Yesterday, I went to a local gun shop and inside was a young black lady with her small daughter buying her first firearm. Needless to say it was like a celebration with white supremacy offering up advice, classes, information on local ranges, a few offering to take her shooting for the first time, exc. We talked for a few minutes outside after she left, she admitted to me that she was a little nervous about going into the store because of the propaganda he had no doubtably received over the years. It was awesome to watch such a wonderful exchange and see someone get a big red pill on the house with their new firearm. Welcome to the club.
Comments (40)
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Good, that's the way. I attend a local gun show here every two months, and there is always a noticeable black presence. Several of the dealers are also black, and they are quite friendly with everyone.
I see black fellow Americans open carry all the time, we think nothing about it in Kentucky. While Louisville has its crime problems, it is nothing compared to say, Chicago. Car jacking isn’t that attractive when your victim might exit the vehicle while doing a mag dump.
"Mag dump".... I like that, gonna use it in my own lexicon from now on.
Me three
I pray she never has to use it for it’s intended purpose and that she builds nothing but fond memories shooting over the years to come.
Divide and conquer
Amen! Gun ownership isn not an exclusive white club!
It is part of the congressional record that the racist Demoncrats in the 1960's pushed legislation specifically to "keep guns out of the hands of blacks". Remember HRC and Biden speaking highly of Senator (KKK) Byrd. Before 1968 GCA you could buy a gun from Kmart, western auto, or the Sears Catalog.
In general, I don't have a problem with anyone buys a gun (regardless of skin color).
I'm only concerned with those who 'somehow acquire' them illegally (regardless of skin color).
I dont enjoy playing into the two party game. But this should still be said. All gun restriction laws passed before 1933 were by democrats for the sole purpose to make it harder for blacks to own guns. They wanted to keep as many people inslaved as possible. By the 1960's democrats solidified a new way to enslave people, through a mixture of the media, government handouts & incentives, the politic. Their goal never changed. Enslave. Just the tactics.
people that say that aren't even worth responding to
The original gun control laws were imposed in the post-Civil-War South by southern Democrat state governments against armed free blacks (emancipated slaves)..
All minorities have been weaponized to help break all of us into smaller groups. Our children have been weaponized the same way. Conspiracies that I once thought were ridiculous have been shown to be true, including government influence in subculture that has always been shown to be counter to an ethical and moral American lifestyle. It has always been about keeping all of us disjointed and not united enough to push back against the small group of elites.
I think most responsible gun owners would act the same way. Welcome and help offered.
Hot take:
I’ve long thought that the right should have “fought” the whole “defund the police” mantra by agreeing with it, and replacing the funds that would have gone to police with funds to give free ammo, guns, and training to all minorities to protect themselves.
See what the left does with that one.
More seriously, there IS a policing and protection problem in many inner cities in so much as the police don’t actually respond or help with things like robberies, so black people SHOULD be buying guns legally and protecting themselves from what’s happening in their cities.
All the leftards in blue cities fucking around, need to start finding out.
Who is “they?”
MSM was going out of their way to make the point not long back. They were trying to make the point we are all racists and when minorities mainly blacks start purchasing guns we will change our tune on gun control. The usual “your all racists” BS.
They are just as much American as anyone else. Floors me that anyone would think they don't deserve the 2A to work for them also. Smh
Any Blacks who buy their guns legally and use them responsibly are OK with me.
I don't think so.
They are only projecting their own internal racism
Patriots are one color. Anyone still clinging to the propaganda of "racism" are victims. If you believe in the theory of evolution, we are all descended from the same original humans that happened to have a random mutation that were more than likely to have been brother and sister. (So extraordinarily unlikely, the word impossible tends to come to mind). If you believe in Intelligent design, then we are all descended from one man and one woman. Either way, there is only one race of human beings. Race is propaganda to divide humanity and to pit us against each other.
Just sold a personal firearm to some guys off a local gun sale site. They were both young Asian men. Glad the minority community is arming themselves, especially Asians. We are being attacked left and right.
Can't have rooftop koreans without guns
Rooftop Koreans are among the best Koreans. I wonder how many people in here get the reference though - it has been quite a while.
Why buy guns, when you can just steal them?