Q says the Plan must be executed legally... which is what scares most of us who've lost faith in the just-us system of a down.
That said, the corruption is finally being widely exposed to norms (twit/truth etc) to the point that any court not prosecuting these crimes only exposes further.
And what is this charity that Jennifer Newsom runs? It teaches kids in all 50-states "equity learning" through films. Newsom gives money to the CA schools for "equity learning" programs, and the schools then pay Mrs. Newsom to screen them for the children. What exactly are in these "equity learning" films? PORNOGRAPHY: https://greatawakening.win/p/16Zr0yqupT/newsom-twosome-siebel-newsoms-fi/c/
Here is an article that explains how a high school in Los Angeles used a liberal "equity learning" curriculum that was highly sexualized to groom children. 3 teachers have already been convicted of pedophelia crimes, as of last summer, 4 more were awaiting trial: https://greatawakening.win/p/15JTybynFV/at-one-high-school-in-los-angele/c/
I would love it if whenever someone claims something is illegal, if they would point to the state or federal law that it violates. Would carry more weight.
"I did not have ΜΆsΜΆeΜΆxΜΆuΜΆaΜΆlΜΆ fiscal relations with that ΜΆwΜΆoΜΆmΜΆaΜΆnΜΆ bank"
Bet he is not the only one.
Laws do not apply for him. Unfortunately he and all his evil Democrat colleagues do not get held accountable for criminal activity.
Watch while nothing happens to him
What? Gavin "any twosome" Newsom broke the law? I'm shocked............ SHOCKED !!!
I can't wait for nothing to happen to him.
When has law stopped them from doing something illegal
Annnnndddd - Nothing will happen to him.
So prosecute and fine him at the very least. Until these political figures are held accountable, nothing will ever change. Force him to step down too.
So, if we all know he acted illegally, a citizens arrest is also legal, right?
Q says the Plan must be executed legally... which is what scares most of us who've lost faith in the just-us system of a down.
That said, the corruption is finally being widely exposed to norms (twit/truth etc) to the point that any court not prosecuting these crimes only exposes further.
Trust the Plan
Military Tribunals, quick and swift trial please.
Checks what the constitution says about our legal duties against a corrupt government
Newscum's on his way out.
A lot of wins today....
Don't forget that Gavin Newsom shook down SVB for "behest payments" to his wife's charity: https://openthebooks.substack.com/p/the-silicon-valley-bank-coverup-and
An explanation of behest payments. It is shocking that they are legal. It is blatant "pay to play": https://news.yahoo.com/facebook-google-other-corporate-giants-160041835.html?guccounter=1
And what is this charity that Jennifer Newsom runs? It teaches kids in all 50-states "equity learning" through films. Newsom gives money to the CA schools for "equity learning" programs, and the schools then pay Mrs. Newsom to screen them for the children. What exactly are in these "equity learning" films? PORNOGRAPHY: https://greatawakening.win/p/16Zr0yqupT/newsom-twosome-siebel-newsoms-fi/c/
Here is an article that explains how a high school in Los Angeles used a liberal "equity learning" curriculum that was highly sexualized to groom children. 3 teachers have already been convicted of pedophelia crimes, as of last summer, 4 more were awaiting trial: https://greatawakening.win/p/15JTybynFV/at-one-high-school-in-los-angele/c/
a mere oversight.
Here's another client list will be guarded as Epstein's. Hopefully, lots of them will be revealed as Biden's financial stuff is discovered
The Demon π Rats π π π laugh π π in the face of the word illegalβ¦they know they will not be prosecuted. Look at everything these evil bastards have done to date and not a one is in jail. Perfect example: Adam Schiff π© !
I would love it if whenever someone claims something is illegal, if they would point to the state or federal law that it violates. Would carry more weight.
You know. Citations.
Would love to sse a list of how many VIP's in DC got made whole on their deposits over 250,000 $