Only one question remains. If they are killing children and telling us straight up, "how many more kids do we have to kill before you pass gun control legislation?" Then we have to ask ourselves. If we are at war, let's be at war. Are we going to watch our kids die while we wonder if Q is going to arrest these murderers (if that's their plan still)? What is an acceptable number of kids who should die during wartime? Q, what should our expectations be? Is this a problem we should be solving ourselves? Through legislation? But they threw the elections and our government has been infiltrated, right? So, how can this be something we can solve through standard, legal means? Any answers? Seriously. Do it or don't, Q.
Think mirror. Do you know actual kids are dead and is not all smoke and mirrors? Do you personally know any of the families affected? Victims? Did you respond to the incident as either law enforcement, or EMT?
Wouldn’t a real violent response from conservatives be what they actually want? So they can point the finger and say… see!! Conservatives are dangerous!
has anyone seen the sandy hook victims "all grown up" picture floating around?
David Hogg in a video in California being interviewed a year before Parkland for a completely separate incident?
so many actors. every single shooting.
look at Christchurch shooting. had a guy going around filming all of the actors making sure they were in the correct spot before the alleged gunman footage came out. one was smoking FFS.
While yes, Sandy Hook was an all-out FF operation with no dead children, I suspect most are not this clean. Why? Because Sandy Hook was founded with the goal of being a 3 Letter Agency municipality, this is 100% true & verified. This is one where the details of a FF are so obvious, its hard to imagine such blatant BS.
However, I think most are not this clean. I think most are technically FF's but with real human death. The reason i say this is because they can't predict where every new shooter will arise thru their "recruiting online" but it doesn't matter. They've infiltrated so many places in the US that if that perp isn't in a town that can be controlled, there are probably within an hours drive. I also think some FF's are done as cover for hits, distractions, etc and I believe they have ZERO problems with killing innocents. ITs just another means to an end. The NWO End.
Yeah they'll kill Seth Rich in public but wouldn't shoot some kids...
Dead people don't need to be paid to stay quiet. Crisis actors exist to amplify and steer the narrative but the claims that the murders weren't real is something that likely the Feds seeded to discredit the crisis actor discussion.
Not all false flags involve dead innocents. And not all false flags are about no one dying. Depends on what they want to do, and how much time they have to stage the event.
"They" have warped our religion & made us unwilling to go to battle, infiltrated all secular & religious orgs, 3 letter agencies, MILITARY (without a doubt) and literally every facet of the West socially, politically & economically as well as built networks of spies, automated electronic tracking, etc so as to keep us from publicly organizing.
"They" manipulate our economy & wealth slowly as to not arouse suspicion but yet admit what they will do before doing so (Karmic Retribution). They laugh & call us names for calling all of this into question. The courts are beholden. The ballot box is beholden.
There's only one box left. We need to start organizing in small groups locally without using electronic communication systems and begin Civic education from within helping to boost confidence & help ready those Americans willing & able to run for office. We need to show up at our school board meetings, town halls, etc. We need unified voices in every town in this country. We have to start somewhere.
But.... What about the literal hundreds of children every day - real, not ff - who end up dead, sacrificed, abused, drugged, raped, sold for organs etc?
it's also why there is more security in a bank than a school, more security at a satanic grammy/oscars awards, it is why Biden pushed for gun-free school zones, and unarmed teachers. There are loads of former military that would gladly be a guard at a school, but we all know the answer to why. Children are only important to these bastards b/c they are a pressure point for the public, a means to the end they want, nothing more.
I don't know a damn thing about this shooting but it happened at the beginning of the "season of sacrifice" and it's something being pushed in the media which automatically means it's fake, regardless of the timing.
Starting to add up all the sealed indictments around the country in your head I bet. Full on countys full of judges/police/etc going down."I caught the swamp, I caught them ALL."
This!!!! Call bullshit on these EVERY SINGLE TIME. Shout it out like a nutbag if necessary.
Only one question remains. If they are killing children and telling us straight up, "how many more kids do we have to kill before you pass gun control legislation?" Then we have to ask ourselves. If we are at war, let's be at war. Are we going to watch our kids die while we wonder if Q is going to arrest these murderers (if that's their plan still)? What is an acceptable number of kids who should die during wartime? Q, what should our expectations be? Is this a problem we should be solving ourselves? Through legislation? But they threw the elections and our government has been infiltrated, right? So, how can this be something we can solve through standard, legal means? Any answers? Seriously. Do it or don't, Q.
Think mirror. Do you know actual kids are dead and is not all smoke and mirrors? Do you personally know any of the families affected? Victims? Did you respond to the incident as either law enforcement, or EMT?
Wouldn’t a real violent response from conservatives be what they actually want? So they can point the finger and say… see!! Conservatives are dangerous!
Clear your mind and think.
this ^^^
has anyone seen the sandy hook victims "all grown up" picture floating around?
David Hogg in a video in California being interviewed a year before Parkland for a completely separate incident?
so many actors. every single shooting.
look at Christchurch shooting. had a guy going around filming all of the actors making sure they were in the correct spot before the alleged gunman footage came out. one was smoking FFS.
it's all a lie.
While yes, Sandy Hook was an all-out FF operation with no dead children, I suspect most are not this clean. Why? Because Sandy Hook was founded with the goal of being a 3 Letter Agency municipality, this is 100% true & verified. This is one where the details of a FF are so obvious, its hard to imagine such blatant BS.
However, I think most are not this clean. I think most are technically FF's but with real human death. The reason i say this is because they can't predict where every new shooter will arise thru their "recruiting online" but it doesn't matter. They've infiltrated so many places in the US that if that perp isn't in a town that can be controlled, there are probably within an hours drive. I also think some FF's are done as cover for hits, distractions, etc and I believe they have ZERO problems with killing innocents. ITs just another means to an end. The NWO End.
Yeah they'll kill Seth Rich in public but wouldn't shoot some kids...
Dead people don't need to be paid to stay quiet. Crisis actors exist to amplify and steer the narrative but the claims that the murders weren't real is something that likely the Feds seeded to discredit the crisis actor discussion.
Not all false flags involve dead innocents. And not all false flags are about no one dying. Depends on what they want to do, and how much time they have to stage the event.
Absolutely. I don’t believe any kids were killed in any of these events. They don’t need to when the entire operation is on their side.
I agree completely at this point.
This is the big question.
"They" have warped our religion & made us unwilling to go to battle, infiltrated all secular & religious orgs, 3 letter agencies, MILITARY (without a doubt) and literally every facet of the West socially, politically & economically as well as built networks of spies, automated electronic tracking, etc so as to keep us from publicly organizing.
"They" manipulate our economy & wealth slowly as to not arouse suspicion but yet admit what they will do before doing so (Karmic Retribution). They laugh & call us names for calling all of this into question. The courts are beholden. The ballot box is beholden.
There's only one box left. We need to start organizing in small groups locally without using electronic communication systems and begin Civic education from within helping to boost confidence & help ready those Americans willing & able to run for office. We need to show up at our school board meetings, town halls, etc. We need unified voices in every town in this country. We have to start somewhere.
But.... What about the literal hundreds of children every day - real, not ff - who end up dead, sacrificed, abused, drugged, raped, sold for organs etc?
Our fight is WW
The Biggest Threat to 'Them' Is Patriots owning Guns...That's why 'they' find the softest targets ....
it's also why there is more security in a bank than a school, more security at a satanic grammy/oscars awards, it is why Biden pushed for gun-free school zones, and unarmed teachers. There are loads of former military that would gladly be a guard at a school, but we all know the answer to why. Children are only important to these bastards b/c they are a pressure point for the public, a means to the end they want, nothing more.
If you live in a county/city that has experienced a "school shooting" odds are heavy that you local govt is cucked.
Which leads to State & Feds.
Where are the legit investigations?
But then... voter fraud.
Burn the entire fkn thing down
It's curious Nashville was the place of the Christmas bombing a few years ago. City could already have Fed ties for FF and what not.
The FBI picked a tranny to groom as a tranny assailant encourages immediate division.
We all should be united against the FBI.
I don't know a damn thing about this shooting but it happened at the beginning of the "season of sacrifice" and it's something being pushed in the media which automatically means it's fake, regardless of the timing.
Sadly the purpose of school shootings is an easy one to figure out!
The DS wants us to believe that seizing our guns is "for the children." No matter how many they have to kill to convince the masses.
Starting to add up all the sealed indictments around the country in your head I bet. Full on countys full of judges/police/etc going down."I caught the swamp, I caught them ALL."
End Public Sector Unions to get back local control.
I saw the money leave Alex Jones' wallet. That count?
The link is: