Are the White Hats puppeteering key figures like Schiff and Musk with the Turkey / Twitter censorship situation as a narrative setup for 2024? Are they using this as an opportunity to educate the normies about election interference from tech companies? It sure seems like it!

I don’t think normies can point to the right side of the map to find Turkey.
Agreed. And most normies I know still think the death shot saved their life after surviving the deadliest virus ever. Let me know when their education starts to bear fruit
I'm still not seeing it here. Neighbor nearly lost his wife to a stroke - when I asked if there was a possibility, he said the vax had nothing to do with it.
A few coworkers still wear masks. Others make comments that show they are still clueless.
We're not there yet, which is why Q said we would have to help people out when the military steps in and the DS gets flushed. At this rate, there's going to be another year of normie education ahead. I sincerely hope not, but I thought the election interference being exposed in AZ was going to turn the tide a year ago.
D'nile is more than a river in Egypt
So true....
Liberty Hangout street interview 😂
This. And it is also showing WHO takes which side, Erdogan or opposition in Turkey and WHY?
Erdogan Accuses Biden of Meddling in Presidential Election
"Biden said that they have to topple Erdogan, I know this. All my people know this. Tomorrow the ballot boxes will give an answer to Biden as well."
The same, CIA installing their puppets via election tampering, goes today in Thailand.
Both Biden and Elon interfering with Turkish election… I wonder what else could be at stake. Hopefully all the Turkish citizens are aware now that their government instructed Elon to censor and suppress tweets of their political opponents, for this election.
Also Erdoğan was at the World Government Summit 2023, the end of February (two months ago). Ironically (/s), he’s a part of WEF too, as ‘Agenda Contributor’ (apologies for the WEF link) https://www.thenationalnews.com/uae/2023/02/05/el-sisi-and-erdogan-among-leaders-at-dubai-world-government-summit/ https://www.weforum.org/people/recep-tayyip-erdogan https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/recep-tayyip-erdogan
Can’t imagine the WH are backing him. He’s anti free speech and pro globalism….
Nope, interfere Biden and Erdogan, Elon just disclosed instructions from Turkey, which Twitter had to oblige.
Elon didn’t just disclose instructions, he censored and removed accounts at the Turkish government’s behest. Having the government remove Twitter entirely, would be much more impactful and telling how far the Turkish government would go to keep power. And would have led to an awakening among Turkish citizens! It could’ve been the spark for exposing totalitarian government guised as democratic, on paper and undeniable!
But Elon didn’t even tell any Twitter users or Turkish citizens until he got called out for it… while purveying Twitter as a free-speech haven, which is clearly is not, if the government - any government could demand censorship or have the app deplatformed.
There is no freedom of speech in Turkey. Twitter has to follow the laws of the country they're operating in.
So have the platform removed, instead of censoring presidential candidates and other political runners, at the request of a fascist government. Turkish citizens would be awakened to extent the government would go to keep authoritarian, undemocratic rule. Instead of being manipulated unknowingly, into only hearing propaganda sanctioned by the government, on something he promotes as a total free-speech haven. He didn’t even inform anyone or at least Turkish voters, until he was called out on it yesterday. And here we are the day of the election, the damage is done.
I see your point and it is valid. I don't think we know all the information though. I think when Elon pushes Twitter as a free speech haven he is really only talking to Americans. But yeah he doesn't even really allow it 100% here. Keeps certain people off the platform for bullcrap reasons. If he were really a free speech absolutist he would not block any accounts.
You read my mind. Should be a bigtime wake up call to people but I'm sure it'll only be a small slice. We must have patience.
Especially considering Erdoğan is anti free speech and a globalist, who attended this years ‘World Government Summit’ (https://www.thenationalnews.com/uae/2023/02/05/el-sisi-and-erdogan-among-leaders-at-dubai-world-government-summit/) I can’t see the White Hats instructing Elon to censor and block tweets from his political opponents or dissenters, to skew a presidential election
I think an important aspect of this operation is waking up the left to the fact that social media can influence an election. The left are ignorant or in denial about this and are ignoring the Twitter files because of it.
If the left starts running with the narrative that Twitter rigs elections then it forces them to consider evidence they've been ignoring.
I think this operation would’ve been more effective and apparent to everyone (conservatives, libs and Turkish citizens included) if Elon refused to censor any presidential candidate and exposed them on Twitter [like a Twitter Files Pt 2] - Turkey would then deplatform Twitter and it’s citizens and the rest of the world would be able to see how far Turkey’s president and government would go to destroy or prohibit all opposition, in what is supposed to be a democratic election!
I haven't dug on it too much but from what I can see the content Twitter has censored is actually still unknown:
Which means it's possible Elon is just trolling all of us and he's simply complying with Turkey's laws about not discussing results before the election has ended
"Under election law, news, forecasts and commentaries about the vote are banned until 6 pm (1300 GMT)."
Gee, I wonder how applicable that is to our situation from 2020 where Fox called Arizona and Virginia early for Biden for no reason at all? Maybe it's to bring the sense and reason of that law up for examination? We'll see in a couple of days I suspect.
It appears that Elon supressed and censored actual tweets from presidential candidates (https://twitter.com/mattyglesias/status/1657407941828395010?s=46&t=zKf1kiN4GDyyiOsVRnxBnA) vs. censoring discussion of the results before the election ends (which many are doing now). I think a matter of calling the election results early is much less severe and impactful, than blocking tweets from presidential candidates/opponents before the election. Which has been done on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram before for our election (removing Trumps tweets/posts before the 2020 election)
Yglesias is saying that, but it's stated that the Tweets remained up in other countries.
If Yglesias is describing the situation correctly, shouldn't there be samples of suppressed Tweets that we can check?
Elon has censored and supressed tweets at the request of the Turkish government, in which, he argues it is better than to have the platform removed in its entirety, as Turkish government would prohibit access to its citizens, as the country’s election is coming up.
He advised that he will release the emails between him and the Turkish government soon.
Very interesting to see how this election turns out today! Will the fascist deep state government win today because Elon Musk censored political opponents or will Turkish citizens use this as a wake up call and get rid of their totalitarian DS swamp government?!
Today is the day to see IF the people of Turkey are awakened!!
Schiff is up to no good and I would do the exact opposite of what he said
So you would censor the tweets and accounts of politicians at the request of Turkish government…for the presidential election?
They don’t have a deep state there?
Also Erdoğan attended the World Government Summit 2023 a few months ago and is (surprise /s) a member of WEF. Whatever a ‘Agenda Contributor’ is…
There is a deep state everywhere there is “democracy”.
Exactly! https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1657422401754259461?s=46&t=zKf1kiN4GDyyiOsVRnxBnA Who knew “absolute haven for free speech” is limited to when the government asks you to block people/political opponents. I wonder what other governments have asked Elon to censor accounts and he did (without disclosing anything)…
They fall for it every single time.
Take back Constantinople, that is all.