment of shame. Rather, I think it was the hardest moment of his life, being forced to swallow his pride in a way he never had before. As pride was his greatest vice. Being asked/told to deny confederacy with the man who showed him the power of faith, the cleansing nature of love, and the hope of a glorious eternity could not have sat well with him.
Trump's tweet aimed at Pence on the morning of January 6th always read two ways to me too. So many instantly condemned him, but something about it never sat right with me. I realize completely that I could be wrong but something tells me when this story is told in its entirety, the name Pence will not be the hiss and byword we've made it into the past couple of years. Something tells me he was a vital piece in this (hopefully) final chess match between the lovers of God and the demon followers of Baal.
I agree with all you state and was especially glad when, 'Chris Miller Thanked VP Pence for Efforts in Most Complex Military Operation in History' it settled it in my mind, and I thought that it made perfect sense in this war game. BUT two things still nagged my mind.....
When Robert David Steel said that Mike Pence has killed and consumed children.
Mike Pence received the notice in his envelope, just like the Obamas and Clintons etc., at the funeral of Bush Senior.
Not saying this is proof, just saying that these two things have stuck in my mind especially when he seems to be the one publicly betraying Trump.
No. No. Those are good facts to consider. Again, I could be totally wrong. But that tweet from Trump that morning...something felt off. I think it said something about how sometimes doing the right thing is the hardest thing. Could easily be read two ways. Felt like a chess move. Time will tell.
Why, exactly, should you put any credit in Robert David Steele's allegations about Pence? He has claimed that NASA is operating a slave colony for children on Mars. He has touted "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion," a Czarist hoax, to justify anti-Semitic arguments. Contrary to historic evidence, he asserts the Holocaust is a hoax.
This does not establish that everything he has said is a falsehood. But it does establish that not everything he has said is the truth. You don't have any justification accepting from him any outrageous claims about Pence.
As for the envelope that Pence received, nobody knows what was in it, not even if it was a "notice" (of what?).
You are reading things into the Gospel that are not there. There is a divine prohibition against deleting anything from or adding anything to the account.
You do make a salient point, however. You refer to Pence as "the hiss and byword WE'VE made it into the past couple of years" (emphasis added, and a very good turn of phrase). Indeed we have, and I feel disgusted every time I see those who hiss and sneer at his name. The just presumption is of innocence until guilt (of what?) is proven. It appalls me how cavalier we are in abandoning that principle, arrogant in our omniscience that we know truth and falsehood as divine inspiration.
When the time comes, it may not be Pence who will have to answer in the afterlife for his sins. It could be us.
The Bible was changed plenty before it made its way into the hands of the public at large. You never know if what you're reading is the true original. Don't get hung up on the details. The Bible teaches one thing no matter how many translations or alterations it goes through: a man with faith can talk to and learn directly from God. Scripture should be the starting point. The experiences the men in those many books had should be where it leads you. Only the Spirit of God will tell you the truth. Let reading the Bible put your head in the right place, then turn to the source, or even the Bible can and will lead you astray.
That's a super interesting take on it, I like it and it jibes. Wouldn't of course take it as "gospel truth" but I could easily see that. And I don't see anything wrong with "reading into" scripture so long as it's not a distraction or taken as being truth versus an opinion.
I absolutely agree that some that we consider traitors now will be revealed to be heroes.
During the mid 19th Century the political and kinetic battles for central asia between Russia and Great Britain were called "The Great Game". I think this title can be applied more generally to all political brinksmanship. Politics is defined as the struggle for authority or power and in that struggle subterfuge, camouflage and deceit are powerful tools for all sides involved.
Agreed. Same goes for Sessions
I agree with you, and refuse to jump to conclusions from my comfy armchair at home on that stuff. Too much 5D for my 5head brain.
Same here. No one here thinks Trump had no idea of how his own VP was going to vote in that hearing? Or there was no prior discussion between Trump and Pence regarding that decision? Or that Team Trump didn't do the calculus of sending the election results back to the states?
Everyone is pissed at Pence for not kicking the results back to the states. I disagree. All that would have happened is each state would have done some half assed "audit", declared everything on the level, or re-certified Gropey Joe as president. All it would have taken are a few RINO cucks to have derailed the entire thing. To be fair the pressure on those folks to certify would be absolutely enormous. I could easily imagine threats and/or massive payoffs to state legislators to certify.
IMHO, I think Trump is trying to do something far more ambitious than winning an election. I think Trump is going after the root of the rot and corruption in DC. Hence all the investigations into election fraud that seem to go nowhere. Trump is working with the good guys to dismantle the entire election fraud apparatus. Didn't Trump (and Pence) promise to "drain the swamp"? Say what you want. but Trump always walks the walk and does what he says he will do, even the left admits this.
#Q4951 How do you 'show' the public the truth? How do you 'safeguard' US elections post-POTUS? How do you 'remove' foreign interference and corruption and install US-owned voter ID law(s) and other safeguards? It had to be this way. Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light. Q
Thank you. I say this all the damn time and no one seems to remember that. The blackhats could not have stolen the election without pence and never would have gone along with it....aka...pence was the judas goat leading them to treason. Don't sleep on pence lots of this will be optics. 50/50 chance he is good.
If Pence is the soldier for Christ that he seems to be I don’t see that he could be duplicitous towards MAGA goals.
What if he is thanking Sam 237, not Pence.
He doesn’t even want to go back into government according to his interview on Bannon today. He doesn’t strike me as an administration in the shadows…
Doesn't "want to" =/= won't.
In fact, those who don't "want to" were who our Founders agreed we should "want to" become our public servant leaders.