She did a lot more good pretending to follow illegal orders than she would have if she quit her job in protest and picketed the hospital. Sometimes the right thing to do may not be the most accepted thing to do...but serves the purpose. I am reminded of when people would smuggle Bibles into Communist countries, which was illegal, but served a higher purpose. How do you know what the Lord may have had her do. I also remember people in some concentration camps coming across could they exist in such an environment???....but what better place for them to be. I think your criticism is unjust...but I defend your right to express it...have a blessed day...
She is truly a god sent. My grandma has been the picture of health for 83 years. She got the shot and now has a blot clot in her neck and the medicine to keep her alive is $900 a month. Awesome. You know, cause big pharma cares about us and all.
Not all good news. She was found guilty and her nursing licence was revoked. So next time they are giving out death shots, you can be sure the person doing it will give you the real poison. She can still appeal, not clear if she will.
I've said it before... And for those who were giving placebos, will be heroes.
I also know someone who gave the 'jab' but throw it down the drain and updates peoples health record to show they're 'vaccinated' so they can keep their jobs. They are real heroes to me, they risked a lot. They helped hundreds of families. God Bless them.
No worries fren. I'm definitely not one of those grammar check pfags. Just wasn't sure what you meant. I also took it as you stating "hope she is the only one" as in, only one who got caught and there were more. Could've gone so many ways. Cheers!
Jury nullification is a great weapon against rogue prosecutions. Not applicable to this case since they found her guilty and only nullified jail time. I'm afraid there are just too many sheep amongst us now. Maybe as things continue to spiral out of control enough sheep will awaken to be able to put jury nullification back in the tool kit.
There are lots of these kinds of stories around the world about rogue health staff administering saline. It could just be a cover-up to hide much of the shots genuinely being saline.
She is a hero...
BINGO ! A Super Hero !
Yes..not just a plain, ordinary hero...a super hero...
She did a lot more good pretending to follow illegal orders than she would have if she quit her job in protest and picketed the hospital. Sometimes the right thing to do may not be the most accepted thing to do...but serves the purpose. I am reminded of when people would smuggle Bibles into Communist countries, which was illegal, but served a higher purpose. How do you know what the Lord may have had her do. I also remember people in some concentration camps coming across could they exist in such an environment???....but what better place for them to be. I think your criticism is unjust...but I defend your right to express it...have a blessed day...
She is truly a god sent. My grandma has been the picture of health for 83 years. She got the shot and now has a blot clot in her neck and the medicine to keep her alive is $900 a month. Awesome. You know, cause big pharma cares about us and all.
#YDAK Your Doctor Always Knew
Doctor's were baffled by the lack of sudden death in her community.
Funeral Home Directors HATE Her!
It's nice to see someone in the medical community with courage and conviction.
Correction: Political leaders were baffled by the lack of sudden death in her community.
Wonder how many are still pure blood and how many are still alive?
All those people owe her their lives. They should send her a large gift. :-}
Not all good news. She was found guilty and her nursing licence was revoked. So next time they are giving out death shots, you can be sure the person doing it will give you the real poison. She can still appeal, not clear if she will.
Next up, the ones who injected people with mRNA and no informed consent.
For any person with a real interest in science that's a hell of an opportunity if her "victims" could be tracked down.
Maybe the reason for no charges is they did better?
I've said it before... And for those who were giving placebos, will be heroes.
I also know someone who gave the 'jab' but throw it down the drain and updates peoples health record to show they're 'vaccinated' so they can keep their jobs. They are real heroes to me, they risked a lot. They helped hundreds of families. God Bless them.
Promot her to head the WHO or NIH until they're disbanded
She can be the executioner when fauci is electrocuted for crimes against humanity.
Good woman.
Your not the only one who is "One_Of_Gods_Soldiers" ! This wonderful lady deserves Sainthood.
I hope she is the only one.
you mean NOT the only one? I hope she is NOT the only nurse to have done this, and ultimately SAVED many people for not giving them the poison
Yah. I need to take more time to proof read
No worries fren. I'm definitely not one of those grammar check pfags. Just wasn't sure what you meant. I also took it as you stating "hope she is the only one" as in, only one who got caught and there were more. Could've gone so many ways. Cheers!
She should receive 1 million dollars for each life she saved. The people that forced the vaccines to be administered should be put to death.
She is truly a courageous hero.
Jury nullification
Real justice.
Finally someone in justice who has common sense.
Jury nullification is a great weapon against rogue prosecutions. Not applicable to this case since they found her guilty and only nullified jail time. I'm afraid there are just too many sheep amongst us now. Maybe as things continue to spiral out of control enough sheep will awaken to be able to put jury nullification back in the tool kit.
A true Saint
There are lots of these kinds of stories around the world about rogue health staff administering saline. It could just be a cover-up to hide much of the shots genuinely being saline.
Another win!
She inadvertently created a large control group. This data can scientifically prove how dangerous the experimental injection is.
God Bless her!
Outstanding news! May God Bless her and protect her