84 Aw, BLESS this sweet Reddit refugee's heart... he's giving 4chan a try: (media.patriots.win) posted 1 year ago by catsfive 1 year ago by catsfive +84 / -0 23 comments download share 23 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
100% trolltastic
did you miss a #
I feel the same way about abortion. Cripes, it’s 2023, and we are still killing our babies!?!? It’s way past the time to be progressive on this issue.
The Canadian flag is the maple syrup on top of that kekworthy stack of waffles!
I hear a female voice in this. (Not “he”)
Wow…I see a bloody, snotty-nosed ugly cry coming.
I hate douchebags that use the faux-folksy "y'all" when they parachute in with criticism.
Such A Cute spaced shill 🤣 will cope
give it a month kek
Fuck, that's hilarious
Didn't 4chan go down the tubes when Moot sold out?
Serious question.
Wait, what? Didn't he sell off the site around 2014?
Aw I bet 4chan was only too happy to help! Kek
Spot-on satire.
LOL. Bwess his widdle heart. I'm sure they chewed him up and spit him out, forthwith.
They won't last long on 4chan
I'd like to know why OP censored the words.
I didn't make this