Michael Obama Shows the Wear And Tear In π¦πΊ
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Ugly old man.....
Must be tough pretending to be something you are not and quite possibly something you don't want to be.
It is so fucked up that we all know she is a man. There is plenty of evidence she is a man. Physical and not physical. That makes Barry a homosexual. Everyone on the left is just pretending she is really a she or actually think she is a she. Can we please just stop all the nonsense.
It is no surprise that Barry married a trans. Barry was a well known gay bath attendee with Emmanuel back when they were both in Chicago.
Uh..............never...........too much riding.
Big Mike's boobs are starting to sag almost as much as his balls.
Betcha Big Mike wears that new Nike sports braπππ
"most attractive flotus we ever had" -MSM shills
More here. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/04/michelle-obama-looks-disheveled-in-baggy-clothes-in-australia/
Very disrespectful. Dude needs a bra.
Looks like it's wearing its jeans backwards, lol.
The guy looks run down.
Her Klingon is showing.
That dude is sick.
Manchelle. Where's Joan Rivers when we need her?!
Maybe she'd look better if a beard were to be worn.
That dude has his hand on something furryβ¦
Jesus. What a moose
It's a fashion disaster:
And: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FiBMkiyX0AATazN?format=jpg&name=medium
And: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FiEAmDHacAIAbKS?format=jpg&name=medium
AND - BARRY COORDINATES HIS CLOTHES WITH MICHELLE: https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.-iCgTTVY_TmZIU6Lzmul9AHaJ4&pid=Api