I got a call from a close friend today as he had heard my marriage of 8 years seems to be in trouble. As a brother in Christ he wanted to call and get the details himself. We talked for 20 minutes; he listened, counseled, and encouraged me to fix my eyes back upon the Lord as it sounded, to him, that i was focusing on things other than Jesus. I took it to heart and we were wrapping up the conversation when to took a moment and announced he had something he needed to tell me and that he had been meaning to say for a while now.
This is a close friend to be sure. Knew me my before my wife did. I used to worship every Sunday at the same church with him. We preached the Gospel together for over 6 years in one of the spiritually darkest and most dangerous places in Chicago. We did that work weekly. We witnessed much in our work and we grew very close. He always knew i was a patriot and that i took truth and information very seriously. He also knew that due to a chronic illness ive had for many years i have had copious experiences with the medical professionals.
Anyways, my friend went on to say thank you to me. He told me that had i not been in his life, hes not sure he wouldnt have taken the shots. And he reminded me of his heart attack from 5 years ago too. He told me thank you again, that i saved his life. He said, "you called it from day 1."
I knew he had made the choice in real time awhile ago that he was not going to take the shots but i never knew why exactly he chose not to. I still dont know what exactly it was but i was humbled to have him credit me with saving his life and his wife's as well by extension of his conviction.
I never thought of myself as "doing" anything per se. Rather i was open and truthful, honest and God fearing in my testimony about what my experience was. What i was seeing, thinking, reading, and experiencing. I loved with genuine love a brother i Christ, a neighbor. The Holy Spirit is the one who works and changes hearts and minds, who works to bless us with knowledge and understanding. It was a real blessing to hear that "insignificant me" made such an impact on anothers life.
Hold firm to the Truth always. The lord is indeed moving and doing great things every moment on earth.
Prayers for my marriage is all I'm asking for tonight.
I’m already praying for you.
Prayers coming.
Your witness was beautiful.
Prayers for you this morning.
Whatever you do in brotherly love is turned to good, even without your awareness.
This is how we do God's work on earth. We stay true to him and ourselves, no matter what, and we cannot then err from the path he has set out before us.
The path is narrow, because it is easy to be led astray. If you stay true, the path is as easy as falling off a log.
Beautiful. God bless you, keep you, and restore your marriage.
I begged someone I know (in another country with different news media) not to get the shot. Gave all kinds of info, news stories, photos of injuries, you name it. He ignored it all and got three shots. If something happens, I have a clear conscience. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink. I’m glad you were able to have a positive impact on your friend. I hope things work out with your marriage.
powerful testament, or in the modern parlance: great copy.
Wonderful testimony. Amen. May we all be so in tune with the Holy Spirit that we act instinctively as agents of His will, counting neither the cost nor the fruits. But what a blessing to be told of the sweet grace from another. Praying for your marriage as well.
I stood up against the vax at work strongly, and most did not get the booster after that......
you are doing God's work
🙏 Fren, God is truly with you.
Laugh your way to a Better Marriage by Mark Gungor was a good youtubed marriage conference... light-hearted but touching real issues. Joyce Meyer helped me tremendously as a woman and wife. Battlefield of the Mind was pivotal.... but I listened to countless audio sermons while I went about my day.... may God hold you together. Going on 3 decades here--- have seen many valleys. God walked us through them all. His love is immeasurable. "But as for me I will always have hope, I will praise you more and more."
Thank you for sharing friend. I hope you and your wife can reconnect through the blessings of God. ❤️😁👍
May God bless you. We never know whose life we are touching unaware. May God continue to use you to open the eyes of the blind ones. 🙏🏻
Thank you for this post, praying for your marriage
What's crazy for me is that my adult children (ages between 24 - 34 yrs old) already decided not to get the vaxx for themselves & their kids, when I told them not to get them. They had already done their research on their own. But the rest of my side of the family and husbands side all got the vaxx, sister, brother, husbands parents, my father & his wife, cousins, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews. It's going to be a very sad time for us if they all start having health issues and/or die.
Having 1 single friend like that is priceless.
This is a great positive uplifting story. Thank you for sharing. Also, it just shows the bond that two brothers can have in Christ! With him admonishing you regarding your marriage, and lifting you up in prayer. With you sharing with him the truth about the vaccines, and potentially saving his life because he didn’t take it. I’m so grateful you have one another in Christ. God bless you both and have a great night.
Praise God. I will keep you in prayer brother. We all need to be people of prayer in these trying times. I lost sight of The Lord for far too long. He is calling everyone to repentance and to seek Him with their whole hearts.
I never finished this book Identity Wars, but the first chapter 'The Duracell Tree', and I think much of the rest of the book deals with relationships. I remember finding that first chapter to be extremely profound in some very basic concepts that eluded me for over 30 years.
You’re not insignificant, fren. God made you for a reason. You’re very significant.
You & yours are in my Family's prayers ~
Moar of this well done Pede!