Kavanuagh Rape Accuser Confesses She Lied, Was Never Raped, Never Even Met The Man
ICYMI| Because the mainstream media was not very interested in this story (for obvious reasons) it is likely that you did not see this when it broke. For this reason we are posting it again. The sh*t show the Democrats staged at the confirmation hearings ...
Isn't there some kind of penalty for LYING UNDER OATH anymore or is that just for conservatives?
During Trump's next term he should legalize "Walking the Plank" as a form of punishment. Chum the waters and cue the cameras. Since we have been living under Maritime Law, we should have Maritime punishment.
Walk the plank was more of an intimidation tactic. To the best of our knowledge, this act has never been recorded in any ships log books. An even worse tactic, which has been used and recorded was to be: "Keel hauled"...to be bound hand and foot immersed from one side under the vessels hull to the other side while scraping against razor edged barnacles. If you didn't drown, then you had to deal with infection. The other punishments depending on severity of crimes would be flogging or a capital punishment to be hung from the yard arm until dead.
Pick your favorite!!
Drawn and Quartered is another good one but could get you a ban on GAW for suggesting it.
I prefer to tie the hands, lift them up over a bunch of hungry hogs and letting them down slowly feet first but that may be too extreme. Kek
in a "Just" world she would face the same penalty that a convicted rapist would face face.
"Isn't there some kind of penalty for LYING UNDER OATH"
Not for leftists.
A man should be judged by his character and not his race, color or level of wealth. Calling him a Jesuit shill speaks volumes to me about yours. Jus sayin!
So the accusers going to jail for falsifying and perjury?
That's exactly what is SUPPOSED to happen right??!?!! Why do they even bother with the charade of taking oaths if everyone blatantly ignores the oath, breaks the oath and suffers no consequences?
We'll find out if the Brunson case is done right.
The letter is dated 2018, now what do you think?
Monthly payments most have run out with all the eyes on Biden. Prob one of those classified documents… bank statements
"This was borne out again yesterday when Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley made a third criminal referral, this one against a second Kavanaugh accuser, Judy Munro-Leighton."
The Blasey - Ford story is easy to understand and fairly straight forward. It most likely happened how she said, however what she simply did was insert the name of Judge Kavanaugh into the story and took out her boyfriends name at the time.
When you scrutinise the whole thing more, it all falls apart. No one saw the good Judge at the party, his own diary had him in the gym that night, but then he DID go and meet the other boys later.
During examination, Blasey Ford wouldn't name her boyfriend at the time, this same boyfriend was the one who supposedly dropped her off at the house party in his car. He didn't, he stayed at the party, then after the fumble on the bed with the other man, he drove her home and went on to meet up with Judge Kavanaugh at a different party later that night.
She simply swapped out her boyfriend and said it was Judge Kavanaugh. A little bit of truth mixed into what was clearly a lie.
All with the help of the FBLie as well!
Something that never entered the record, Biasey's dad the the head of the CIA bank for years, and Biasey was the Department head and in-charge of a mind control program at Berkley! Her husband left her because she was a kook!
Hopefully makes him mad enough to Brunson some fools.
YES!!! A case ALL ABOUT respecting the oath!
I just love the unsigned letter came to look guy through Kamala Harris’ office! That’s SPECIAL!! Knowingly?
Where is her admission in the article?
Not only that, but the article itself is a repost from 2018.
This is old news. We know all those hags lied. But the DOJ will never do anything about it.
Click on link article and go to the Scribd window. Scroll to Grassley's Page 2 of 3.
For anyone else who wants to confirm if this is Christine Blasey Ford (the principal accuser), without following the clickbait headline link: it's not. It's the crazy lady who was outed as fake almost as soon as she made the accusation.
FFS can we please NOT post literal fake news here? Some retard submits a 5 year old proven bullshit story and 3/4 of you break your arms jerking yourself off over it. THIS is why we cannot redpill normies. THIS is why people laugh at us. Trump hates fake news but apparently we love it. Figure that one out.
Why are we making posts and comments without reading the article(s)? We are better than this. Research and use discernment.
Reading a comment with an opinion does not pass as understanding.
Haven’t seen that hot babe lawyer in a few years.
I love hot babe lawyers in a bidness suit with a tight white silk blouse.
Exodus 20:16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. KJV
So what became of these false claims referred to the DOJ under Zjeff Sessions. These women should have been prosecuted, fined and served prison time, and the same for any members of Congress involved. Those convicted of felonies can not serve in the government.
Believe All Democrats or BAD for short
OMG, the Democrats LIED! Here's my fucking shocked face. Of course, we all know they like to win at any cost...except, thank God, they didn't win THAT one.