Here I am listening to Neuralink podcasts desperately looking for solutions, and its ran by a bunch of limp wrist California dudebro's salivating about 'brain hacking'.
That being said, these soiboys are more helpful in this endeavor than alt anons crying out about chips in their brains.
We talk about COVID and how it's the most obvious conspiracy and how normies are silly for not seeing the problem with the protocols. I feel that Neuralink is even more obvious. Conspiracy theorists have been talking about microchips for ages and you're going to trust putting one in just because the guy making it is "our guy"?
I see this as a hopeful counter-message to the Great Reset's "shareholder capitalism", which is just a way for global slavers to say "slaveholder capitalism" so normies won't understand, and think it must be much more complicated. It isn't. It is about the very wealthy ("elite" (parasites), globalists, illuminati, satanists, freemasons, "jews", zionists, khazars, archons, demons, repilitians, democrats, republicans etc., the term matters not, as "you'll know them by their fruits") being the corporate shareholders of Earth, Inc. and managing all resources, including human resources, or what remain when they have genocided humanity into manageable numbers.
What if Tesla Investor's Day is not about EVs, or only on a superficial level? What if this day is to commemorate some public revelation or step to make Nikola Tesla's free and unlimited wireless energy a reality (again)? Tesla's scientific theories, personal and spiritual philosophies must all be considered to begin to understand the logistics and implications of this technology, what it reveals about the true nature of our realm, of "space" itself, and our relationship with God. I believe the current alien/ufo psyop is much more than an attempt to further solidify the satanic nwo, but a defensive psyop to prevent the paradigm shift, the "great awakening" that would occur, one that would destroy future attempts to enslave humanity for a very long time. It would revolutionize every aspect of our world.
The wording of this tweet says to me that it is not about Musk's TSLA investors, but free humans as investors in a future that Nikola Tesla's God-given genius and work made possible. Musk, and those behind him, do a good job stumping me, so I choose to speculate in the most positive direction.
Granted I despised dealers and all their shenanigans but that made my decision easier. My model 3 has been mostly perfect. Ive had some condensation in the headlights that Tesla repaired 6 or so months after I bought it but since then its been great. The drive is quiet and amazing. The interior is sparce but great. We have 2 local tesla charging stations near us but we almost never use them because the garage charger is enough. If we are moving to 2 EVs which we are thinking about, we will put 220v in the garage instead of 110.\
Personally, I think the tweet is Tesla talking about future automation. (humanoid robots).
Me 2. I do not want that kind of car that if the battery gets bad then you have to buy another car instead, the battery costs a lot of money plus the car doesn’t help the environment and it takes plenty of time to recharge and it can be explosive NO THANK YOU not even as a gift
Lol, I guess captain planet over here is walking every where he goes. Good for you.
Rare Earth Elements are used in massive quantities in the production of gasoline. No matter what company makes your car, rare Earth materials are being used.
Im fine with heaving rare earth minerals out of the ground... Man made climate change is BS anyway which kind of negates any need to buy an oversized and overpriced RC car/ EV... like.. ever.
If you really care about the environment you would only drive pre owned vehicles.. no "new" environmental cost to buying a car that was manufactured 10 years ago compared to all these new teslas being spat out of the factory every day. We should make what we already have last longer, not throw it away for the newest over-hyped tech.
But its the child slave labour that i really have a problem with..
Dont you?
A 10 year old used car still runs on gasoline. Therefore it still depends on rare Earth materials to make it go. Rare Earth Elements are used in mass quantities in the production of gasoline. Of course child labor is awful, but if you're driving any vehicle, you are complicit in it's mining. There is no moral high ground in the automotive industry.
I am interested. My father worked for 7 years as a fractionation column fireman at a major refinery (nothing to do with putting out fires). There was no discussion of "massive quantities" of "rare Earth elements" used in gasoline production. I will speculate you are really referring to platinum used as a catalyst for the polymerization reactions from light fractions into heavy fractions.
What you are omitting is that there is a big difference between metals that are used as catalysts that NEVER GET CONSUMED, and cobalt (not a rare earth element) which is alloyed with lithium in batteries that NEVER GET RECYCLED. The former does not require the massive expansion of cruel and criminal mining practices.
The conventional automobile industry has the moral high ground, insofar as the consumption of cobalt is concerned. Or, you don't give a hoot about the lives of the children.
Cobalt and lithium are not rare Earth materials. Which is what the initial comment claimed.
Child labor is horrible, but nice strawman. More child labor is used in the bricks you build your house with, the clothes on your back and the carpets you walk on than are used in cobalt or lithium mining combined. 70% of all child laborers are working in the agriculture industry so unless you don't eat food, maybe step down off your high horse.
Maybe go ask your pops about lanthanum and cerium. Both are used as additives for fluid catalytic cracking (FCC), a key process in gasoline production.
A catalytic converter has more rare Earth in it than batteries do.
Child labor sucks, but your beef is with countries that facilitate it. Not EVs, but big oil sure appreciates your loyalty.
I love the model 3! I want one so bad, test drove it twice but with interest rates where they are right now I’ll wait. I’ll always have a gasser but definitely want a model 3 in the future!
You can't reason with them on EVs man. I've tried. Unfortunately, the moment the left latched onto EVs with any kind of favor, EVs became tainted beyond any point of reason. Hivemind mentality i've found to exist on both sides of the isle unfortunately.
EVs in winter are bad. Autonomy drops when really cold, and, on the road during a snowstorm, you'll miss mommy's milk. EVs are flaming up left and right.. That's without even looking into the social aspect of cheap labor, children on the field, and environmental costs (as in destruction of landscape) of mining for lithium.
But fires from internal combustion engine cars (1) seldom involve the whole car, and (2) can be extinguished. Once an EV lights off, it might as well be made out of thermite or magnesium. There is no putting it out (except to douse the lithium in molten metal). On account of this terrific danger, parking garages are starting to prohibit the parking of EVs within. Insurance companies are sure to include EV exceptions to their home policy coverage (no coverage if an EV is kept on the premises and the home is destroyed by a fire originating from the EV). Auto insurance collision coverage is bound to show some regard for the total loss aspect of an EV fire, not to mention any liability for damage to third parties occasioned by the fire. LIthium is the most electro-negative (combustible) element in the universe. Just sayin'.
Ordinary car fires are nowhere so spectacular as to get much press coverage. There is seldom any such thing as a "small" EV fire. You seem to think it is better to run a lower risk of actual fire, but a much higher risk of that fire being catastrophic. And it can't be extinguished. Once it starts, you are in for the whole ride. Bad luck for you if you are inside and the default system status is to lock the doors before the computer quits. It's a likelihood vs. severity tradeoff.
If a car catches on fire, it's done. Total loss in 90% of all fires. It's severity AND likelihood.
"Each year, from 2014 to 2016, an estimated 171,500 highway vehicle fires occurred in the United States, resulting in an annual average of 345 deaths; 1,300 injuries; and $1.1 billion in property loss."
No, I just view videos of Teslas turning into incendiary weapons that can't be stopped. I notice you are ducking the problem of not being able to extinguish a lithium fire, or how serious such a fire is. Conventional fires can be put out. (Lithium is the only fire fuel that can burn with conventional extinguishing agents. Halogenated hydrocarbons are as good as oxygen.)
Of course there are about 79 times more conventional cars in the U.S than Teslas and the passenger load-out may differ. So, your numbers aren't so dramatically different when compared statistically. There are 182 confirmed cases of Tesla fires against 3.6 million produced, so they happen. (That's about 1 fire per 20,000 vehicles. The airliner industry works to a standard of no greater than a 1 in 10 million probability of catastrophic flight failure.)
I think your assessment is based on the principle that "it doesn't matter how serious the fire is; a fire is just a fire." If you believe that, more power to you.
Elon is an Alien. He admitted it in a Joe Rogan interview. Admitting he is an Alien actually takes the wind out of the UFO false flag deep state operation to scare people.
He is an Alien working with Trump.
If any person on Earth is an Alien, it's likely to be the person to become the richest in the world in arguably the hardest businesses, electric cars and rockets.
No sarcasm. Even Ancient Aliens, the most popular show on history channel says Aliens have always lived among us.
I believe in God, Jesus, Q and Aliens. None of these beliefs contradict each other. Even Q said Aliens are real two times. Alien deniers need to wake up. Even if Elon doesn't turn out to be an Alien, you can bet they have been living amongst us.
I saw an Alien with my own eyes in broad daylight. He invited my friends to a barbecue and then abducted us. He looked close to human, but not quite. My mistake for thinking he was just an odd person.
35 years ago, a aunt of mine told me how a friend presented to her someone who could seemingly and immediately change shapes. She told us how this person asked her to close her eyes, as they sat at the table where they were, and only a few seconds after, when she opened them, and it was a completely different person. She remember seeing the pope (JP 2, at that time) even with his big white hat he often wore. Details and all. But this person also transformed as the "devil", as she put it, with a lizard face or something, and I remember that it scared the bejezus out of me, remembering what she said, days later. But she wasn't joking at all. Ten years ago, I saw her again and asked if she remembered what it was all about so we could exchange again on the matter. But alas, she didn't! She promptly said that she would have remembered clearly if that had been her telling us this story decades earlier. I'm pretty sure it was her. Anyway.... Did MIB come to take it away from her? Or was it really her? Either way, it happened to someone I knew at the time and it left a very profound impression on me.
I really appreciate your information. Please take into account that Elon has been pretending to be on the cabal's side. Its clear by how he was okay with losing 100 Billion in wealth that he isn't all about power and money. Its clear by all the attacks on him by the deep state that he is on our side. See the bigger picture. Remember that Trump used to pretend to be a pedo satanist too who would "have sex with his daughter" and do weird photos with Ivanka and say weird things. It was all to pretend he was on their side to gather Intel.
Its certainly possible that Elon did the same. I could be wrong but be a little open minded here brother.
A message of good hope…..there is only one message of good hope. And it doesn’t have anything to do with cars Elon. It’s through salvation in Jesus Christ. It’s about time you figure this out. Otherwise I put into question your “wisdom”.
I expect robot advancement. Maybe inserting the tethered humanoid robots into the line in the next 2 years (elon time). Some people will take this as a negative thing. IMO, its eventual.
Ahh yes, a good old fashioned pump n dump huh?
Elon's favourite capitalisation method.
I joke, i joke... Or do I?
Nice words, lovely, fluffy, optimistic... Vague...but optimistic... sort of.. it's not clear.
We will see if its a big nothing burger or not soon enough.
Hopefullly its not just Free brain chips and Tesla's to go with the starlink for the poor people of Ukraine..
I’m guessing here, but I wonder if an “EV” will come with a power source within the cell units (e.g., powered by something like magnetism. It worked for building the pyramids!). I’m assuming there would be something like hundreds of these cells in a single vehicle (more for a bigger car and less for a smaller car). Then, one would have to replace those cells when they are no longer functional. No idea on how long an each cell unit would last. It would be like switching out a battery of a fork lift in a warehouse. You would switch out each cell unit that no longer provides enough power. The gas stations would be replaced with, or convert to, battery cell changing centers.
Everyone in the comments concerned with EVs need to also remember that Tesla is developing AI and robotics (Optimus). Lots of things this announcement could be
This thread is full of people who distrust literally everything on earth except big oil. Relax tough guys, buying an EV won't make you gay. But it will blow the doors off any gas car that pulls up next to you.
Forget the environment. Gas cars are just inferior products, end of story.
I'm not sure what you mean by "inferior." Relative to what? Build quality? Satisfaction of purpose? Environmental robustness and reliability? If they were so superior, why would they need government subsidies to force the rest of us to underwrite their cost?
Sure you've got a great list regarding things people care about in a car, yet one thing you didn't mention was the SOUND of the accelerating engine. If it's Ferrari vs Tesla, consider me on Team Ferrari.
What government subsidies are you talking about? Chrysler had a big bail-out loan about 40 years ago, but they paid it back in full.
As for the list, conventional cars do well on all of them, depending on how you want to prioritize them. I hope under #4 you are including battery replacement cost. I notice safety is not on the list. And, how much gasoline I have in the tank is not a function of ambient temperature.
I know that GM is being subsidized to develop EVs... I don't think that diminished my point.
And I know that tax credits are often conflated with subsidies, so in this case the devil is in the details.
I'm not in favor of subsidies to anyone. But it is clear that the government is using its power to compel us to use EVs, which I resent and oppose. Let them stand on their own, with no subsidies, whether they are made by Tesla or GM.
You're just being obtuse or can't operate a search engine I guess.
Tesla has taken far fewer subsidies than any other manufacturers and the 2008 and 2018 TARP bailouts were not to help manufacturers make EVs. They were to keep the floundering companies afloat. You may remember "too big to fail" ?
Yes, and I remember Solyndra. What's the point? GM is being subsidized to make EVs, and I am not good with that either. You seem to be insensible to the issue that the government is steering us into them by economic carrots and sticks, which has nothing to do with their merits.
I don't approve of subsidies for anything, so don't waste your time trying to use the "everybody does it" excuse. You think EVs are so great, you buy one and live with it. Don't force them down our throats. You also get to figure out where all the needed extra electric power comes from.
I STILL don't want an EV, no matter how many bells and whistles it has.
I also don't want a chip in my brain.
I would, if I were a quadriplegic and it could help me walk again.
Honestly I would too if I had Alzheimer’s or Parkinsons.
Here I am listening to Neuralink podcasts desperately looking for solutions, and its ran by a bunch of limp wrist California dudebro's salivating about 'brain hacking'.
That being said, these soiboys are more helpful in this endeavor than alt anons crying out about chips in their brains.
We talk about COVID and how it's the most obvious conspiracy and how normies are silly for not seeing the problem with the protocols. I feel that Neuralink is even more obvious. Conspiracy theorists have been talking about microchips for ages and you're going to trust putting one in just because the guy making it is "our guy"?
Elon Musk: A Comms Primer
I see this as a hopeful counter-message to the Great Reset's "shareholder capitalism", which is just a way for global slavers to say "slaveholder capitalism" so normies won't understand, and think it must be much more complicated. It isn't. It is about the very wealthy ("elite" (parasites), globalists, illuminati, satanists, freemasons, "jews", zionists, khazars, archons, demons, repilitians, democrats, republicans etc., the term matters not, as "you'll know them by their fruits") being the corporate shareholders of Earth, Inc. and managing all resources, including human resources, or what remain when they have genocided humanity into manageable numbers.
What if Tesla Investor's Day is not about EVs, or only on a superficial level? What if this day is to commemorate some public revelation or step to make Nikola Tesla's free and unlimited wireless energy a reality (again)? Tesla's scientific theories, personal and spiritual philosophies must all be considered to begin to understand the logistics and implications of this technology, what it reveals about the true nature of our realm, of "space" itself, and our relationship with God. I believe the current alien/ufo psyop is much more than an attempt to further solidify the satanic nwo, but a defensive psyop to prevent the paradigm shift, the "great awakening" that would occur, one that would destroy future attempts to enslave humanity for a very long time. It would revolutionize every aspect of our world.
The wording of this tweet says to me that it is not about Musk's TSLA investors, but free humans as investors in a future that Nikola Tesla's God-given genius and work made possible. Musk, and those behind him, do a good job stumping me, so I choose to speculate in the most positive direction.
You tried one? Im guessing not.
Granted I despised dealers and all their shenanigans but that made my decision easier. My model 3 has been mostly perfect. Ive had some condensation in the headlights that Tesla repaired 6 or so months after I bought it but since then its been great. The drive is quiet and amazing. The interior is sparce but great. We have 2 local tesla charging stations near us but we almost never use them because the garage charger is enough. If we are moving to 2 EVs which we are thinking about, we will put 220v in the garage instead of 110.\
Personally, I think the tweet is Tesla talking about future automation. (humanoid robots).
Me 2. I do not want that kind of car that if the battery gets bad then you have to buy another car instead, the battery costs a lot of money plus the car doesn’t help the environment and it takes plenty of time to recharge and it can be explosive NO THANK YOU not even as a gift
Praps after we get the Tesla towers disseminating free, costly and unlimited electric energy to all our communities. Till then, bwahahahahahahah
Maybe if it didn't require child slaves in the congo to mine for rare earth elementsI would consider
If you are good and keep your social credit score high enough they won’t remotely disable it.
Lol, I guess captain planet over here is walking every where he goes. Good for you.
Rare Earth Elements are used in massive quantities in the production of gasoline. No matter what company makes your car, rare Earth materials are being used.
Im fine with heaving rare earth minerals out of the ground... Man made climate change is BS anyway which kind of negates any need to buy an oversized and overpriced RC car/ EV... like.. ever. If you really care about the environment you would only drive pre owned vehicles.. no "new" environmental cost to buying a car that was manufactured 10 years ago compared to all these new teslas being spat out of the factory every day. We should make what we already have last longer, not throw it away for the newest over-hyped tech.
But its the child slave labour that i really have a problem with.. Dont you?
A 10 year old used car still runs on gasoline. Therefore it still depends on rare Earth materials to make it go. Rare Earth Elements are used in mass quantities in the production of gasoline. Of course child labor is awful, but if you're driving any vehicle, you are complicit in it's mining. There is no moral high ground in the automotive industry.
I am interested. My father worked for 7 years as a fractionation column fireman at a major refinery (nothing to do with putting out fires). There was no discussion of "massive quantities" of "rare Earth elements" used in gasoline production. I will speculate you are really referring to platinum used as a catalyst for the polymerization reactions from light fractions into heavy fractions.
What you are omitting is that there is a big difference between metals that are used as catalysts that NEVER GET CONSUMED, and cobalt (not a rare earth element) which is alloyed with lithium in batteries that NEVER GET RECYCLED. The former does not require the massive expansion of cruel and criminal mining practices.
The conventional automobile industry has the moral high ground, insofar as the consumption of cobalt is concerned. Or, you don't give a hoot about the lives of the children.
Cobalt and lithium are not rare Earth materials. Which is what the initial comment claimed.
Child labor is horrible, but nice strawman. More child labor is used in the bricks you build your house with, the clothes on your back and the carpets you walk on than are used in cobalt or lithium mining combined. 70% of all child laborers are working in the agriculture industry so unless you don't eat food, maybe step down off your high horse.
Maybe go ask your pops about lanthanum and cerium. Both are used as additives for fluid catalytic cracking (FCC), a key process in gasoline production.
A catalytic converter has more rare Earth in it than batteries do.
Child labor sucks, but your beef is with countries that facilitate it. Not EVs, but big oil sure appreciates your loyalty.
Worked on electric golf carts for 27 years. Don't want an electric car.
I love the model 3! I want one so bad, test drove it twice but with interest rates where they are right now I’ll wait. I’ll always have a gasser but definitely want a model 3 in the future!
Yep. A few of my family have gone from “EVs suck” to talking about how great my car is after I let them drive it.
You can't reason with them on EVs man. I've tried. Unfortunately, the moment the left latched onto EVs with any kind of favor, EVs became tainted beyond any point of reason. Hivemind mentality i've found to exist on both sides of the isle unfortunately.
EVs in winter are bad. Autonomy drops when really cold, and, on the road during a snowstorm, you'll miss mommy's milk. EVs are flaming up left and right.. That's without even looking into the social aspect of cheap labor, children on the field, and environmental costs (as in destruction of landscape) of mining for lithium.
ICE vehicles catch on fire about 11x more frequently than EVs but big oil sends it's regards for the free plug.
I find that hard to believe, and even if it's true it's at least possible to put them out when they DO catch fire. EVs are a massive pain to put out.
For every 100k vehicles... 1529 ICE vehicles catch on fire.
For every 100k behicles.... 25 EVs have caught on fire.
52 total EVs have caught on fire... Ever.
But fires from internal combustion engine cars (1) seldom involve the whole car, and (2) can be extinguished. Once an EV lights off, it might as well be made out of thermite or magnesium. There is no putting it out (except to douse the lithium in molten metal). On account of this terrific danger, parking garages are starting to prohibit the parking of EVs within. Insurance companies are sure to include EV exceptions to their home policy coverage (no coverage if an EV is kept on the premises and the home is destroyed by a fire originating from the EV). Auto insurance collision coverage is bound to show some regard for the total loss aspect of an EV fire, not to mention any liability for damage to third parties occasioned by the fire. LIthium is the most electro-negative (combustible) element in the universe. Just sayin'.
Ok how many ice vehicles are repaired after fires? Car fires are terrible and they happen much much more frequently with ICE than with EVs.
Per 100k cars, 1529 ICE cars burn Per 100k cars, 25 EVs burn.
We agree that car fires are dangerous, I would want to own one that has way less chance of catching fire.
Ordinary car fires are nowhere so spectacular as to get much press coverage. There is seldom any such thing as a "small" EV fire. You seem to think it is better to run a lower risk of actual fire, but a much higher risk of that fire being catastrophic. And it can't be extinguished. Once it starts, you are in for the whole ride. Bad luck for you if you are inside and the default system status is to lock the doors before the computer quits. It's a likelihood vs. severity tradeoff.
If a car catches on fire, it's done. Total loss in 90% of all fires. It's severity AND likelihood.
"Each year, from 2014 to 2016, an estimated 171,500 highway vehicle fires occurred in the United States, resulting in an annual average of 345 deaths; 1,300 injuries; and $1.1 billion in property loss."
1 person has died in a Tesla fire.
Do you work for BP or what?
No, I just view videos of Teslas turning into incendiary weapons that can't be stopped. I notice you are ducking the problem of not being able to extinguish a lithium fire, or how serious such a fire is. Conventional fires can be put out. (Lithium is the only fire fuel that can burn with conventional extinguishing agents. Halogenated hydrocarbons are as good as oxygen.)
Of course there are about 79 times more conventional cars in the U.S than Teslas and the passenger load-out may differ. So, your numbers aren't so dramatically different when compared statistically. There are 182 confirmed cases of Tesla fires against 3.6 million produced, so they happen. (That's about 1 fire per 20,000 vehicles. The airliner industry works to a standard of no greater than a 1 in 10 million probability of catastrophic flight failure.)
I think your assessment is based on the principle that "it doesn't matter how serious the fire is; a fire is just a fire." If you believe that, more power to you.
I listed the numbers as a per 100k ratio. EVs catch on fire at a drastically reduced rate.
Lithium fires are bad. 345 people a year die in car fires. 1 person ever has died in a lithium battery fire.
Keep your ICE car grandpa. Saudi Arabia sends it's love.
I hate to say it, but this sounds like something the Aliens might say before beaming down...
Elon is an Alien. He admitted it in a Joe Rogan interview. Admitting he is an Alien actually takes the wind out of the UFO false flag deep state operation to scare people.
He is an Alien working with Trump.
If any person on Earth is an Alien, it's likely to be the person to become the richest in the world in arguably the hardest businesses, electric cars and rockets.
No sarcasm. Even Ancient Aliens, the most popular show on history channel says Aliens have always lived among us.
I believe in God, Jesus, Q and Aliens. None of these beliefs contradict each other. Even Q said Aliens are real two times. Alien deniers need to wake up. Even if Elon doesn't turn out to be an Alien, you can bet they have been living amongst us.
I saw an Alien with my own eyes in broad daylight. He invited my friends to a barbecue and then abducted us. He looked close to human, but not quite. My mistake for thinking he was just an odd person.
35 years ago, a aunt of mine told me how a friend presented to her someone who could seemingly and immediately change shapes. She told us how this person asked her to close her eyes, as they sat at the table where they were, and only a few seconds after, when she opened them, and it was a completely different person. She remember seeing the pope (JP 2, at that time) even with his big white hat he often wore. Details and all. But this person also transformed as the "devil", as she put it, with a lizard face or something, and I remember that it scared the bejezus out of me, remembering what she said, days later. But she wasn't joking at all. Ten years ago, I saw her again and asked if she remembered what it was all about so we could exchange again on the matter. But alas, she didn't! She promptly said that she would have remembered clearly if that had been her telling us this story decades earlier. I'm pretty sure it was her. Anyway.... Did MIB come to take it away from her? Or was it really her? Either way, it happened to someone I knew at the time and it left a very profound impression on me.
By the way I like your name. I wrote a novel called Cannabis Paradise and the main character is called Silex.
Please to meet you, my writer friend. Thank you!
Abducted you and your friends, and then what?
he got better?
They deleted our memory right after the part where we saw several spaceships fly down from the sky to beam us up with tractor beams.
Thanks for the great post. Sorry to hear about your abduction.
How was the BBQ?
Oddly delicious.
I heard it was Outta this World! lol
let me guess... sweet baby rays? that wasn't an alien, it was Mark Zuckerberg
Oh boy do I have bad news for you then. This is what your alien overlord - the "richest one in the world" - is wearing on that profile picture of his in the image. This should tell you all you need to know about who you're insisting on idolizing. Yes that's a literal representation of an inverted crucifix... on baphomet's forehead... on his chest.... that he himself chose and paid for. And don't even get me started on his "Mom" there, lol
I really appreciate your information. Please take into account that Elon has been pretending to be on the cabal's side. Its clear by how he was okay with losing 100 Billion in wealth that he isn't all about power and money. Its clear by all the attacks on him by the deep state that he is on our side. See the bigger picture. Remember that Trump used to pretend to be a pedo satanist too who would "have sex with his daughter" and do weird photos with Ivanka and say weird things. It was all to pretend he was on their side to gather Intel.
Its certainly possible that Elon did the same. I could be wrong but be a little open minded here brother.
A message of good hope…..there is only one message of good hope. And it doesn’t have anything to do with cars Elon. It’s through salvation in Jesus Christ. It’s about time you figure this out. Otherwise I put into question your “wisdom”.
Somehow I don't think he will
The best is yet to come, right?
Sure good use a message of good hope and positivity for the future. May not have until March 1
We’re with you, fren. Please let us know how we can pray for you
I will be just fine, what is more hurtful is the thought of fellow man having to endure non-stop disasters before then and perhaps,after.
I just saw that.
Hopium still lives!
I expect robot advancement. Maybe inserting the tethered humanoid robots into the line in the next 2 years (elon time). Some people will take this as a negative thing. IMO, its eventual.
March madness?
Ahh yes, a good old fashioned pump n dump huh? Elon's favourite capitalisation method. I joke, i joke... Or do I?
Nice words, lovely, fluffy, optimistic... Vague...but optimistic... sort of.. it's not clear. We will see if its a big nothing burger or not soon enough.
Hopefullly its not just Free brain chips and Tesla's to go with the starlink for the poor people of Ukraine..
One thought from me: Free Internet via starlingk after thr initial equipment purchase.
I’m guessing here, but I wonder if an “EV” will come with a power source within the cell units (e.g., powered by something like magnetism. It worked for building the pyramids!). I’m assuming there would be something like hundreds of these cells in a single vehicle (more for a bigger car and less for a smaller car). Then, one would have to replace those cells when they are no longer functional. No idea on how long an each cell unit would last. It would be like switching out a battery of a fork lift in a warehouse. You would switch out each cell unit that no longer provides enough power. The gas stations would be replaced with, or convert to, battery cell changing centers.
It's true I am a non consenting investor for paying taxes that went to Elon's private companies.
Buddy, way way way way more of your taxes went to the bailout of the big four big oil American car manufacturers than ever went to Tesla.
Everyone in the comments concerned with EVs need to also remember that Tesla is developing AI and robotics (Optimus). Lots of things this announcement could be
“My fellow Americans….”
Now that I think about it. I don't think Q said President Trump is going to say it but we all assumed he would:
Look to Twitter: Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......." God bless.
Q only said look to Twitter.
Whatever happened to the "Fauci Files" that were supposed to be coming a month ago?
So, invest everything we got?
When they invent a battery that does not burn up, go dead and need a $30,000 replacement and is made from a reliable material i will consider it.
Musk's Announcement:
"All Tesla's will now come with a Warp Drive addon."
Now just imagine the speeding tickets.
Gotta catch ‘em first!
This thread is full of people who distrust literally everything on earth except big oil. Relax tough guys, buying an EV won't make you gay. But it will blow the doors off any gas car that pulls up next to you.
Forget the environment. Gas cars are just inferior products, end of story.
I'm not sure what you mean by "inferior." Relative to what? Build quality? Satisfaction of purpose? Environmental robustness and reliability? If they were so superior, why would they need government subsidies to force the rest of us to underwrite their cost?
Things people care about like...
Why does GM, Ford and every ice vehicle producer need government subsidies? And why do they need so much more? When will they pay them back?
Sure you've got a great list regarding things people care about in a car, yet one thing you didn't mention was the SOUND of the accelerating engine. If it's Ferrari vs Tesla, consider me on Team Ferrari.
With an EV, you can blow the doors off a Ferrari and still pay for a person to sit in the car and yell vroom.
What government subsidies are you talking about? Chrysler had a big bail-out loan about 40 years ago, but they paid it back in full.
As for the list, conventional cars do well on all of them, depending on how you want to prioritize them. I hope under #4 you are including battery replacement cost. I notice safety is not on the list. And, how much gasoline I have in the tank is not a function of ambient temperature.
Are you kidding about subsidies? GM alone had 51 billion in subsidies in 2009.
It's not even close, your taxes go far more to keeping ICE car companies rolling.
I know that GM is being subsidized to develop EVs... I don't think that diminished my point.
And I know that tax credits are often conflated with subsidies, so in this case the devil is in the details.
I'm not in favor of subsidies to anyone. But it is clear that the government is using its power to compel us to use EVs, which I resent and oppose. Let them stand on their own, with no subsidies, whether they are made by Tesla or GM.
You're just being obtuse or can't operate a search engine I guess.
Tesla has taken far fewer subsidies than any other manufacturers and the 2008 and 2018 TARP bailouts were not to help manufacturers make EVs. They were to keep the floundering companies afloat. You may remember "too big to fail" ?
Yes, and I remember Solyndra. What's the point? GM is being subsidized to make EVs, and I am not good with that either. You seem to be insensible to the issue that the government is steering us into them by economic carrots and sticks, which has nothing to do with their merits.
I don't approve of subsidies for anything, so don't waste your time trying to use the "everybody does it" excuse. You think EVs are so great, you buy one and live with it. Don't force them down our throats. You also get to figure out where all the needed extra electric power comes from.