Catholic Priests and Canadian Mounties are taking children away from Cree Tribe mothers. It was a program in Canada that essentially put Native children into re-education schools to indoctrinate them. The artist is from the Cree Nation.
Except that isn't even the whole history of these residential schools. It was the government who took the children away. They gave the children to various denominations, not just Catholics, this included Anglicans and other Protestant groups. Not all the schools were bad. There are some prominent native authors who publicly indicated that they had very good experiences in the schools. There were non-native families trying to get their children into some of these schools because some of them had very good reputations. A lot of the children were put into these schools because they were being neglected by their native parents. The reasons for that was because the Canadian government worked very hard to destroy the native communities and the weapon that worked best was inevitably free money. And then they make up the story of un-marked graves, which has been de-bunked by credible academics many times and yet they keep pushing it as if it's truth. For context, the unmarked graves are not based on even 1 body being found. They are based on ground penetrating radar which can identify that there is something there but it can't distinguish a human body from a rock or a tree root. If there were bodies, they would have dug them up by now.
I'm not going to go into more detail than this for the sake of brevity, but residential schools are a political mythos. They have their narrative crafted and they supress any counterpoints. They also use it to attack who they want to attack (primarily the Catholic Church and other religious groups) and conveniently minimize blame from the primary player (the Canadian government). The current Prime Minister's adopted father (Pierre Elliott Trudeau) was the Prime Minister while this program was still going on. Black Face Hitler (current Prime Minister) has never mentioned that while spreading his lies on residential schools (like the mass graves lie which he really promotes). The residential schools were likely not a good thing, but as it stands now, it's difficult to get an accurate picture of what they were given the lies that are being promoted around them and the credible counterpoints that are being supressed.
I think that is what the government is trying to do. Partly because they want to deflect blame from themselves and partly because the current Canadian government is very anti-Christian.
What a lot of the reporting doesn't make clear is that the federal government of Canada was the only governing body that had the legal authority to go into the reserves and take these children. It was their plan. The religious organizations naively though they could help these children by taking them in, but in retrospect, they should have never agreed to help for their own sake. Now they are being used as scapegoats for the whole thing.
And then unfounded lies are being pilled on on top of it all like the mass graves lie for which there is actually no credible evidence. It has to be taken into account that the government's own commission found that "Reliable death records exist and report no mass graves" and yet they are promoting the idea of something that not only doesn't exist, it is not even expected to exist. You can look at the link below to see some details on the whole mass grave hoax if you're interested in knowing a bit more about it:
The mothers and children are white…. This looks like Mounties stealing children from Dokhobour colonies. Dukhobors were Russian immigrants who tried to protect their children from toxic public education and were rewarded by loosing their children to the residential school system. My grandmother was jailed and abused in a residential school from age 7 - 15.
This is "a step in the right direction"? Do you believe that before now she was ok with that happening? It seems like something everyone has already agreed on.
The residential schools are promoted by the mainstream media in Canada for their political purposes. This is as mainstream a leftist political talking point as anything. And with that, comes a lot of lies that surround it which are promoted in the media. All counter-points are supressed (counter points to the narrative, not arguments that the residential schools were a bad idea). And the blame is shifted wherever they want it and away from who they don't want blamed (the government).
Furthermore, the truly dangerous arguments on residential schools is that because they happened, natives should become a protected class who should not be held responsible for any crimes and be allowed to rob other citizens with impunity. That is what they are really pushing with residential schools. And that whites are bad.
When did the government not accept responsibility? I thought they've been falling over themselves backwards since the buried bodies were discovered.
As for your second point, exaggeration aside, that sounds more like critical race theory/reparations talk, which exists outside this specific case ("they started at a disadvantage because of what our ancestors did, so they deserve a chance to catch up")
Turdeau (the current PM) always says sorry for what OTHER people did and no doubt he has apologized many times for the wrong doings of others on this topic. And the government of Canada did set aside money for compensation for abuses resulting from the residential schools and did officially apologize. I don't disagree with that.
As for the second point, the residential school narrative is used to promote critical race theory and bolster it. That is a problem. The fact that there are a lot of lies and exaggerations in the narrative makes it worse because it means the media is using inaccuracies and lies to manufacture outrage and getting away with it.
As for the buried bodies, there were no buried bodies discovered. That is a MSM hoax. Basically, they pointed ground penetrating radar at an orchard and found objects in the ground, which you would expect (tree roots, rocks). They then claimed they were bodies even though ground penetrating radar does not have the resolution to identify objects. They never dug up one body. That is my main points about the residential schools story. The push so many lies about it and supress any counter-points. Counter points such as that many of students had a good experience in these schools (doesn't mean the were a good thing overall, but the truth matters). Here is a link that goes a bit more into the buried bodies hoax:
I'll leave you to debate a historian on the level of abuse in the residential schools and its impact on the students and their succeeding generations. Not something I want to wade into tbh.
Edit: wanted to mention that it is a fair point to being up the technology used to discover the bodies and the fact that they weren't exhumed. Just consider that some may not want the remains of their great uncles and aunts dug up to prove a point to anyone that they feel doesn't need proving.
Except no specific person is even alleged to have been buried there. If you read the article, it goes into this. No one pointed and said my relative is buried there. They listened to some unsubstantiated rumours and started scanning the ground in the area for bodies. The only thing they found was abnormalities in an apple orchard where you would expect them due to the tree roots. There are no un-accounted-for bodies. Even if there are remains there (unlikely but possible), no ownership of them can be established so no one actually can object to the exhumation at this point. Here is the relevant quote from the article:
Reliable death records exist and report no mass graves. The government of Canada did an in-depth analysis of the goings on at Indian Residential Schools as part of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission which took place between June 2008 and mid-December 2015. The most reliable information was collected from all over the country at that time, and all deaths at the Kamloops school were accounted for.
You should not blindly believe what you see in the Canadian press. I'm not sure what evidence would be required to convince you that they are dishonest. I have tried to point out their lies to you, but that is all I can do.
My comment was geared more toward the writing than the picture. Since the inception of BLM she has supported removing statues doesn't believe google has censored historical data, etc, and she has a Masters in history. We have gone toe to toe about the rewriting of history and in some respects she is all for erasing parts of it because it's painful to her friends.
That part I feel leans a bit more left even, as they believe conservatives and "patriots" don't feel history's ugliness should be taken into account (see reparations and CRT).
It comes down to interpretation I guess and you clearly have more context than I do! Could be a conversation starter to see if she's drifting right.
I have to disagree. This isn't actually studying history, this is tuning into the Canadian media network which has been promoting their version of the residential school history for years. No one in Canada is unaware of it. And most in Canada only know about it what they have been told by the government controlled media, which is a carefully crafted political narrative which is being used to divide the country. It is also used to enhance the victim points of the native population and to further promote the idea of white people bad.
It would be a step in the right direction if she actually knew this was propaganda and what the counter-points where to the mainstream narrative on this.
For example, these videos contain some counter points to the mainstream narrative on the residential schools:
The painting itself has one main inaccuracy that is omitted and not historical. The government of Canada (referred to as the crown) has legal stewardship of the natives on reservations to this very day (sounds like slavery to me, but few know about this or care). They are the only ones who ever had the right to separate the native children from their parent. It is the government that took the children from their parents and gave them to various religious groups (not just the ones depicted here).
Here are the following additional omissions and inaccuracies about the residential school narrative as it is presented in the media in Canada:
The schools were not just Catholic run. Other groups such as the Anglicans and Methodists had schools.
Several prominent native writers have publicly said they had great experiences at these schools and it helped to set the framer work for their successful writing careers.
Many non-native parents tried to get their children into some of these schools as some of them actually had very good reputations.
Many of the children that were put into these schools were taken out of broken families where the parents has serious issues such as alcoholism. The government had spent many years trying to destroy native communities and it did eventually start to take effect, especially when they started to provide them with free money. Keep in mind, until this very day, the natives on reservation are under the stewardship of the crown (Canadian federal government). That's who controls what goes on in these communities.
The new thing with residential schools is the mass grave hoaxes where ground penetrating radar (which has a very low resolution and CANNOT definitively identify any object) is used as proof for hundreds of unmarked graves. The first article link above goes a bit into this.
Keep in mind that the history of residential schools is not what you would read in the media. It's been repurposed for political gain. Counter points to the promoted narrative have been supressed and blame has been shifted where they wanted it. Not saying what they did with the schools was good, but unless you dive deep into it and read some counter points, you won't have a complete idea of what actually happened. I only have a cursory one as well, but enough of one to know that most of what they push about these schools in the news is a carefully crafted political narrative and it's all for political gain. If you want more detail, you can scroll to the wall of text above (a response to a previous comment on this thread) as I go more into what they lie about with respect to the residential school narrative and what they omit and downplay.
It was still happening under the current PM's adopted father (Pierre Elliott Trudeau). But also, what you would read in the media about residential schools has a lot of omissions in it and lies. And it's also crafted in a way to make who they want to look bad look bad and down play the role of who they don't want to look bad. If you want more detail, you can scroll to the wall of text above (a response to a previous comment on this thread) as I go more into what they lie about with respect to the residential school narrative and what they omit and downplay.
Christian = bad.
White = bad...
if you look all the aggressor's are white and all the victims are of a shade.
Not sure how long they have been playing this in the subliminal but I see it alot now.
I point this out to my kids and their friends who are around when the topics come up n they say it's understood in their school that they are pushing racism against the Caucasians.
some buy in and some see it for what it is..
OMG CHECK this out - more of the "artist's" work: I was looking at this and was like"This totally looks like a DUDE in drag!?? It looks like the "artist" himself!??
Mind you I totally just Googled this guy - never heard of him before. Says he's "Cree". This is insane:
From the article below:
"Informed by an early fascination with museum dioramas at the Manitoba Museum, Kent Monkman has re-created a buffalo jump, illustrating a traditional buffalo hunting method used by Indigenous people. Here, the artist’s gender bending alter ego, the iconic Miss Chief Eagle Testickle, is driving the buffalo to the edge of the cliff, as her ancestors would have for thousands of years, to ultimately harvest and use every part of the animal."
Looks like a "Christians are bad" meme to me.
And by focusing on History you cannot change, you ignore human slavery that is at its greatest level in the history of civilization, right now, today.
By obsessing over past grievances rather than the current state of affairs, you're burying your head in the sand and making yourself useless.
What's happening here? Canadian mounties are taking children away from a Catholic orphanage?
Catholic Priests and Canadian Mounties are taking children away from Cree Tribe mothers. It was a program in Canada that essentially put Native children into re-education schools to indoctrinate them. The artist is from the Cree Nation.
Except that isn't even the whole history of these residential schools. It was the government who took the children away. They gave the children to various denominations, not just Catholics, this included Anglicans and other Protestant groups. Not all the schools were bad. There are some prominent native authors who publicly indicated that they had very good experiences in the schools. There were non-native families trying to get their children into some of these schools because some of them had very good reputations. A lot of the children were put into these schools because they were being neglected by their native parents. The reasons for that was because the Canadian government worked very hard to destroy the native communities and the weapon that worked best was inevitably free money. And then they make up the story of un-marked graves, which has been de-bunked by credible academics many times and yet they keep pushing it as if it's truth. For context, the unmarked graves are not based on even 1 body being found. They are based on ground penetrating radar which can identify that there is something there but it can't distinguish a human body from a rock or a tree root. If there were bodies, they would have dug them up by now.
I'm not going to go into more detail than this for the sake of brevity, but residential schools are a political mythos. They have their narrative crafted and they supress any counterpoints. They also use it to attack who they want to attack (primarily the Catholic Church and other religious groups) and conveniently minimize blame from the primary player (the Canadian government). The current Prime Minister's adopted father (Pierre Elliott Trudeau) was the Prime Minister while this program was still going on. Black Face Hitler (current Prime Minister) has never mentioned that while spreading his lies on residential schools (like the mass graves lie which he really promotes). The residential schools were likely not a good thing, but as it stands now, it's difficult to get an accurate picture of what they were given the lies that are being promoted around them and the credible counterpoints that are being supressed.
Thank you for posting the FACTS. When will people realize that the GOAL of the propaganda is to destroy Christianity?
I think that is what the government is trying to do. Partly because they want to deflect blame from themselves and partly because the current Canadian government is very anti-Christian.
What a lot of the reporting doesn't make clear is that the federal government of Canada was the only governing body that had the legal authority to go into the reserves and take these children. It was their plan. The religious organizations naively though they could help these children by taking them in, but in retrospect, they should have never agreed to help for their own sake. Now they are being used as scapegoats for the whole thing.
And then unfounded lies are being pilled on on top of it all like the mass graves lie for which there is actually no credible evidence. It has to be taken into account that the government's own commission found that "Reliable death records exist and report no mass graves" and yet they are promoting the idea of something that not only doesn't exist, it is not even expected to exist. You can look at the link below to see some details on the whole mass grave hoax if you're interested in knowing a bit more about it:
Thank you.
Catholic church is the #1 enemy and target of the NWO.
The mothers and children are white…. This looks like Mounties stealing children from Dokhobour colonies. Dukhobors were Russian immigrants who tried to protect their children from toxic public education and were rewarded by loosing their children to the residential school system. My grandmother was jailed and abused in a residential school from age 7 - 15.
I see, thank you. How awful.
I believe it is the roundup of indigenous children in the 1880s
This is "a step in the right direction"? Do you believe that before now she was ok with that happening? It seems like something everyone has already agreed on.
The residential schools are promoted by the mainstream media in Canada for their political purposes. This is as mainstream a leftist political talking point as anything. And with that, comes a lot of lies that surround it which are promoted in the media. All counter-points are supressed (counter points to the narrative, not arguments that the residential schools were a bad idea). And the blame is shifted wherever they want it and away from who they don't want blamed (the government).
Furthermore, the truly dangerous arguments on residential schools is that because they happened, natives should become a protected class who should not be held responsible for any crimes and be allowed to rob other citizens with impunity. That is what they are really pushing with residential schools. And that whites are bad.
When did the government not accept responsibility? I thought they've been falling over themselves backwards since the buried bodies were discovered.
As for your second point, exaggeration aside, that sounds more like critical race theory/reparations talk, which exists outside this specific case ("they started at a disadvantage because of what our ancestors did, so they deserve a chance to catch up")
Turdeau (the current PM) always says sorry for what OTHER people did and no doubt he has apologized many times for the wrong doings of others on this topic. And the government of Canada did set aside money for compensation for abuses resulting from the residential schools and did officially apologize. I don't disagree with that.
As for the second point, the residential school narrative is used to promote critical race theory and bolster it. That is a problem. The fact that there are a lot of lies and exaggerations in the narrative makes it worse because it means the media is using inaccuracies and lies to manufacture outrage and getting away with it.
As for the buried bodies, there were no buried bodies discovered. That is a MSM hoax. Basically, they pointed ground penetrating radar at an orchard and found objects in the ground, which you would expect (tree roots, rocks). They then claimed they were bodies even though ground penetrating radar does not have the resolution to identify objects. They never dug up one body. That is my main points about the residential schools story. The push so many lies about it and supress any counter-points. Counter points such as that many of students had a good experience in these schools (doesn't mean the were a good thing overall, but the truth matters). Here is a link that goes a bit more into the buried bodies hoax:
I'll leave you to debate a historian on the level of abuse in the residential schools and its impact on the students and their succeeding generations. Not something I want to wade into tbh.
Edit: wanted to mention that it is a fair point to being up the technology used to discover the bodies and the fact that they weren't exhumed. Just consider that some may not want the remains of their great uncles and aunts dug up to prove a point to anyone that they feel doesn't need proving.
My grandmother was incarcerated in a residential school for seven years…. It doesn’t effect me one bit.
Except no specific person is even alleged to have been buried there. If you read the article, it goes into this. No one pointed and said my relative is buried there. They listened to some unsubstantiated rumours and started scanning the ground in the area for bodies. The only thing they found was abnormalities in an apple orchard where you would expect them due to the tree roots. There are no un-accounted-for bodies. Even if there are remains there (unlikely but possible), no ownership of them can be established so no one actually can object to the exhumation at this point. Here is the relevant quote from the article:
You should not blindly believe what you see in the Canadian press. I'm not sure what evidence would be required to convince you that they are dishonest. I have tried to point out their lies to you, but that is all I can do.
My comment was geared more toward the writing than the picture. Since the inception of BLM she has supported removing statues doesn't believe google has censored historical data, etc, and she has a Masters in history. We have gone toe to toe about the rewriting of history and in some respects she is all for erasing parts of it because it's painful to her friends.
That part I feel leans a bit more left even, as they believe conservatives and "patriots" don't feel history's ugliness should be taken into account (see reparations and CRT).
It comes down to interpretation I guess and you clearly have more context than I do! Could be a conversation starter to see if she's drifting right.
Thanks. That's awful.
I have to disagree. This isn't actually studying history, this is tuning into the Canadian media network which has been promoting their version of the residential school history for years. No one in Canada is unaware of it. And most in Canada only know about it what they have been told by the government controlled media, which is a carefully crafted political narrative which is being used to divide the country. It is also used to enhance the victim points of the native population and to further promote the idea of white people bad.
It would be a step in the right direction if she actually knew this was propaganda and what the counter-points where to the mainstream narrative on this.
For example, these videos contain some counter points to the mainstream narrative on the residential schools:
The painting itself has one main inaccuracy that is omitted and not historical. The government of Canada (referred to as the crown) has legal stewardship of the natives on reservations to this very day (sounds like slavery to me, but few know about this or care). They are the only ones who ever had the right to separate the native children from their parent. It is the government that took the children from their parents and gave them to various religious groups (not just the ones depicted here).
Here are the following additional omissions and inaccuracies about the residential school narrative as it is presented in the media in Canada:
That pic is so sad. Probably happened in many other places too - lower class citizens getting their children taken from them.
But yes about history. History should make us THINK above all.
Keep in mind that the history of residential schools is not what you would read in the media. It's been repurposed for political gain. Counter points to the promoted narrative have been supressed and blame has been shifted where they wanted it. Not saying what they did with the schools was good, but unless you dive deep into it and read some counter points, you won't have a complete idea of what actually happened. I only have a cursory one as well, but enough of one to know that most of what they push about these schools in the news is a carefully crafted political narrative and it's all for political gain. If you want more detail, you can scroll to the wall of text above (a response to a previous comment on this thread) as I go more into what they lie about with respect to the residential school narrative and what they omit and downplay.
Now her next step is recognizing this is just as likely to happen under a liberal PM.
It was still happening under the current PM's adopted father (Pierre Elliott Trudeau). But also, what you would read in the media about residential schools has a lot of omissions in it and lies. And it's also crafted in a way to make who they want to look bad look bad and down play the role of who they don't want to look bad. If you want more detail, you can scroll to the wall of text above (a response to a previous comment on this thread) as I go more into what they lie about with respect to the residential school narrative and what they omit and downplay.
fuckin mounties
Christian = bad. White = bad... if you look all the aggressor's are white and all the victims are of a shade. Not sure how long they have been playing this in the subliminal but I see it alot now. I point this out to my kids and their friends who are around when the topics come up n they say it's understood in their school that they are pushing racism against the Caucasians. some buy in and some see it for what it is..
Yes - thanks for noticing. Notice the GIANT cross swinging in the foreground. Propaganda at its finest.
OMG CHECK this out - more of the "artist's" work: I was looking at this and was like"This totally looks like a DUDE in drag!?? It looks like the "artist" himself!??
Mind you I totally just Googled this guy - never heard of him before. Says he's "Cree". This is insane:
From the article below:
"Informed by an early fascination with museum dioramas at the Manitoba Museum, Kent Monkman has re-created a buffalo jump, illustrating a traditional buffalo hunting method used by Indigenous people. Here, the artist’s gender bending alter ego, the iconic Miss Chief Eagle Testickle, is driving the buffalo to the edge of the cliff, as her ancestors would have for thousands of years, to ultimately harvest and use every part of the animal."
And then there's this propaganda nightmare:
This guy is a total loon.
Be careful what you assume as truth.
The left is training them to think our history is all bad, but our govt is good now. Not sure this post is a step in the right direction.
Painting of his
And this monstrosity!?? What the heck?
He really has it in for priests apparently.
Sorry.. I'll stop now. But I'm just amazed what passes as "art" these days...