The players got called out by name, and won’t be able to hide forever. They better be watching their backs—there may be some desperate people out there, who have nothing to lose.
Damage limitation. The public are being whipped up in to a frenzy over things like variants being used to scare the public, but a blind eye is still being turned to variants being used as cover to explain the Covid jabs not doing what they were supposed to do.
Probably true, but this is the very definition of “the walls are closing in”. I can’t imagine any logical scenario where releasing these leaks to the public as damage mitigation for worse crimes is anything other than exactly what it looks like when psychopaths are in real deal panic mode. Think of how many other previously denied/deflected/ridiculed layers of this onion have patiently, methodically been proven true. Every layer peeled back reveals the darker, dirtier layer beneath, which leads to another and another and another, all the while lighting up the sleeping brains of millions.
When someone is raised to think others people are animals to be exploited. They no longer have a conscience for your pain. Then we have comfortable Predators living within our Communities..lying and exploiting whatever resources thry can sneak into their own coffers.
Upbringing has little to do with it. These creatures are born as psychopaths and stay that way all their lives.
Bad upbringing can make it worse, but nothing - nothing - can make it better. They do not change and cannot be helped.
We are ruled by these creatures with no conscience and have been for millenia. Unless and until we learn to recognize them and get them out of places where they can do harm, nothing will change.
They look normal. They are physically human. But mentally and emotionally, they are entirely different from us. They have no empathy and therefore no conscience. That's why they do so much extreme and unlimited damage.
Our generation is now trying to rid ourselves of them yet again. So far, no one has succeeded for long.
The Good People of the planet have been poisoned by the Comfortable Predators. We are comfortably going to identify them amd remove them. And all gokd energy will increase
Soon there will be many new business and work opportunities for all men to get excited about. We are going tobpay all ourselves overtime, as we rescue and rebuild our Nations. Let the future people enjoying our work pay a tax. It will be awesome.
Glad this is finally getting attention on here. I made a thread about it half a day prior to this one but only like 20 ppl looked haha. But then I'll post a meme and get several hundred upvotes ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Good redpill material.
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Bless you!
Thank you for the archive.
The players got called out by name, and won’t be able to hide forever. They better be watching their backs—there may be some desperate people out there, who have nothing to lose.
You implying they don't yet exist? Mercy me!
If they talk about "deploy" the variant that MEANS the variants were made-up bullshit. It MEANS that. Irrefutable.
Yep, and the "original" too!
Damage limitation. The public are being whipped up in to a frenzy over things like variants being used to scare the public, but a blind eye is still being turned to variants being used as cover to explain the Covid jabs not doing what they were supposed to do.
Probably true, but this is the very definition of “the walls are closing in”. I can’t imagine any logical scenario where releasing these leaks to the public as damage mitigation for worse crimes is anything other than exactly what it looks like when psychopaths are in real deal panic mode. Think of how many other previously denied/deflected/ridiculed layers of this onion have patiently, methodically been proven true. Every layer peeled back reveals the darker, dirtier layer beneath, which leads to another and another and another, all the while lighting up the sleeping brains of millions.
So when do the lynchings begin?
you mean arrests and convictions.
Lynching wouldn't be bad if nobody does anything to these people.
If anything is even being done behind the scenes, how much longer can they obfuscate it until the damn breaks?
Yep these first then hangings
Rivotril was used for the same purpose in france.
Ahh Matt Hancock and Damon Poole. Two more names that you for sure could invite over for dinner in the UK for a little kitchen knife fun.
When someone is raised to think others people are animals to be exploited. They no longer have a conscience for your pain. Then we have comfortable Predators living within our Communities..lying and exploiting whatever resources thry can sneak into their own coffers.
Upbringing has little to do with it. These creatures are born as psychopaths and stay that way all their lives.
Bad upbringing can make it worse, but nothing - nothing - can make it better. They do not change and cannot be helped.
We are ruled by these creatures with no conscience and have been for millenia. Unless and until we learn to recognize them and get them out of places where they can do harm, nothing will change.
They look normal. They are physically human. But mentally and emotionally, they are entirely different from us. They have no empathy and therefore no conscience. That's why they do so much extreme and unlimited damage.
Our generation is now trying to rid ourselves of them yet again. So far, no one has succeeded for long.
But we still have to try.
The Good People of the planet have been poisoned by the Comfortable Predators. We are comfortably going to identify them amd remove them. And all gokd energy will increase
Soon there will be many new business and work opportunities for all men to get excited about. We are going tobpay all ourselves overtime, as we rescue and rebuild our Nations. Let the future people enjoying our work pay a tax. It will be awesome.
As a young boy, I believed the Bible faithfully based in the beauty of our Architecture alone.
Glad this is finally getting attention on here. I made a thread about it half a day prior to this one but only like 20 ppl looked haha. But then I'll post a meme and get several hundred upvotes ¯_(ツ)_/¯
When do we deploy the nooses
Not to put too fine a point on it, but this full on indicates deliberate human intervention in a supposedly natural disease vector.
Excellent point for the normies in your lives, frens.
Reaction from my normie spouse after reading first paragraph. "Wait...what?!"
I was just deciding on using my 10% off home depot coupon on a larger woodchipper. These limbs really pile up.
Thanks for posting. Now I want to know how they deployed it.
A massive coordinated media effort. Like every other day.