Why We Are In This Current Mess: ALL WARS ARE BANKER WARS -- The BEST Video To Share With "Normies". They Need To Teach THIS In Schools (But WON'T).
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
This should be sent to everyone you know
A classic, great share!
Awesome post here's a rumble link: 👍
Right you are Lord KekingtonEsquire! Awesome post for a time like this! 👏
"The bank, Mr. Van Buren, is trying to kill me, but I will kill IT!"
Because the schools belong to them but they're going to go down along with the mainstream news
Well they're richer than Elon Musk and their ethnicity rhythms with shoe.
Those you can't talk about or name....
This is three times as long but explains in more detail how this is possible and what can be done about it: https://odysee.com/@KnowledgeBase:e/Bill-Still-The-Money-Masters-Full-Documentary-1996:7
Thanks for that link,fren. That is a brilliant video.It explains the whole shooting match. It's long but very well worth watching. You could make post of it. I've downloaded it so I can rewatch it because there is so much learn from it.
Again, fren, excellent link, thanks very much.
You're very welcome. It's been posted on the board several times, but lately I'm getting shills trying to explain that we couldn't be where we are without fractional reserve lending because apparently it's the only way to print currency needed to facilitate trade. It's similar to the way another guy tried to confuse me away from the truth about viruses. I'm over the target and loving it.
Good for you,fren. You are doing brilliantly!
"Buy when the cannons are firing and sell when the trumpets are blowing." - Nathan Meyer Rothschild
"If my sons did not want wars, there would be none." - Gutle Schnaper Rothschild
"I paraphrase Lord Rothschild: The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets." - David Dreman
Read the Killing of America by Brown and Williams, I bought it in 2017 from the Infowars Store along with an Expose book on the Clintons.
Don't try to read the book all at once, it is infuriating knowing how the bankers took the country and destroyed it with fake money. take your time, one chapter every couple days and don't read it before trying to sleep.
Can't post it on fakebook🤪💥🇺🇸⚠️
I used to listen to Michael Riviero for years. great info he always had.
This gets a lot right, but it gets a lot of stuff wrong as well, including several of the quotes. That makes it easy to "debunk." If someone tries to corroborate some of the claims made, in some cases they would be able to, and in some they would find that it isn't corroborated and is actually falsely stated.
For example, his quote of Woodrow Wilson wasn't from 1919, but was from a book he wrote for his presidential campaign in 1912, almost two years before he signed the Federal Reserve Act. He was promising to fight the Corporatocracy, even though he had worked for them (as part of the Carnegie Foundation or rather the CFAT).
That's just one of several examples (there were around 15-20 things he got wrong). Unless you are extremely careful with these expositions you tend to only increase the divide between the "two sides." This show is not careful enough, even though it does give a fair bit of good information.
You mean jewish wars...?