Here's my take on this. IF you've been paying attention to the S. Carolina murder trial, you'd hear and understand how today's technology will all but bury the disgraced lawyer. Even without that "smoking gun" that proves his guilt, The prosecutor presented amazing detailed data from cellphones, vehicle gps's, etc. which painted a time/date stamp of locations, directions, speeds, distances, etc. of the lawyer, his contacts and even the deceased victims. So... where am I going with this? Q drops are mentioned on how the comms signals of the DS are constantly being monitored to the point where they can even hear them breathing....
I can assure you, this is very possible... in fact, it's how we would nail the bad guys in Iraq and even more so in Afghanistan/Pakistan.... there are ways to "tickle" a phone that even has its battery removed to get the vital data needed. This technology was being used in 2010.... imagine what they can do today... 😎😎🤔🤫🤫🤫🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
This becomes even more important when you consider who the Murdaugh dynasty had political and financial ties to.
However, I do consider there to be a possibility of two shooters, namely because I think someone squealed in his family and the revenge was losing his loved ones.
He stole enough money and had enough issues to be blackmailed by anyone. If he squealed, or if his father squealed—who died around these murders—I wouldn’t be surprised if the mother and son paid the price.
I heard they were a dynasty of a family so this is indeed interesting. Multiple shooters? Possible, but unlikely. I'll go with your theory ONLY he had to do the deed in order to pay the price. It'll be interesting to hear the defense closing arguments. But back to the evidence gathering. The data they pulled and presented to the jury was nothing less than spectacular. As I said, we had that capability back in 2010 and could literally track the bad guys movements even with the batteries removed from their cell phones. As dhurka dhurka Mohamed jihad finished their missions, they would reactivate the phones. The treasure trove of info gathered was amazing. So with Q telling the DS they can hear them breathing doesn't surprise me one bit.
The Murdaugh case is open comms validating this capability the White Hats have......
OK queue-anon, ArcaneSlang, POTATUSinthief, marvinthe haggler & NazisWereSocialists... good to see many comprehend the implications of technology used today, especially regarding one's private life/lifestyle.
What I was referring to in technology was much higher advanced and I was privy enough to witnessing it working real-time. Think Skunkworks. That is all I can say. It's real. It's there.
I firmly believe the Murtaugh case is pivotal for the world. Because of this televised case and how the evidence/ technique is introduced or presented, now we all see how this works in a civilian court murder case?
So..... lets go a step further. Why are the Democrats/Rhinos/DS/MSM so adamently opposed and work like hell to counter this narrative with the "2000 mules" in election fraud??? What evidence was presented there?? Cellphone tracking?, GPS?, etc.?? If it is admissible in civilian courts, why not in election fraud cases???
Stay safe frens!! WWG1WGA NCSWIC
Harris Stingers, for starters. But yes, triangulation using the Setup Channel pings + Satellite GPS, handoff information + GPS to identify any movement (will give location, direction and speed), etc.
If you are using technology, "they" can get to you. If you are near technology that is not even yours, they can get to you.
Small Edit: My mind was nagging me that "Stingers" is not correct. The product, which Harris denied for many years, is called a "StingRay". It is a fake "cell site" (mobile telephony base station) that LEOs and probably military and spies use to spoof people's phones.
Please enlighten me and the other readers who question how an unpowered phone(no battery) is "tickled" to transmit its contents. If you are going to suggest that it would work like a toll tag, it would have to be specifically designed for that purpose and would also be very limited in the amount of data that could be withdrawn from the device. What say you?
No apologies. Federal prison isnt my ideal spot for retirement. Theres this little business associated with Top Secret security clearances and the requirements to have one tends to put a stop to diclosing actual methods, etc.? I can say Afghanistan was the proving ground of its mission effectiveness. 🤔🤫😎🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
The concept of a phone with no battery is pretty outdated, I'd say. No mobile phone is sold in the developed world with a removable battery. And this ... is not ... a coincidence.
This is a good proof, however I still cannot believe anything that is passed unanimously is for the benefit of we the people. It's too weird for it to be okay all of a sudden to say it was created in a lab. I believe they have began the cover up, blame China, go to war, people cheer on war! Bullshit this is a good thing imo
They’re definitely pushing us to be hawkish on China, check out one of, if not the, latest episodes of the Scott Horton show about the Munich security conference, lays a good case that the US may be goading China into providing weapons to Russia so that when Ukraine loses they can say China turned the tide.
Hmm. Why would dems participate in passing a bill to declassify unless its a primer for war with China. I trust our government as far as I can throw them.
Referring to
President Trump with another extra "L'" in stolen. I pray this is comms for Q 2478, there are only two posts with a L in the brackets. Declas and unsealing of indictments coming? <-click
Here's my take on this. IF you've been paying attention to the S. Carolina murder trial, you'd hear and understand how today's technology will all but bury the disgraced lawyer. Even without that "smoking gun" that proves his guilt, The prosecutor presented amazing detailed data from cellphones, vehicle gps's, etc. which painted a time/date stamp of locations, directions, speeds, distances, etc. of the lawyer, his contacts and even the deceased victims. So... where am I going with this? Q drops are mentioned on how the comms signals of the DS are constantly being monitored to the point where they can even hear them breathing.... I can assure you, this is very possible... in fact, it's how we would nail the bad guys in Iraq and even more so in Afghanistan/Pakistan.... there are ways to "tickle" a phone that even has its battery removed to get the vital data needed. This technology was being used in 2010.... imagine what they can do today... 😎😎🤔🤫🤫🤫🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
This becomes even more important when you consider who the Murdaugh dynasty had political and financial ties to.
However, I do consider there to be a possibility of two shooters, namely because I think someone squealed in his family and the revenge was losing his loved ones.
He stole enough money and had enough issues to be blackmailed by anyone. If he squealed, or if his father squealed—who died around these murders—I wouldn’t be surprised if the mother and son paid the price.
I heard they were a dynasty of a family so this is indeed interesting. Multiple shooters? Possible, but unlikely. I'll go with your theory ONLY he had to do the deed in order to pay the price. It'll be interesting to hear the defense closing arguments. But back to the evidence gathering. The data they pulled and presented to the jury was nothing less than spectacular. As I said, we had that capability back in 2010 and could literally track the bad guys movements even with the batteries removed from their cell phones. As dhurka dhurka Mohamed jihad finished their missions, they would reactivate the phones. The treasure trove of info gathered was amazing. So with Q telling the DS they can hear them breathing doesn't surprise me one bit.
The Murdaugh case is open comms validating this capability the White Hats have......
GPS tracking on phones was well known before this trial. It wasn’t even considered a conspiracy theory.
Good morning Anons!
OK queue-anon, ArcaneSlang, POTATUSinthief, marvinthe haggler & NazisWereSocialists... good to see many comprehend the implications of technology used today, especially regarding one's private life/lifestyle. What I was referring to in technology was much higher advanced and I was privy enough to witnessing it working real-time. Think Skunkworks. That is all I can say. It's real. It's there.
I firmly believe the Murtaugh case is pivotal for the world. Because of this televised case and how the evidence/ technique is introduced or presented, now we all see how this works in a civilian court murder case?
So..... lets go a step further. Why are the Democrats/Rhinos/DS/MSM so adamently opposed and work like hell to counter this narrative with the "2000 mules" in election fraud??? What evidence was presented there?? Cellphone tracking?, GPS?, etc.?? If it is admissible in civilian courts, why not in election fraud cases??? Stay safe frens!! WWG1WGA NCSWIC
Harris Stingers, for starters. But yes, triangulation using the Setup Channel pings + Satellite GPS, handoff information + GPS to identify any movement (will give location, direction and speed), etc.
If you are using technology, "they" can get to you. If you are near technology that is not even yours, they can get to you.
Small Edit: My mind was nagging me that "Stingers" is not correct. The product, which Harris denied for many years, is called a "StingRay". It is a fake "cell site" (mobile telephony base station) that LEOs and probably military and spies use to spoof people's phones.
Please enlighten me and the other readers who question how an unpowered phone(no battery) is "tickled" to transmit its contents. If you are going to suggest that it would work like a toll tag, it would have to be specifically designed for that purpose and would also be very limited in the amount of data that could be withdrawn from the device. What say you?
No apologies. Federal prison isnt my ideal spot for retirement. Theres this little business associated with Top Secret security clearances and the requirements to have one tends to put a stop to diclosing actual methods, etc.? I can say Afghanistan was the proving ground of its mission effectiveness. 🤔🤫😎🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
The concept of a phone with no battery is pretty outdated, I'd say. No mobile phone is sold in the developed world with a removable battery. And this ... is not ... a coincidence.
This is a good proof, however I still cannot believe anything that is passed unanimously is for the benefit of we the people. It's too weird for it to be okay all of a sudden to say it was created in a lab. I believe they have began the cover up, blame China, go to war, people cheer on war! Bullshit this is a good thing imo
They’re definitely pushing us to be hawkish on China, check out one of, if not the, latest episodes of the Scott Horton show about the Munich security conference, lays a good case that the US may be goading China into providing weapons to Russia so that when Ukraine loses they can say China turned the tide.
Look there, not here
They want to push a war Elon's been threatened and now talk of f16 to Taiwan
also the funny way Trump always said China but only when talking about the virus made me think there's more to the story.
Which US intelligence agency? Are we expecting the CIA to document its own crimes from 2020 when they knew Trump or MAGA would later declassify it?
Wake me up when declassified material comes out unredacted.
Fair enough!
Will probably go about like releasing the JFK files has gone. In other words: you'll NEVER know.
Personally I still say it came from Ft. Dietrich, I called it from almost day one, and I've never seen any evidence to say its wrong.
And UNC Chapel Hill
Especially UNCCH... Ralph Baric's name must not be let go.
Hmm. Why would dems participate in passing a bill to declassify unless its a primer for war with China. I trust our government as far as I can throw them.
I question the ease of this passing, but also consider the distance attainable from a helicopter. Kek
C before D?
Neat, this sure sounds Plausible. I hope this all starts happening sooner than next summer.