Hey, you do you. I've never told anyone not to wear one, but the myth of them stopping a virus was wrong since the beginning. I don't understand how the holdouts still wearing them haven't gotten the memo yet
I've noticed a trend that the people still wearing them tend to be filthy ass people, the two left at work have the most cluttered and filthiest desks that haven't been tidied since at least 2019.
You tell E-Trade you want to DRS all your GME shares. They get transferred to Computershare in 1-4 weeks. They won't want to do it. You may even have to move your entire etrade account to fidelity to get them transferred because there just aren't any real shares out there.
Call them and tell them you want to directly register your shares. They will send them to computer share and they will send you a letter telling you how to open your acc. I have e- trade as well.
If you've ONLY transferred shares directly from a broker > CS, they should all be 100% BOOK.
The only time you should have a "Plan" would be if you made purchases directly through CS via one-time or recurring purchases and have opted into the DRIP (Dividend Reinvestment Plan).
Login to CS to verify, but, you should be good to go if no direct purchases/fractional shares are in there.
I suggest you buy 20 more XRP than you wish to own. You need 20 XRP to hold a wallet on a hardware wallet like the ledger wallet. Don’t hold your crypto on an exchange.
So if you want 1000 XRP buy 1020. If you want 10,000 buy 10,020.
Pure DRS
Ok y'all are gonna have to explain it like (stealing this) I'm driving my car alone wearing a mask. Specifically, how do I do it on E-trade?
Masked in a car with windows up or down?
At this point, all that really matters is "still wearing a mask."
I wore one at work. Just didn’t want people to see my face.
Hey, you do you. I've never told anyone not to wear one, but the myth of them stopping a virus was wrong since the beginning. I don't understand how the holdouts still wearing them haven't gotten the memo yet
I've noticed a trend that the people still wearing them tend to be filthy ass people, the two left at work have the most cluttered and filthiest desks that haven't been tidied since at least 2019.
I always thought it was suspicious when one of the "masks" they sell for it was the antifa black mask
Black flag, black mask, Nazi….. but whose counting.
I wore one at the bank, police were called, not sure why
Up. And for added protection the vents are all wearing masks too
We should tell the double maskers that Fauci said they need to keep the heat on in the summer and the AC running full tilt in the winter.
Well of course! Because it'll save the planet
You tell E-Trade you want to DRS all your GME shares. They get transferred to Computershare in 1-4 weeks. They won't want to do it. You may even have to move your entire etrade account to fidelity to get them transferred because there just aren't any real shares out there.
Did it from E-Trade three times, they never hassled me. Fidelity "forgot" to do it and had to be bitched out over the phone.
If I DRS my shares and the brokerage house goes under I am assuming that I still own them where as the other way, probably not?
I tried to do it with Merrill Lynch & they said it cost me $25 for GME
For my FAZ & my UGL it would cost me $500 each
Does this sound about right?
Lol, I saw that on Twitter too. Also stolen.
Call them and tell them you want to directly register your shares. They will send them to computer share and they will send you a letter telling you how to open your acc. I have e- trade as well.
Heres step by step instructions to make your Computershare account PureDRS : https://www.drsgme.org/terminating-from-directstock
But sounds like you need this guide first: https://www.drsgme.org/register-from-broker
Find E-trade in the drop down list and follow the steps.
Book King
Teddy Bank Corp.
Terminate Plan/DRIP and go 100% BOOK for maximum pain and limited borrowing.
I DRS from fidelity and WEBULL, haven’t looked back. Do I need to go in and change? Supposedly everything transferred as pure book.
WEBULL charged me $200….. crooks.
Also make sure to terminate your "Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP)".
Heres step by step instructions how to make sure your account is on PureDRS.
Is computershare a based brokerage & clearinghouse? I'm looking for a better place to put my stuff
If you've ONLY transferred shares directly from a broker > CS, they should all be 100% BOOK.
The only time you should have a "Plan" would be if you made purchases directly through CS via one-time or recurring purchases and have opted into the DRIP (Dividend Reinvestment Plan).
Login to CS to verify, but, you should be good to go if no direct purchases/fractional shares are in there.
Here is why you should check that your Computershare account is "PureDRS".
Mmm Physical Silver 💕
Absolutely. Silver too. Bigly. Stack em' bois.
Missed one…to the 🌙
That'a Ape
Gold and silver.
You be your own bank.
So how do we know which banks are next on the chopping blocks and which of the top banks are going to be left in the end?
Edit - Is there any banks that are safer than others? Like is a credit union any safer than regular banks?
I have my debts with a normal bank and credit account with a credit union/building society in UK
Seriously, I got lucky taking puts out on Credit Suisse but the ones I took out on Wells Fargo and Bank of America are all in the red.
just buy FAZ
And another one. - DJ Kahled
Sticky for the great Meme Anon. Kek!
Of course Anon :)
What if this is monopolization to setup for CBDC and not so much of a “collapse” ?
What if the white hats are watching the black hats do exactly that until one key moment which they didn't see happen
And another one bites the dust
Buy XRP and XLM
Not on Coinbase,
You could buy bitcoin and then send it to a quick exchange like http://Changelly.com or use an exchange like http://Bitrue.com.
I suggest you buy 20 more XRP than you wish to own. You need 20 XRP to hold a wallet on a hardware wallet like the ledger wallet. Don’t hold your crypto on an exchange.
So if you want 1000 XRP buy 1020. If you want 10,000 buy 10,020.
Also never sell your XRP, use it in staking or liquidity pools for passive income!
Is your cardano staking? If not you’re missing out on easy profits.