Exactly. There is no such thing as Qanon. There is Q and Anons. Personally I don’t give this interview a minutes thought. We all, or should know, if a person refers to Q and or Anons as Qanon…they are bogus. It’s what we’ve stood by for years.
I remember the Qanon hashtags. I'd use it and watch the numbers go up, up, up until they hit around 2,000. Then all of a sudden we were banned for mentioning it.
I don’t think the term qanon had as negative of connotations earlier on, it was when people or bad actors following Q started posting stupid/violent shit, so the media could then say qanon said racist this or jew hating that, when it was just some faggot posting something gay on the chans, 8kun, or forums dedicated to following Q. Then in the post you mention, which was in October 2020, clarified that there is no qanon, only Q and anons.
Stuff in this thread is good for people to see but I do remember the Aquino shit with vallely that kind of tarnished his endorsement a bit of Q being a real white hat op (which I feel like it is, there’s been enough Trump/Twitter/q post timings and tippy top, etc to convince me it’s worth following along still after 6 years)
People get downvoted every time this gets brought up, but it's objectively true; (x) anon has always been normal lingo on the chans. If there is a poster that gains notoriety from their threads, they will be called either (x) anon or (x) chan by other anons. Ex: Cracky-chan ChrisChan DarkAnon, FbIAnon, MegaAnon.
Calling Q "Q Anon" is typical chan lingo. It's weird that everyone freaks tf out about the "misnomer" I imagine it's because MSM started using the term doing hit pieces and turning everone off from the phrase.
Why did Vallely consciously correct himself by saying "Q... QAnon"?
I understand Chan culture and anon tagging, newfagging, lurk moar, bUt CaN u EvEn tRiFoRcE, etc. Strangely enough, it was always either "Q Clearance Patriot" or (mostly) just "Q" throughout the threads on the chans. Also, let's point out there was never a run of "QAnon sent me!" Twitter replies or #DoItQAnon hashtags.
So, regarding chan culture, Q was mostly an exception to this rule you're commenting on, until it went mainstream.
Q post about there is Q, anon, no Qanon was 2020. (Post 4881)
That was when media started to use that term negatively like CIA with conspiracy theorist during JFK times so Q then instructed us to abandon the term.
This does not invalidate the point whatsoever though. Most of the ~100 posts that contain anything "QAnon" came before that interview, not after. It was on Oct. 14, 2019. Most all posts are bringing attention to media stories/links.
Additionally, if you listen closely to the clip, Vallely says "Q" pauses briefly then corrects to "QAnon". Why do you think that is? If he were to correct to anything other than just "Q", why not "Q Clearance Patriot" as was first identified as? He went out of his way to say QAnon. It sticks out like a sore thumb.
He co-authored a book with an avowed Satanist named Aquino, who quit Anton LaVey's church of Satan to found his own satanic sect called the Temple of Set (Set being the true name of Satan).
Other than that, the general seems a stand-up guy.
Together with Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, Vallely co-authored a book published in 2004, titled Endgame: The Blueprint for Victory in the War on Terror.
Vallely also co-authored a 1980 paper with then PSYOP analyst Michael Aquino, founder of the satanist Temple of Set, titled From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory. MindWar is defined as "the deliberate aggressive convincing of all participants in a war that we will win that war." The paper contrasts a use of psychological operations such as propaganda with a new approach.
Small world. He's a collaborative colleague of General "Catholic Satellites" McInerney and General "Hail Satan" Aquino? What are the odds of that?
PART II https://twitter.com/remnant_seven/status/1649324340423303171?s=20
Both links are down for some reason...strange error message I've never seen before.
….annnnd it’s gone !
I can see both still
Twitter's back up for me now. Looks like they were having issues for about 2 hours...
Really? I still can still access them. Strange.
Looks like all of Twitter is apparently down, at least for some folks...
just remove the end part of your link -----> ?s=20 and it will be ok.
Why is he calling it QAnon then?
Exactly. There is no such thing as Qanon. There is Q and Anons. Personally I don’t give this interview a minutes thought. We all, or should know, if a person refers to Q and or Anons as Qanon…they are bogus. It’s what we’ve stood by for years.
Vallely using "QAnon" in his answer doesn't raise a red flag for anyone else? What about his association with Michael Aquino?
It's not a psy-op to them. It's a MindWar.
It wasn't so taboo 4 years ago when he said that. Don't you remember the trending #qanon hashtags on Twitter?
Perhaps you should take the time to read this: https://www.outpost-of-freedom.com/aquino01.htm
I remember the Qanon hashtags. I'd use it and watch the numbers go up, up, up until they hit around 2,000. Then all of a sudden we were banned for mentioning it.
Yup. Just as much as I remember drop #4881.
I don’t think the term qanon had as negative of connotations earlier on, it was when people or bad actors following Q started posting stupid/violent shit, so the media could then say qanon said racist this or jew hating that, when it was just some faggot posting something gay on the chans, 8kun, or forums dedicated to following Q. Then in the post you mention, which was in October 2020, clarified that there is no qanon, only Q and anons.
Stuff in this thread is good for people to see but I do remember the Aquino shit with vallely that kind of tarnished his endorsement a bit of Q being a real white hat op (which I feel like it is, there’s been enough Trump/Twitter/q post timings and tippy top, etc to convince me it’s worth following along still after 6 years)
Counterpoint: https://www.outpost-of-freedom.com/aquino01.htm
The main thing I pullled out of that was that Aquino’s wife is a pedophile, I admit I didn’t read every word, just skimmed through.
Are you countering something from what I wrote?
in turn I skimmed your comment we are even
People get downvoted every time this gets brought up, but it's objectively true; (x) anon has always been normal lingo on the chans. If there is a poster that gains notoriety from their threads, they will be called either (x) anon or (x) chan by other anons. Ex: Cracky-chan ChrisChan DarkAnon, FbIAnon, MegaAnon.
Calling Q "Q Anon" is typical chan lingo. It's weird that everyone freaks tf out about the "misnomer" I imagine it's because MSM started using the term doing hit pieces and turning everone off from the phrase.
Why did Vallely consciously correct himself by saying "Q... QAnon"?
I understand Chan culture and anon tagging, newfagging, lurk moar, bUt CaN u EvEn tRiFoRcE, etc. Strangely enough, it was always either "Q Clearance Patriot" or (mostly) just "Q" throughout the threads on the chans. Also, let's point out there was never a run of "QAnon sent me!" Twitter replies or #DoItQAnon hashtags.
So, regarding chan culture, Q was mostly an exception to this rule you're commenting on, until it went mainstream.
This is a very valid question.
Made my ears perk up.
Interview was 2019.
Q post about there is Q, anon, no Qanon was 2020. (Post 4881)
That was when media started to use that term negatively like CIA with conspiracy theorist during JFK times so Q then instructed us to abandon the term.
This does not invalidate the point whatsoever though. Most of the ~100 posts that contain anything "QAnon" came before that interview, not after. It was on Oct. 14, 2019. Most all posts are bringing attention to media stories/links.
Additionally, if you listen closely to the clip, Vallely says "Q" pauses briefly then corrects to "QAnon". Why do you think that is? If he were to correct to anything other than just "Q", why not "Q Clearance Patriot" as was first identified as? He went out of his way to say QAnon. It sticks out like a sore thumb.
He co-authored a book with an avowed Satanist named Aquino, who quit Anton LaVey's church of Satan to found his own satanic sect called the Temple of Set (Set being the true name of Satan).
Other than that, the general seems a stand-up guy.
Not a great addition to a resumé, that's for sure.
Thanks for posting this clip.
Cool cool cool!
So that was in 2019?
I’m looking at the screen in the last seconds of RS34ME comment here.
Yup it's an old clip.
He's been on people's radars for a while. There's other snippets of what he's said about Q below
I thought I remembered hearing this before
It is available now.
Together with Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, Vallely co-authored a book published in 2004, titled Endgame: The Blueprint for Victory in the War on Terror.
Vallely also co-authored a 1980 paper with then PSYOP analyst Michael Aquino, founder of the satanist Temple of Set, titled From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory. MindWar is defined as "the deliberate aggressive convincing of all participants in a war that we will win that war." The paper contrasts a use of psychological operations such as propaganda with a new approach.
Small world. He's a collaborative colleague of General "Catholic Satellites" McInerney and General "Hail Satan" Aquino? What are the odds of that?