This fact was out not long after the election, and still nothing was done, and it was worse and more blatant in the last election, so instead of fight they all accepted loss and moved on. Now we have Whitless and her band of goons ruining Michigan and letting the CCP make batteries here.
One could also use this type of factual math and apply it to the capabilities of four crematoriums. But we can't because antisemitism or something.
You hit that one right on the nose didn't you?
To be fair, it's a pretty big target.
Sure, Jim- MAGA already knows the answer… but you go ahead and “find out”…my question is WHAT are you gonna DO about it?????
2018 - stolen - yet nothing changed
2020 - stolen - yet nothing changed
2022 - stolen - yet nothing changed
2024 -
Maybe that's what "not another four year election" means ... because it's not been election so much as installation.
i'm not gonna bet this time around lol i lost £500 in 2020 before I knew what Q even was lol
I’m gonna go out on a limb here…
This fact was out not long after the election, and still nothing was done, and it was worse and more blatant in the last election, so instead of fight they all accepted loss and moved on. Now we have Whitless and her band of goons ruining Michigan and letting the CCP make batteries here.
Just a friendly FYI:
The Sealed Federal Indictment count is now at 399,907.
I wonder at what point it reaches it's own precipice?
Exactly what are they waiting for? The second coming of Jesus?
Look at it the other way around.
It's not that they have been waiting a long time.
It's simply that they planned ahead and started plenty early....
Just a friendly FYI:
They are sealed cases. There is no way to determine the amount of indictments within the sealed cases.
still, we'll just vote harder and get 'em next time right!
This. I don't know how to respond to the ones who say this to me. How do we vote harder and get the bad guys out of office?
thank you for the additional details fren!
release the hounds.....nose to the ground
Brainstorm time: Can you find out exactly which counties/precincts that the „votes“ came from at that time?
wasn't Fulton Co a big part?
That was Georgia.
oh! thanks!
I think Seth Keshel might have some of this info.
obvious linear algebra should not have gap up like Wisconsin
Good catch! That's great!
Buuuuut 2 + 2. = 5 so it’s legit I can write a VERY STRONGLY worded letter.
Like the one that I sent Alvin Bragg.
You know, The one he laughed at.
Will anything EVER be done?
The evil ones have been developing their network of control for a long, long time.
And they became entrenched everywhere.
a few years to untangle the mess is nothing.
Watch the movie, and quit whining....