I've been afflicted with sleep paralysis since I was a kid. As a kid, it was never anything bad, I'd panic as I tried to wake myself and breath.
In my mid twenties it went dark. I had an episode in the middle of the night with a demon. I woke up attempting to throw a punch at this entity that was pure evil. I wanted them out of my house. Over the years I had a few other creepy/dark encounters. They were rare and only happened maybe once a year.
That was the case for years, until this winter. I had three nights in a row of very evil episodes with these dark entities. I was at my wits end. I prayed. I prayed ephesians 6:10-18. Asked the lord to help me fight and defeat them.
It stopped. That very night I had the best night's sleep that I've had in a long time.
The lord will protect you, just ask.
Demons are real, evil is real. I’ve had many odd experiences myself. Congratulations on defeating the enemy.
This year I learned and memorized Ephesians 610 through 20. It’s such an empowering feeling, knowing that God’s word can put Satan and his emissaries at bay.
Congrats on your victory in Christ!
Thank you and God bless!
Saint Michael, archangel, defend us in the battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and may you, o prince of the heavenly host, by the Divine Power, thrust into hell satan and all the other evil spirits who wander about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Amen! St. Michael is mighty and I hope to meet him someday! I frequently request his aid.
My encounters with demons are not near as involved, but I can tell when they are nearby. My solution has not failed me yet. I summon up the boldest voice I can muster and say loudly,
"demons be gone in the name of Jesus my Lord, Saviour and Redeemer"
Emphasis on Jesus.
^^^ This ^^^
From what I understand, they greatly fear Jesus.
Man, I've found that the key to everything in the spiritual world is that you have to ask. You can't fight these things by yourself, but there is all the help you need ready and waiting for you to ask for it.
Damn, that is frightening fren.
If it was 20 feet tall its head would have been through the ceiling and out through the roof of your house
Have you ever been in a house with vaulted ceilings?
Not in the bedrooms
How about a swank one-room bachelor pad with a vaulted ceiling?🐸
I mean if that's where Cuzzo lives, ok
But how could you see the top of it
I used to get sleep paralysis all the time too! I saw a documentary about sleep paralysis and it’s actually quite common. It stopped when I started praying during the episodes. Oftentimes, loud bangs and loud knocking on my walls wake me up. Additionally, many nights I wake up at 3:00, 3:33 or 3:30. Weird! I also see shadow people, which is rather creepy. Prayer totally helps so much that I am no longer afraid. (Well, maybe a little bit!🤣!) Like ThisIsHowItStarts and many others on this board, I love that Ephesians prayer too. It’s so powerful!
Satan inverses everything that is Holy. Christ died at 3:00pm, completing the Lord’s prophesy of the Messiah and his death. Satan uses the inverse of 3:00am as his hour of peak power. There are no coincidences. 3:00am is also referred as the witching hour.
Now I’m really not going to fall asleep tonight! 🤣
I see Shadow People too. Usually always on the left side of my bed, just standing there over me, watching. Thankfully the shadow has never felt threatening, it just stands, or sits there, watching.
A new movie out "Come Out in the Name of Jesus" is very informative about the demons we battle - sometimes unknowingly. Thankful your free and can help others.
I am very excited to watch!!! Also, The Nightmare is a great documentary concerning sleep paralysis.
I can relate.
Every once in a while I get the feeling that there is an evil presence in the room. There are a couple things I do that seems to take care of it. The first thing I do is use the power of Jesus to send it away by saying out loud: "By the power of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Almighty God, I command you to leave this place and go back to where you came from."
Someone once told me that just telling them to leave isn't enough. It is important to command that they leave AND go back to where they came from so they stay gone. That has always done the trick for me.
If I am still left feeling a little shaken, I play some religious music. Some ideas for music are:
Schubert's Ave Maria that works very well.
Handel's Messiah. (I'm sure they must really hate it. Hahaha.)
Years back, I also bought a CD that was very popular at the time called "Chant" by The Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos.
Elvis Presley's Gospel Songs are great any time of the day.
Finally, you could also listen to some of your favorite Christ-related Christmas songs. Personally, I love Nat King Cole's Christmas CD.
Turning the volume down low enough so you can still hear it, but so you can fall asleep is a great way go get a good night's sleep.
Anyway, that's all I've got. God bless you all!
I have found when i have these encounters, my upper back is exposed. usually i keep my room colder. the sheets get lower from my tossing and turning. every single time, my neck/lower back are cold.
havent had an issue since i started keeping them higher
nakedjay, ThanQ so much for posting your experience. I love this board!
Fantastic book I highly recommend- really a must have manual of sorts: Keep the Pigs Out by Don Dickerman.... an old southern preacher that got into deliverance ministry in prisons.
ThanQ! I will totally read this! Also, there was a discussion on this board about sleep paralysis a couple of weeks ago. If I can find it, I will send the link.
I will check that out, thanks!
I one time had some demon manifest during a panic attack while I was biking alone in the wood at camp and this was late at night. I was video editing for them and had just finished a long session and it was around the time I heard some scary stories. I didn’t believe in deliverance/manifestations at the time but I couldn’t deny it when I began to manifest. Right during that manifestation, which was just me swearing like a sailor and proclaiming awful things over my life, I begun to speak God’s truth with authority. I spoke so loud and my voice didn’t sound like my voice. I didn’t know what to think during that moment and why my voice was so loud but I was very comforted by it that I didn’t want it to stop. I was saying things to myself in this loud voice as if I was God speaking to me, which I now believe God used my voice and spoke through it to cast the demon out and encourage me. What I said was “I love you and will never forsake you and you are mine. I knew you before you were in your mothers womb. Satan, you have no hold of him, he is mine.” Then Satan kept wanting to stay and tried to interrupt, but God wouldn’t let that voice speak but there may have been a cry or scream at the end. Each voice was distinct and had very different qualities. Loud and majestic with many over and under tones vs sniveling and groveling.
All I could think of after the event was what did I just encounter and why did I speak as if God was talking? That seemed blasphemous but I wasn’t sure. I did feel better and was delivered from sin that I was struggling with so I really do think I was delivered from a demon.
I’ve been a devout Catholic that recently quit 21 years of weed last Sunday. That Monday I was angry at the universe and God, and a demon visited me in my dreams that evening. But I lunged after it as if to attack it with a rage overcoming my initial fear/shock, and woke up swinging lol Now I feel freed, but remain vigilant and devout to the Lord.
We'll add you to our prayers, fren, congratulations!!
Praise the Lord! God bless, and keep the faith.
Carbs and exaggerated sugar intake produces nightmares, just so you know.
Keto is your fren.
I've done keto for about 15 years now. Thanks fren.
Saying Jesus name, calling out to Jesus usually stops that crap in it's tracks. I've also experienced this. Been many years since it happened now that i pray more, study more, and am firm in my belief in Christ.
"This is JESUS' house, be ye gone from me."
Along with that prayer, also ask your Guardian Angel to protect you as you sleep. +++
I, like you, first had sleep paralysis as a little kid. Right through adulthood. It wasn't until I started praying, as you did, and asked my Guardian Angel to help me, that it stopped. (It had gotten so bad that I was terrified to go to sleep.)
When I was a newlywed, I sometimes saw evil spirits floating above our bed as I would suddenly awake in the middle of the night. They would appear as soap bubbles of all things. When they realized I could see them, they fled through the walls. Weird experience.
I've experienced sleep paralysis a few times as well. Always seems to happen whenever my body gets way overheated while sleeping too, not sure why. There have been times where I see demonic faces in my dreams, wake up, and I can't move and can barely breathe. One time this happened I tried to say a prayer but realized I needed to say something quicker to get it to stop. I called on the name of Jesus and I was able to move again!
Could you describe what the demon was trying to do to you?
Usually, it was just a presence in the room that I could see, a shadowy figure. The feeling of pure evil. The most bizarre episode I had was this creepy little girl was in my bedroom that looked like the creepy little girl from the old FEAR video games. She reached out and grabbed my hand. When my body woke up she immediately disappeared.
I’m going with it’s not a demon. Happens to me too. 9/10 times it’s when I sleep on my back. 1/10 times it’s when I sleep on my side. Never happens when sleeping on my stomach. Yeah it’s scary as shit but if it was a demon I doubt it would care what fucking position I slept in.