Sterilizing children should already fall under child abuse.
Your kid misbehaves and you spank them, child protection services takes them away. You sterilize your child, it's A ok. They might take them away if you DON'T sterilize them when a teacher says they wanted to be.
Until this happens in a state like California or Maryland, we are just catching up, not winning. I would like to think we are winning also, but we need the bluest of blue states to recognize that this ideology they are chasing is terrible and for me, because I live in Maryland and California is like a "barometer" to Liberalism/Communism, until these states change I won't see us as winning--YET!
Thank God for these laws. My neighbor's 17 year old daughter is smart and funny, but she's been brainwashed into thinking she's a boy. If not for these bans on mutilating children, she could have done real harm to herself.
Without sounding rude or funny.... Why can't people just search to find the story/link??.... That's how we learn or not... Takes all of 15 seconds.... Thanks
Maybe because a lot of people use search engines that suppress or downright block articles/pages that go against the cabal's narrative from ever being found.
I think it's called "high effort posting", actually.
Also, the small time you invest in a high effort post (such as providing sauce, links, etc, etc., actually translates into hours of man hours saved by the board.
It makes follow-up research and work more accessible, saving the collective time further, and advances the collective work.
No, I'm not saying that at all. You post a lot of content. You've told me about your approach in the past. Such prolific posting obviously requires a lot of work and input, aka effort.
But in terms of individual posts, as you've told me before, you (seem) to prefer a shotgun approach, where you get as much material out there as possible.
I'm just saying I agree with BQnita. I think it's a worthwhile point that the 15 seconds you invest (you say it only take 15 secs - I think that qualifies as "a small time" don't you?) would multiply and save a lot of man hours for the board.
But it's your choice. No need to be defensive. It's a matter of style and approach. I personally agree with the mod here, but there's no reason to fight over it.
You either take the suggestions the mod offered or you don't.
The Georgia legislature has made a step in the right direction. Hopefully, it will be signed into law. As Christians, we must reverse the direction the United States is headed. Unfettered medical profiting and promotion of sex changes will create a future subculture of mentally unstable individuals, who will have very grave consequences on the rest of us, especially Christians.
The rise of transsexuals are tomorrow's commissars. In the 1980s, transsexualism was listed as a mental illness in the manuals of the American Psychological Association and the World Health Organization. By current definition, we are told the terms 'transsexual' and 'transsexualism' are no longer used in the medical or psychological professions, having been replaced by 'gender dysphoria' in medical terminology. Owing to the previous association of transsexual with a mental disorder diagnosis, and a history of disparaging use in popular culture, the term is now often considered offensive in general use, especially among younger speakers. In other words, transsexuals have been treated as social outcasts in society. Make no mistake, our society has been historically Christian oriented. So, the motive for revenge is directed at Christians. Already, we are increasingly seeing glimpses of this. Ordinary people using the 'wrong' identity terminology have found out very quickly the wrath and anger of these sick people. Just at the abusive treatment of federal Judge Kyle Duncan and refusing him to speak at Stanford for his refusal to use a transgender sex offender’s “preferred pronouns” in a 2020 opinion. Those who recognize Nature's Laws as incontrovertible have found themselves on the wrong side of the current crazed public policy. The precedent is be established, to which 'wrong speak' means being fired from their jobs, being beaten, and being convicted of 'hate' speech.
What we are witnessing in the United States is a near identical history carried out in post WWII in eastern Europe. It's a history, that has been hidden and completely suppressed. Lets start by looking at what actually occurred then.
The hidden history is that transsexuals, sodomists, and lesbians were sought out by the Bolsheviks to serve as commissars in post WWII Eastern Europe to oppress the Christian majority. Why the Christian majority? It was recognized that Western civilization was based on Christian morality. To destroy a culture, it's religious mores must be turned on its head and destroyed. By taking the abject social outcasts of Christian society and promoting them to positions of power, the Bolsheviks knew that they could exact revenge against their eternal enemy, Christianity.
On more than a 1000 pages, a censored document called the "Sudeten German White Papers" records the many horrors with full details, horrors for which there is no precedent in the history of mankind. Six hundred thousand Sudeten Germans were killed during the massacres of the death camps in Czechoslovakia. The documents record in specificity that armed Czech women, many being transsexuals, lesbian, and jewesses continued beating the wombs of expecting mothers with truncheons until a miscarriage followed, and in one camp alone 10 women died each day in this way (Document No. 6). In another camp, inmates were forced to lick up the bespattered brains of their fellow-prisoners who had been beaten to death. Prisoners were forced to lick up infectious feces from the underwear of their fellow-prisoners suffering from dysentery (Document No. 17). Doctors were disallowed to provide medical aid to the brutally raped and sodomized men and women. In Brno, 275 women committed suicide in a single day to escape the unfolding reign of terror.
Czechoslovakia wasn't the only country where the transsexual, sodomist, and lesbian commissars were used for revenge against Christendom, Similar accounts are found though out Eastern Europe. Some 30,000 died in camps in Hungary along with 200,000 Sudeten Germans, where powdered glass was mixed with the children's food. Shortly after armistice, when the great humanitarian, the "bel esprit" and Zio-Bolshevik Edward Benes entered Prague on Sunday, May 13th, 1945, German Christians were burned alive in honor in St. Wenceslas Square (Document No. 15). Many Christians were hung up by their feet from the big advertising posters symbolizing the Luciferian inverted crucifix in St. Wenceslas Square, then the great humanitarian approached their petrol-soaked bodies were set on fire to form living torches.
Some of these records are presented here as a startling revelation of the transsexual, lesbian, and homosexual hatred of Christianity. The prevailing lesbian psychological characteristic is that they hate males. Sodomists and transsexuals have utter contempt for Christianity.
Is the United States beginning to repeat the horrifying acts of the Bolshevik revolution? It is not a mere coincidence that the Neocons, who now dominate in the political offices of Washington, were originally Bolsheviks. Dissatisfied with their progress of revolution, they repackaged their ideology and abandoned the socialist-based platform of the Democratic Party and moved to the Republican Party.
I do not state this lightly. The United States is repeating the history witnessed in Eastern Europe. It will only get exponentially worse. Public outrage must be voiced to stop this from reoccurring.
Shows how crazy this world has become when you have to fight to get child sex changes banned.
Before, they didn't need to be banned because no one was crazy enough to actually do them.
The same people who bitch about spanking your kids are the ones who think it’s okay to permanently mutilate and sterilize those same kids. Demonic.
That is a seriously important point.
What we have today is a situation where it appears someone literally opened the doors of hell and let all of hell lose on the earth.
Methinks that the Book of Revelation is what's going on (with the 'years' etc, being actually symbolic, not literal).
Sterilizing children should already fall under child abuse.
Your kid misbehaves and you spank them, child protection services takes them away. You sterilize your child, it's A ok. They might take them away if you DON'T sterilize them when a teacher says they wanted to be.
Until this happens in a state like California or Maryland, we are just catching up, not winning. I would like to think we are winning also, but we need the bluest of blue states to recognize that this ideology they are chasing is terrible and for me, because I live in Maryland and California is like a "barometer" to Liberalism/Communism, until these states change I won't see us as winning--YET!
Funny how we almost simultaneously posted a tweet from the same group.
😜🙂... Great minds think alike... 😎
Arrests show we’re winning.
It's a 'legislative win', indeed. Let's pray the RINO governor signs it into law. If he does that, then it is truly a win.
Thank God for these laws. My neighbor's 17 year old daughter is smart and funny, but she's been brainwashed into thinking she's a boy. If not for these bans on mutilating children, she could have done real harm to herself.
Ok explain to me how Georgia makes based decisions but them wants to indict Trump and how they magically voted Biden
Without sounding rude or funny.... Why can't people just search to find the story/link??.... That's how we learn or not... Takes all of 15 seconds.... Thanks
Hehe Purkiss posts quite a bit - perhaps a bit of a diva?
Above the rules Purkiss?
Seriously??.... Of course no matter what, nobody is above the "rules".... And now I'm a 'diva'????
Maybe because a lot of people use search engines that suppress or downright block articles/pages that go against the cabal's narrative from ever being found.
I think it's called "high effort posting", actually.
Also, the small time you invest in a high effort post (such as providing sauce, links, etc, etc., actually translates into hours of man hours saved by the board.
It makes follow-up research and work more accessible, saving the collective time further, and advances the collective work.
"The small time"... Are you saying that I put No effort into my posts??... Because that's not true... Seriously..
No, I'm not saying that at all. You post a lot of content. You've told me about your approach in the past. Such prolific posting obviously requires a lot of work and input, aka effort.
But in terms of individual posts, as you've told me before, you (seem) to prefer a shotgun approach, where you get as much material out there as possible.
I'm just saying I agree with BQnita. I think it's a worthwhile point that the 15 seconds you invest (you say it only take 15 secs - I think that qualifies as "a small time" don't you?) would multiply and save a lot of man hours for the board.
But it's your choice. No need to be defensive. It's a matter of style and approach. I personally agree with the mod here, but there's no reason to fight over it.
You either take the suggestions the mod offered or you don't.
We're on the same team, right?
Winning. Against a fight we never should have had. I’d call it too close to home.
The Georgia legislature has made a step in the right direction. Hopefully, it will be signed into law. As Christians, we must reverse the direction the United States is headed. Unfettered medical profiting and promotion of sex changes will create a future subculture of mentally unstable individuals, who will have very grave consequences on the rest of us, especially Christians.
The rise of transsexuals are tomorrow's commissars. In the 1980s, transsexualism was listed as a mental illness in the manuals of the American Psychological Association and the World Health Organization. By current definition, we are told the terms 'transsexual' and 'transsexualism' are no longer used in the medical or psychological professions, having been replaced by 'gender dysphoria' in medical terminology. Owing to the previous association of transsexual with a mental disorder diagnosis, and a history of disparaging use in popular culture, the term is now often considered offensive in general use, especially among younger speakers. In other words, transsexuals have been treated as social outcasts in society. Make no mistake, our society has been historically Christian oriented. So, the motive for revenge is directed at Christians. Already, we are increasingly seeing glimpses of this. Ordinary people using the 'wrong' identity terminology have found out very quickly the wrath and anger of these sick people. Just at the abusive treatment of federal Judge Kyle Duncan and refusing him to speak at Stanford for his refusal to use a transgender sex offender’s “preferred pronouns” in a 2020 opinion. Those who recognize Nature's Laws as incontrovertible have found themselves on the wrong side of the current crazed public policy. The precedent is be established, to which 'wrong speak' means being fired from their jobs, being beaten, and being convicted of 'hate' speech.
What we are witnessing in the United States is a near identical history carried out in post WWII in eastern Europe. It's a history, that has been hidden and completely suppressed. Lets start by looking at what actually occurred then.
The hidden history is that transsexuals, sodomists, and lesbians were sought out by the Bolsheviks to serve as commissars in post WWII Eastern Europe to oppress the Christian majority. Why the Christian majority? It was recognized that Western civilization was based on Christian morality. To destroy a culture, it's religious mores must be turned on its head and destroyed. By taking the abject social outcasts of Christian society and promoting them to positions of power, the Bolsheviks knew that they could exact revenge against their eternal enemy, Christianity.
On more than a 1000 pages, a censored document called the "Sudeten German White Papers" records the many horrors with full details, horrors for which there is no precedent in the history of mankind. Six hundred thousand Sudeten Germans were killed during the massacres of the death camps in Czechoslovakia. The documents record in specificity that armed Czech women, many being transsexuals, lesbian, and jewesses continued beating the wombs of expecting mothers with truncheons until a miscarriage followed, and in one camp alone 10 women died each day in this way (Document No. 6). In another camp, inmates were forced to lick up the bespattered brains of their fellow-prisoners who had been beaten to death. Prisoners were forced to lick up infectious feces from the underwear of their fellow-prisoners suffering from dysentery (Document No. 17). Doctors were disallowed to provide medical aid to the brutally raped and sodomized men and women. In Brno, 275 women committed suicide in a single day to escape the unfolding reign of terror.
Czechoslovakia wasn't the only country where the transsexual, sodomist, and lesbian commissars were used for revenge against Christendom, Similar accounts are found though out Eastern Europe. Some 30,000 died in camps in Hungary along with 200,000 Sudeten Germans, where powdered glass was mixed with the children's food. Shortly after armistice, when the great humanitarian, the "bel esprit" and Zio-Bolshevik Edward Benes entered Prague on Sunday, May 13th, 1945, German Christians were burned alive in honor in St. Wenceslas Square (Document No. 15). Many Christians were hung up by their feet from the big advertising posters symbolizing the Luciferian inverted crucifix in St. Wenceslas Square, then the great humanitarian approached their petrol-soaked bodies were set on fire to form living torches.
Some of these records are presented here as a startling revelation of the transsexual, lesbian, and homosexual hatred of Christianity. The prevailing lesbian psychological characteristic is that they hate males. Sodomists and transsexuals have utter contempt for Christianity.
Is the United States beginning to repeat the horrifying acts of the Bolshevik revolution? It is not a mere coincidence that the Neocons, who now dominate in the political offices of Washington, were originally Bolsheviks. Dissatisfied with their progress of revolution, they repackaged their ideology and abandoned the socialist-based platform of the Democratic Party and moved to the Republican Party.
I do not state this lightly. The United States is repeating the history witnessed in Eastern Europe. It will only get exponentially worse. Public outrage must be voiced to stop this from reoccurring.
gays against groomers? that's like jews against money. feel like they're using a worse crime to justify their own crime (i.e. sodomy).