The CDC has been LYING to everyone ..not only about what "covid" is and how "deadly" it is at a 99.7% survival rate..they lied about the "vaccines" as well..and all the "scientific research" it has failed to put forth about them..which has actually killed and maimed millions.
Show us all their internal communications lamenting this at the time. Oh.. oops... aren't any
Is THAT all these criminals got? LOL
The CDC has been LYING to everyone ..not only about what "covid" is and how "deadly" it is at a 99.7% survival rate..they lied about the "vaccines" as well..and all the "scientific research" it has failed to put forth about them..which has actually killed and maimed millions.
Nuremberg 2.0 here we come.
"Dr. Daniel" is the real victim. Orange man bad. Nevermind those that died, Dr. Daniel had to cope with heartbreak and feelz.
How the fuck is The NY Times even still in business?
Their business model is telling lies to idiots, so business is booming.
Trump administration officials. They ain't lying
And what bullshit anyway.. they "knew"? Didn't try very hard to save lives tho did they?
ScIeNtIfIc ReSeArCh OMG trust the sCiEnCe !
Daniel needs to be hanging.
Imagine being so gay and retarded you think the CDC would save a life. 😂🤡
Poor editing it should have said ... disregarded important The Science research...
Dr. Daniel Wozniczka's twitter account was created this month and says that he was "forced to quit social media 3 years ago". Sounds contrived.
Let me see; Trump told the world HCQ would cure Covid, and every scumbag in the medical and pharmalogical fields attacked him and the drug.
They did the same when it was revealed that Ivomectin could cure Covid.
Who killed millions again? These MFs should be rounded up and hanged for THEIR crimes that they are trying to pin on Trump.
What a steaming pile of crap.
"Dr. Daniel" was a trainee? Hmm.
Ray Charles could see through this BS. give people ivermectin or HCQ and send them on their merry way to recover in 24-48 hours.
Nobody had to die "of covid". Not one. Single. Person.
Each death was and will be a first-degree murder.