He stated "He (Archer) will flip in 2024, when I am President". If the election is on November 5th 2024 and the next inauguration is January 20 2025, why did he say this about being President in 2024? Mistake or does he know something we don't?
There was that rumor a ways back in the memory hole of the Supreme Court finding massive 2020 election interference/fraud, causing the results to be voided 🤔
'When I am President in 2024...' This means Trump is indicating he'll be reinstalled as the duly elected president from 2020. Which further translates, both Hunter & Archer know all about the 2020 election steal for Joe Biden, the huge RICO conspiracy and the foreign countries involved.
Are Hunter's lenient plea deals connected with testifying against Joe Biden? (Now that Trump; a former president has been indicted, it sets a precedence on other sitting/former presidents. As we all believe, Trump is still commander-in-chief as 'a president in exile' from the election steal of 2020.)
Hunter's partner Devon Archer is currently in jail for Native American fraud scheme and would most likely 'flip' for a reduced sentence for cooperating on the Joe Biden crime syndicate-family, specifically his knowledge on China, Ukraine bribes, dirty dealings & election steal of 2020 to over throw a duly elected president.
Most likely, both Hunter & Archer have been informed of their treasonous crimes and were confronted with those crimes by possibly a clandestine military investigative group (ghost in the machine) or by their attorneys having been shown the Lindsay Graham-to-Brett Kavanaugh SCOTUS nomination Q & A exchange video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6CHjZS00O0
And we have to think of Durham testifying behind closed doors for congress. Has Durham passed on even more investigative info and his findings to a JAG military tribunal panel? Why the 'behind closed doors testimony?'
It's all becoming more clear, all these posts, testimonies, plea deals, indictments converging into the next phases of the plan. Q said (paraphrased); 'first indictment will set the pace for the direction in the plan...' And now Trump has just been just indicted last week; the Hunter plea deals, Trump's Devon Archer post, Durham's testimony...it's all connected...
1. Made a mistake, he meant 2025
2. Made no mistake, intends to be in the presidency by 2024
3. Made no mistake, won't be president in 2024, just wanted to misdirect his opponents, make them frantic with worry
Good question (without the ?, like POTUS' first sentence). Only Q knows the true/intended meaning(s) for his/her/their posts. For us, we theorize... Another masked player/actor/role created, perhaps?
And here I thought you were channeling POTUS as his first sentence in the above Truth is a question without a question mark. Sure - "insensitive keyboard" works for me (chuckle). You're always so good at pointing out typing and grammar errors, I thought I'd do the same, this in a spirit of playful ribbing. While it might rub others the wrong way at times, I genuinely appreciate when you (and others) have pointed out my errors. It's like having a bonafide editor to clean things up. Cheers, friend.
Fits Esdras' prophecy (2nd book of Esdras), though that prophecy suggests that two stand to take the seat when Biden is removed faster than Trump was removed.
If this clown we have in the Whitehouse is an actor, then Trump back in 2024 still can fit as a "young lion" chasing away one of Daniel's end time beasts (ie deep state US government).
Though if it is Biden actually sitting in the presidential role, we have an Antichrist (ie little horn with the eyes & mouth) to go through making war against the saints (followers of Christ?) before the young lion chases out the beast & restores the Constitution. Granted I could be misunderstanding all of this, though I have been amazed at how it seems to have lined up well with my best guesses at the plan Q put forth.
I do not have a link, I didn't know another way to share other than a screenshot. But I took the screenshot on June 19 and was 3 days old at that point. You'll have to scroll through all PDJT truths just as I did.
He stated "He (Archer) will flip in 2024, when I am President". If the election is on November 5th 2024 and the next inauguration is January 20 2025, why did he say this about being President in 2024? Mistake or does he know something we don't?
Daddy T is date faggin!!!!!
Very interesting
There was that rumor a ways back in the memory hole of the Supreme Court finding massive 2020 election interference/fraud, causing the results to be voided 🤔
Was this the rumor that it was secretly decided by the SC already that the election was fraudulent?
'When I am President in 2024...' This means Trump is indicating he'll be reinstalled as the duly elected president from 2020. Which further translates, both Hunter & Archer know all about the 2020 election steal for Joe Biden, the huge RICO conspiracy and the foreign countries involved.
Are Hunter's lenient plea deals connected with testifying against Joe Biden? (Now that Trump; a former president has been indicted, it sets a precedence on other sitting/former presidents. As we all believe, Trump is still commander-in-chief as 'a president in exile' from the election steal of 2020.)
Hunter's partner Devon Archer is currently in jail for Native American fraud scheme and would most likely 'flip' for a reduced sentence for cooperating on the Joe Biden crime syndicate-family, specifically his knowledge on China, Ukraine bribes, dirty dealings & election steal of 2020 to over throw a duly elected president.
Most likely, both Hunter & Archer have been informed of their treasonous crimes and were confronted with those crimes by possibly a clandestine military investigative group (ghost in the machine) or by their attorneys having been shown the Lindsay Graham-to-Brett Kavanaugh SCOTUS nomination Q & A exchange video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6CHjZS00O0
And we have to think of Durham testifying behind closed doors for congress. Has Durham passed on even more investigative info and his findings to a JAG military tribunal panel? Why the 'behind closed doors testimony?'
It's all becoming more clear, all these posts, testimonies, plea deals, indictments converging into the next phases of the plan. Q said (paraphrased); 'first indictment will set the pace for the direction in the plan...' And now Trump has just been just indicted last week; the Hunter plea deals, Trump's Devon Archer post, Durham's testimony...it's all connected...
It's all plausible...I'm connecting the dots!!
POTUS dropping comms!
B424? Sign me up! Stat!
No question mark for the question? [?] Search yields just one post...
Warp Speed works here too, a la COG (devo). Nice!
Good pick up
Thank you. I really hope there is something to this Truth by the real POTUS and not some typo. Pretty high grade hopium I admit.
There is a very small number of possibilities:
[Hint....it's either 2 or 3]
If "He will flip in 2024" was followed by a . instead of a , It would say something completely different.
Also, one of the [C] posts (for the word Country being capitalized ) seems appropriate.
"... Misdirection sometimes creates one person to turn on another (publicly). [C]oming soon. ..."
Hmm, "creates one person" should be "causes one person". So what's the decode on this
Good question (without the ?, like POTUS' first sentence). Only Q knows the true/intended meaning(s) for his/her/their posts. For us, we theorize... Another masked player/actor/role created, perhaps?
Sorry, I've no idea why I missed the ?
Can I blame it on the insensitive keyboard?
And here I thought you were channeling POTUS as his first sentence in the above Truth is a question without a question mark. Sure - "insensitive keyboard" works for me (chuckle). You're always so good at pointing out typing and grammar errors, I thought I'd do the same, this in a spirit of playful ribbing. While it might rub others the wrong way at times, I genuinely appreciate when you (and others) have pointed out my errors. It's like having a bonafide editor to clean things up. Cheers, friend.
Fits Esdras' prophecy (2nd book of Esdras), though that prophecy suggests that two stand to take the seat when Biden is removed faster than Trump was removed.
If this clown we have in the Whitehouse is an actor, then Trump back in 2024 still can fit as a "young lion" chasing away one of Daniel's end time beasts (ie deep state US government).
Though if it is Biden actually sitting in the presidential role, we have an Antichrist (ie little horn with the eyes & mouth) to go through making war against the saints (followers of Christ?) before the young lion chases out the beast & restores the Constitution. Granted I could be misunderstanding all of this, though I have been amazed at how it seems to have lined up well with my best guesses at the plan Q put forth.
edit: Esdras is a book in the apocrypha
Do we have a link? I can't find this on TS. Thank you!
Flip in 2024
Thank you! This is awesome!
I do not have a link, I didn't know another way to share other than a screenshot. But I took the screenshot on June 19 and was 3 days old at that point. You'll have to scroll through all PDJT truths just as I did.
Illusion found it for me, thank you! How did we miss this?
We didn't it was talked about days ago. Js. https://greatawakening.win/p/16bPeXqUy5/djt-re-devin-archer--he-will-fli/c/
thank you! I should have written, "How did I miss this?"
Oh, my president sure knows how to trigger the opposition with the red meat! Please let it be true.
But but but who would his vice president be……?
He could probably keep Kumala. That's better than SS protection. Nobody would want to impeach him again.