Whether Ron is a globalist or not, one can hate him for trying to split the vote and not allow Trump to get an easy win. Plus he isn't endorsing Trump. Either Ron is in on the plan ... or.. well. fuck Ron if he isn't.
I’d imagine he’s part of the plan. This whole feud seems phony. There’s obviously a lot of people currently moving away from voting Democrat, but they can’t (yet) get themselves to vote for Orange Man Bad. So let them hop on the DeSantis bandwagon and get comfortable with being on the right. Then when Trump gets the nomination, or DeSantis drops out to forfeit to Trump, all these new Republican voters won’t have many options but to vote for Trump.
Why is Trump hammering the “cut social security and Medicare” as if that’s a bad thing? Those programs will be defunct soon if drastic cuts are not made so that just seems really irresponsible and short sighted- just trying to pander to buy votes. I’m usually with Trump on everything- but on this issue I think it’s pathetic and he needs to stop painting everyone that wants to ensure the programs survive as heartless bastards.
That caught my eye too. How is it that cutting those programs is a bad thing when we all know they are not sustainable. Maybe he has other plans in mind, be fiscally responsible in other areas so that those programs remain sustainable? Idk.
He does know how to kick ass and take names.
Fuckin love this gif
Car Ramrod!
I wrote it on the paper!
Whether Ron is a globalist or not, one can hate him for trying to split the vote and not allow Trump to get an easy win. Plus he isn't endorsing Trump. Either Ron is in on the plan ... or.. well. fuck Ron if he isn't.
I’d imagine he’s part of the plan. This whole feud seems phony. There’s obviously a lot of people currently moving away from voting Democrat, but they can’t (yet) get themselves to vote for Orange Man Bad. So let them hop on the DeSantis bandwagon and get comfortable with being on the right. Then when Trump gets the nomination, or DeSantis drops out to forfeit to Trump, all these new Republican voters won’t have many options but to vote for Trump.
Interesting take!
Ooh. I like to see retributions.
Are we talking wood chippers or helicopter rides here? That's what i want to know.
Why not both, a wood chipper hanging below the helicopter.
ME...I would like to see Helicopters performing the ride----its called a "gravity check"...the more you know!!!😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
clean up too messy. Just leads.
Has anyone ever heard DeSantis say he is running?
Boy that is NOT a good look!
I'm still not convinced he is stupid enough to run against DJT. Him and Trump are up to something, all part of the sting.
Strongly Worded Retribution’s that is..
All I can say the El Hombre' has - "MUCHO GRANDE EL BRASSOS BOLLOS"...
DeSantimonious is ABOUT the hit the skids and I will ENJOY watching this asshat go all they to the end of the line with his ass on fire!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
There needs to be a lotta retribution when this is all over. Forgiveness comes after justice, retribution and recompense are served
I'm not sure if forgiveness is on most peoples list.
It's time to release the Kraken......
Misinformation is necessary. -- Q
Why is Trump hammering the “cut social security and Medicare” as if that’s a bad thing? Those programs will be defunct soon if drastic cuts are not made so that just seems really irresponsible and short sighted- just trying to pander to buy votes. I’m usually with Trump on everything- but on this issue I think it’s pathetic and he needs to stop painting everyone that wants to ensure the programs survive as heartless bastards.
That caught my eye too. How is it that cutting those programs is a bad thing when we all know they are not sustainable. Maybe he has other plans in mind, be fiscally responsible in other areas so that those programs remain sustainable? Idk.
The Sheep don't know that.
And they don't want to believe that, even if proven true.
Especially old Sheep (who vote).